module Base { /* Asphalt Recipes */ item AsphaltMixturePowder { DisplayCategory = Material, Weight = 5, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Bag of Asphalt Mixture Powder, Icon = AsphaltMixture, Tooltip = Tooltip_AsphaltMixturePowder, SurvivalGear = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = BMBagOfAsphaltMixture, } item BucketAsphaltMixtureFull { DisplayCategory = Material, Weight = 10, Type = Drainable, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, UseDelta = 0.0625, DisplayName = Bucket of Asphalt Mixture, ReplaceOnDeplete = BucketEmpty, ReplaceOnUseOn = WaterSource-BucketWaterFull, Icon = MetalBucket_Concrete, StaticModel = Bucket, EatType = Bucket, WorldStaticModel = BucketFullConcrete_Ground, } /* Making Glass Items */ item PanWithGlassShards { weight = 1.5, Type = Food, DisplayName = PanWithGlassShards, DisplayCategory = Material, Icon = PanWithGlassShards, WorldStaticModel = RoastingPanWithGlassShards, IsCookable = true, MinutesToCook = 90, MinutesToBurn = 900, ReplaceOnCooked = PanWithGlassPane, } item PanWithGlassPane { weight = 1.5, Type = Normal, DisplayName = PanWithGlassPane, Icon = PanWithGlassPane, DisplayCategory = Material, WorldStaticModel = RoastingPanWithGlassPane, } item GlassPane { weight = 1.0, Type = Normal, DisplayName = GlassPane, Icon = GlassPane, DisplayCategory = Material, WorldStaticModel = GlassPane, } /* Secret Entrances Recipes */ item BMMagazineSecretEntrances { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = BMMagazineSecretEntrances, Icon = MagazineBlacksmith1, TeachedRecipes = Build Secret Entrance, ReplaceOnUse = BMMagazineSecretEntrances, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = MagazineGround, Tooltip = Tooltip_BMMagazineSecretEntrances, } /* Glass Recipes */ item BMMagazineGlass { weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = BMMagazineGlass, Icon = BMMagazineGlass, TeachedRecipes = BMPrepareGlassShards;BMUnprepareGlassShards;BMRemoveGlassPane, ReplaceOnUse = BMMagazineGlass, DisplayCategory = SkillBook, StaticModel = BMMagazine, WorldStaticModel = MagazineGlass, Tooltip = Tooltip_BMMagazineGlass, } /* Car Recipes */ item BMMagazineCars { weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = BMMagazineCars, Icon = BMMagazineCar, TeachedRecipes = BMWindshield1;BMWindshield2;BMWindshield3;BMRearWindshield1;BMRearWindshield2;BMRearWindshield3;BMFrontWindow1;BMFrontWindow2;BMFrontWindow3;BMRearWindow1;BMRearWindow2;BMRearWindow3, ReplaceOnUse = BMMagazineCars, DisplayCategory = SkillBook, StaticModel = BMMagazine, WorldStaticModel = MagazineCar, } }