Customizable Zombies - Optimized code. - CN [Mandarin (Simplified)] translation improved by Surgeol Customizable Zombies 2.4.4 - [Build 41.65 MP] Fixed an issue for Dedicated/Local servers when 2 or more players joined a server. Clients should now agree on each zombie type being the same and not different. Thanks again to Lemos for helping with this issue. Customizable Zombies - Optimized code. Customizable Zombies - Fixed an issue in 41.65 MP for Local and Dedicated Servers, which caused zombies to not update properly when a player wanders very far away from the area where they loaded into. Customizable Zombies - [Build 41.65 MP] Hotfix for random rare bug could cause sprinters to spawn. Customizable Zombies 2.4.3 - [Build 41.65 MP] Fixed an issue introduced by Build 41.60+ where Zombies are now being updated by the Client instead of the Server. - [Build 41.65 MP] Credits to Lemos for providing a solution that sends a LUA table from the Server to the Client. I have referenced their code and use bits of it. Customizable Zombies 2.4.2 - [Build 41.60+ MP] Fixed errors caused by a function for Build 41.60+ MP. - [Build 41.60+ MP] Credits to Bondzberg and Dogfight for informing me about a fix. Customizable Zombies - Fixed a display issue in the Options UI. Customizable Zombies 2.4.1 - [Build 41.50 IWBUMS] Fixed issue with Crawlers not spawning properly. Customizable Zombies 2.4.0 (fixed for Multiplayer) - Fixed a bug involving zombies that sometimes stand up randomly near players. Customizable Zombies 2.3.9 - Found and fixed issue with crawling zombie numbers increasing. Customizable Zombies 2.3.8 - Hotfix [Mod Conflict Bug]: Fixed the client lua file that would sometimes randomly break when running this mod along with Superb Survivors. This mod should now be very stable with Superb Survivors. Customizable Zombies 2.3.7 - [Build 40.43] Fixed an issue where zombies don't spawn with preferred settings when creating a hosted multiplayer server from the main menu. Customizable Zombies 2.3.6 - Language Improvements. - Russian (RU): Improved by Droopi. Customizable Zombies 2.3.5 - Changed "$HPMultiplier$" setting. You may now type in numbers for this setting. MIN VALUE = 0.001, MAX VALUE = 100. Customizable Zombies [2.3.4 - 2.3.1] - [2.3.4] Added tooltip to "$HPMultiplier$" setting. - [2.3.3] Hotfix: Fixed HP Multiplier so that it now works with the Sandbox Zombie Lore option "Toughness". - [2.3.2] Hotfix: Fixed minor bug with "CZombie" causing some errors. - [2.3.1] Hotfix: Fixed translation for HP Multiplier. Customizable Zombies 2.3.0 - Feature: You may now modify the health of zombies using the "$HPMultiplier$" setting in the Game "Options" inside the tab "CZombie".