ContextMenu_EN = { ---------- English - EE ---------- ----- Coding/Programming Strings ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_true = "true", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_false = "false", ----- Zombie Settings ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_HPMultiplier = "Health Multiplier", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_HPMultiplier_Tooltip = "(Default: 1.000) Multiplies the zombie's Health by this number.", ----- FakeDead ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_1_Title = "% chance to spawn in Fake Dead state", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_1_Tooltip = "The % chance that a zombie will be in a Fake Dead state.", ----- Crawler ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_2_Title = "% of Crawlers", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_2_Tooltip = "The % chance that a zombie will be a Crawler.", ----- Shambler ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_3_Title = "% of Shamblers", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_3_Tooltip = "The % chance that a zombie will be a Shambler.", ----- FastShambler ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_4_Title = "% of Fast Shamblers", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_4_Tooltip = "The % chance that a zombie will be a Fast Shambler.", ----- Sprinter ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_5_Title = "% of Sprinters", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_5_Tooltip = "The % chance that a zombie will be a Sprinter.", ----- Preset ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_6_Title = "Preset: ", ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_6_Tooltip = "I created presets here for convience.", ----- README Message ----- ContextMenu_CustomizableZombies_ReadmeMessage = "README:
Hit 'APPLY' to make sure the percentages balance how you want it to.
The Crawler, Shambler, Fast Shamber, and Sprinter percentages must combine and equal 100% total.

(Fake Dead % is not affected)", }