Sandbox_EN = {
Sandbox_Camouflage = "Braven's Camouflage",
Sandbox_Camouflage_CammoDuration = "Camouflage Duration",
Sandbox_Camouflage_StunDuration = "Stun Duration",
Sandbox_Camouflage_StunDuration_tooltip = "Determines for how long zombies are confused if not sure if the Player is a fellow undead.
Stun duration is calculated in frames per second.",
Sandbox_Camouflage_MinDistance = "Minimum Distance",
Sandbox_Camouflage_MinDistance_tooltip = "Determines the distance that camouflaged Players must keep from zombies to remain camouflaged.
Set to -1 to disable this gameplay mechanic.",
Sandbox_Camouflage_Nausea = "Nausea",
Sandbox_Camouflage_Nausea_tooltip = "Determines how much nausea Players receive after camouflaging.
Set to 0 to disable this gameplay mechanic.",