UI_EN = { UI_item_uses_tab_name = "Uses" UI_item_craft_tab_name = "Craft" UI_common_left_col_name = "Recipe" UI_common_right_col_name = "Details" UI_search_tab_name = "Search" UI_search_items_tab_name = "Items" UI_search_recipes_tab_name = "Recipes" UI_recipe_panel_required_book = "Required books (one of)" UI_recipe_panel_near_item = "Required Crafting Equipment" UI_settings_st_title = "Sort order" UI_settings_av_title = "Availability" UI_settings_av_valid = "Valid" UI_settings_av_known = "Known" UI_settings_av_invalid = "Invalid" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_category_title = "Craft Helper" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_move_up = "Select previous recipe" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_move_down = "Select next recipe" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_move_left = "Select previous category" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_move_right = "Select next category" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_craft_one = "Craft one" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_craft_all = "Craft all" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_favorite_recipe = "Favorite selected recipe" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_close_window = "Close Craft Helper window" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_toggle_window = "Toggle Craft Helper window" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_toggle_uses_craft = "Toggle between uses/craft" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_move_tab_left = "Select previous tab" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_move_tab_right = "Select next tab" UI_optionscreen_binding_chc_toggle_focus_search_bar = "Focus search bar" UI_infotext_search = " Search Screen ".. " Here you can find all items and recipes. " UI_infotext_favorites = " Favorite Screen ".. " Here you can find favorited items and recipes. " UI_infotext_itemtab = " Item Screen ".. " Here you can find detailed information about '%1' ".. "First tab (%2) shows recipes, where '%1' is used as ingredient. ".. "Second tab (%3) shows recipes, result of which is '%1'. " UI_infotext_common = " Left column (Recipe) shows list of items/recipes with some additional controls. First line is filter row. ".. " ".. "Button 1 shows current sorting order of items/recipes. Click button to change order. ".. "Button 2 allows you to select type of desired output: ".. " %1 ".. " Element 3 is category selector, where you can specify desired category. ".. "Under filter row there is search bar, where you can search by item/recipe name or by specific rules, depending on your query. ".. "To learn more about search rules, click on ".. " Right column (Details) shows the details of the item/recipe: ".. " %2 ".. "Controls: ".. " - You can resize Recipe and Details columns by dragging line between their names ".. " - Right click on item tab name to open context menu ".. "%3 ".. " - With 'Mod Options' you can set hotkeys for frequent actions" -- %1 UI_infotext_recipe_types = "- (%1): All recipes ".. "- (%2): Recipes that you can craft right now ".. "- (%3): Recipes that you know about, but can't craft (lack of skills/items) ".. "- (%4): Recipes that you know nothing about. Will show book(-s), from which it can be learned." UI_infotext_item_types = " - Clothing - Food - Weapon - ..." -- %2 UI_infotext_recipe_details = " - Info about recipe category and resulting item(-s) ".. " - Required items ".. " - Other requirements (skills, books, crafting equipment and time to craft)" UI_infotext_item_details = " - Basic info about item and number of recipes ".. " - Item attributes ".. " - How to fix this item (if possible) (WIP) ".. " - Where to find this item (WIP)" -- %3 UI_infotext_recipe_mouse = " - Left click on star icon (Recipe column, mouse over element) to (un-)favorite recipe ".. " - Right click on recipe result icon (Details column) to open context menu ".. " - Right click on item in 'Required items' (Details column) to open context menu" UI_infotext_item_mouse = " - Middle click on item (Recipe column) to open new tab with clicked item in background ".. " - Right click on item (Recipe column) to open context menu ".. " - Right click on item icon (Details column) to open context menu ".. " - Shift + Right click on some elements (see above) will display additional options" UI_searchrow_info = " Search Helper ".. " This search bar supports custom rules. Each separated query (word) called Token. ".. "You can search by multiple queries at once, using SEPARATORS. ".. "You can prepend each Token with SPECIAL SYMBOLS to specify search rule for this Token. ".. "With 'Mod Options' you can set hotkey to focus search bar. Unfocus on ESC. ".. " Separators: ".. " , (comma) - combine all Tokens results (logical AND), can be used for very specific filtering ".. " | (vertical bar) - separate all Tokens (logical OR), can be used to search multiple queries separately ".. " Special symbols: ".. "%1".. " ~ (tilde) - excludes this Token (i.e find everything thats NOT Token; must be after special character, if using them) ".. " Examples: ".. "%2".. " Limitations: ".. "- Can't use both separators (',' and '|') in one query " -- %1 UI_searchrow_info_recipes_special = " ! (exclamation mark) - search by recipe category ".. " @ (at sign) - search by mod name of resulting item ('Project Zomboid' for vanilla 'mod') ".. " # (number sign) - search by recipe ingredients ".. " $ (dollar sign) - search by category of resulting item (shown in right side of inventory panel) ".. " % (percent sign) - search by name of resulting item ".. " ^ (caret) - search by favorited recipes ".. " & (ampersand) - search by mod name of recipe ('Base' for vanilla 'mod') " UI_searchrow_info_items_special = " ! (exclamation mark) - search by item type ".. " @ (at sign) - search by mod name of item ('Project Zomboid' for vanilla 'mod') ".. " # (number sign) - search by item category (shown in right side of inventory panel) ".. " $ (dollar sign) - search by item attributes " UI_searchrow_info_item_attributes_special = " ! (exclamation mark) - search by attribute name ".. " @ (at sign) - search by attribute value " -- %2 UI_searchrow_info_recipes_examples = "#hamm - show recipes which ingredients include something with 'hamm' in name ".. "@hydrocra,!engineer,#saw - show recipes from Hydrocraft (or similar) in 'engineer' recipe category, which have 'saw' as ingredient ".. "%plank|!food - show recipes where 'plank' is the result, OR recipes in 'food' category " UI_searchrow_info_items_examples = "#tool,!~weapon : show tools which is not a weapon (e.g needle, saw, tongs) ".. "$maxdamage>4,$maxdamage<5 - show items with MaxDamage attribute between 4 and 5 " UI_searchrow_info_item_attributes_examples = "!>a,!: show attributes which name starts from a or b " }