IGUI_EN = { IGUI_chc_context_onclick = "Craft Helper" IGUI_AllowSpecialSearch = "Enable special commands" IGUI_AllowSpecialSearchTooltip = "Commands are used in searches (click on magnifier left of the search bar to learn more)" IGUI_ShowIcons = "Show icons of items" IGUI_ShowIconsTooltip = "Show icons of recipe results/items in the list" IGUI_ShowHidden = "Show hidden items/recipes" IGUI_ShowHiddenTooltip = "Items without DisplayName and recipes with "IsHidden: true" in definition. Reload save to take effect" IGUI_CloseAllOnExit = "Close all tabs on close" IGUI_CloseAllOnExitTooltip = "Close all item tabs, when closing window (via hotkey or clicking 'x')" IGUI_ListFontSize = "Font size" IGUI_ListFontSizeTooltip = "Font size of recipe list (left column)" IGUI_RecipeSelectorModifier = "Select recipe key" IGUI_RecipeSelectorModifierTooltip = "Modifier key(s) held down while selecting recipes ('%1' and '%2' keybinds)" IGUI_CategorySelectorModifier = "Select category key" IGUI_CategorySelectorModifierTooltip = "Modifier key(s) held down while selecting categories ('%1' and '%2' keybinds)" IGUI_TabSelectorModifier = "Select tab key" IGUI_TabSelectorModifierTooltip = "Modifier key(s) held down while selecting tabs ('%1' and '%2' keybinds)" IGUI_ShowRecipeModule = "Show recipe origin" IGUI_ShowRecipeModuleTooltip = "Display mod, where recipe came from. Note: recipe 'mod' is just module, where this recipe was defined (in .txt file), some mods use default module ('Base')" IGUI_ShowAllItemProps = "Show all item attributes" IGUI_ShowAllItemPropsTooltip = "Most of item attributes with default values are hidden by default. If selected, all attributes will be shown" IGUI_DelayedSearch = "Enable delayed search" IGUI_DelayedSearchTooltip = "When active, search will be performed only after you press Enter" IGUI_OnContextBehaviour = "Context behaviour" IGUI_OnContextBehaviourDefaultOption = "Default" IGUI_OnContextBehaviourExtraOption = "Extra" IGUI_OnContextBehaviourTooltip = "What to show when opening item context menu? %1 %2 %3" IGUI_OnContextBehaviourTooltipFirst = "'%1' - Nothing (useful when keybind is set)" IGUI_OnContextBehaviourTooltipSecond = "'%1' - Only '%2' option" IGUI_OnContextBehaviourTooltipThird = "'%1' - '%2', '%3' and '%4' options" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_AlarmClockClothing = "Wrist watch" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_Drainable = "Drainable" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_Map = "Map" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_Moveable = "Furniture" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_Normal = "Normal" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_Radio = "Radio" IGUI_CHC_ItemCat_Key = "Key" IGUI_CHC_RecipeCat_Evolved = "Evolved" IGUI_CHC_Evolved_Max_Ingr = "(Max ingredients: %1)" IGUI_new_tab = "Open in new tab" IGUI_find_item = "Find item" IGUI_mod_chc = "Mod" IGUI_tab_ctx_close_others = "Close others" IGUI_no_recipes = "No recipes found" IGUI_ShowFavItemsInventory = "Show favorite item icons" IGUI_ShowFavItemsInventoryTooltip = "Shows a blue star outline on an item in inventory (item must be in favorites)" IGUI_EditableCategorySelector = "Enable text input in category selector" IGUI_EditableCategorySelectorTooltip = "Change tab to apply" IGUI_TextTooLongTooltip = " Text too long " IGUI_chc_Copy = "Copy" IGUI_CopyNameProps_ctx = "Name" IGUI_CopyValueProps_ctx = "Value" IGUI_CopyValueSearchProps_ctx = "Value for search" IGUI_chc_Paste = "Paste" IGUI_PinProps_ctx = "Pin" IGUI_UnpinProps_ctx = "Unpin" IGUI_BlacklistProps_ctx = "Blacklist" IGUI_UnblacklistProps_ctx = "Unblacklist" IGUI_ItemDetails_Attributes_tab = "Attributes" IGUI_Synthetic_Recipe_result_tooltip = "Build via right clicking in world" IGUI_Evolved_Recipe_result_tooltip = "Evolved recipe" IGUI_DelayedSearchBarTooltip = "Press Enter to search" IGUI_RecipeResult = "Result" IGUI_Evolved_Ingredient = "Ingredient" IGUI_Evolved_Random = "Random" IGUI_Evolved_SelectSpecific = "Select specific" IGUI_AllOf = "All of:" }