Sandbox_EN = { Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies = "Definitive Zombies", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MainPage = "[DZ] Definitive Zombies", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DaylightPage = "[DZ] Daylight Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightPage = "[DZ] Night Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperaturePage = "[DZ] Temperature Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogPage = "[DZ] Fog Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainPage = "[DZ] Rain Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowPage = "[DZ] Snow Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudPage = "[DZ] Cloud Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindPage = "[DZ] Wind Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPage1 = "[DZ] Moon Settings 1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPage2 = "[DZ] Moon Settings 2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechPage = "[DZ] Speech Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimePage = "[DZ] Time Settings", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DebugEnable = "Enable Debug", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_UpdateInterval = "Update Interval", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_UpdateReroll = "Update Reroll", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeedEnable = "Enable Speed", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineSpeed = "Baseline Speed", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_StrengthEnable = "Enable Strength", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineStrength = "Baseline Strength", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_ToughnessEnable = "Enable Toughness", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineToughness = "Baseline Toughness", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CognitionEnable = "Enable Cognition", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineCognition = "Baseline Cognition", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MemoryEnable = "Enable Memory", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineMemory = "Baseline Memory", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SightEnable = "Enable Sight", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineSight = "Baseline Sight", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_HearingEnable = "Enable Hearing", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineHearing = "Baseline Hearing", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeedEffect = "Speed effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_StrengthEffect = "Strength effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_ToughnessEffect = "Toughness effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CognitionEffect = "Cognition effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MemoryEffect = "Memory effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SightEffect = "Sight effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_HearingEffect = "Hearing effect", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option1 = "Increase by 99 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option2 = "Increase by 4 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option3 = "Increase by 3 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option4 = "Increase by 2 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option5 = "Increase by 1 Stage", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option6 = "Nothing", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option7 = "Decrease by 1 Stage", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option8 = "Decrease by 2 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option9 = "Decrease by 3 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option10 = "Decrease by 4 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_Effects_option11 = "Decrease by 99 Stages", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightEnable = "Enable Night", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightInterval0 = "Night interval 0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightInterval1 = "Night interval 1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightInterval2 = "Night interval 2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightEnable = "Enable Day Light", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightInterval0 = "Day Light interval 0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightInterval1 = "Day Light interval 1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightInterval2 = "Day Light interval 2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureEnable = "Enable Temperature", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureInterval0 = "Temperature interval0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureInterval1 = "Temperature interval1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureInterval2 = "Temperature interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityEnable = "Enable Fog Intensity", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityInterval0 = "Fog Intensity interval0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityInterval1 = "Fog Intensity interval1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityInterval2 = "Fog Intensity interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityEnable = "Enable Rain Intensity", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityInterval0 = "Rain Intensity interval0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityInterval1 = "Rain Intensity interval1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityInterval2 = "Rain Intensity interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityEnable = "Enable Snow Intensity", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityInterval0 = "Snow Intensity interval0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityInterval1 = "Snow Intensity interval1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityInterval2 = "Snow Intensity interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityEnable = "Enable Cloud Intensity", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityInterval0 = "Cloud Intensity interval0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityInterval1 = "Cloud Intensity interval1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityInterval2 = "Cloud Intensity interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityEnable = "Enable Wind Intensity", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityInterval0 = "Wind Intensity interval0", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityInterval1 = "Wind Intensity interval1", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityInterval2 = "Wind Intensity interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseFullEnable = "Full Moon Enable", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseMoonThreshold = "Moon Threshold", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval0 = "New Moon", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval1 = "Waxing Crescent", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval2 = "First Quarter", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval3 = "Waxing Gibbous", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval4 = "Full Moon", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval5 = "Waning Gibbous", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval6 = "Third Quarter", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval7 = "Waning Crescent", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechEnable = "Enable Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechDayLightEnable = "Enable Daylight Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechNightEnable = "Enable Night Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechTemperatureEnable = "Enable Temperature Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechFogIntensityEnable = "Enable Fog Intensity Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechRainIntensityEnable = "Enable Rain Intensity Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechSnowIntensityEnable = "Enable Snow Intensity Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechCloudIntensityEnable = "Enable Cloud Intensity Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechWindIntensityEnable = "Enable Wind Intensity Speech", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeechMoonPhaseEnable = "Enable Moon Phase Speech" Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimeEnable = "Enable Time", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimeInterval0 = "Dawn", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimeInterval1 = "Dusk", Sandbox_DZ_Seed_Page1 = "[DZ] Seed Settings 1", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed_Enable = "Enable Speed Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DZ_Seed_Page2 = "[DZ] Seed Settings 2", Sandbox_DZ_Seed_Page3 = "[DZ] Seed Settings 3", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed_Enable = "Enable Strength Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed_Enable = "Enable Toughness Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed_Enable = "Enable Cognition Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed_Enable = "Enable Memory Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed_Enable = "Enable Sight Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed_Enable = "Enable Hearing Seeding", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed1 = "Chance 1", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed1_Effect = "Effect 1", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed2 = "Chance 2 ", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed2_Effect = "Effect 2", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed3 = "Chance 3 ", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed3_Effect = "Effect 3", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed4 = "Chance 4 ", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed4_Effect = "Effect 4", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed5 = "Chance 5 ", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that a zombie will have its stat modified", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed5_Effect = "Effect 5", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DebugEnable_tooltip = "Turn on debugging mode. Debugging text will be written into: C:/Users//Zomboid/console.txt", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_UpdateInterval_tooltip = "How often the zombies will update, tied to the user's frame rate. Lower values will increase the rate in which zombies update, requires a powerful machine.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_UpdateReroll_tooltip = "Spaces out how often the zombies will update. This will reduce the memory load to your machine. Lower values will increase the frequency in which zombies update, , requires a powerful machine.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeedEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's speed stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineSpeed_tooltip = "The starting speed of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_StrengthEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's strength stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineStrength_tooltip = "The starting strength of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_ToughnessEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's toughness stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineToughness_tooltip = "The starting toughness of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CognitionEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's toughness stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineCognition_tooltip = "The starting toughness of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MemoryEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's memory stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineMemory_tooltip = "The starting memory of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SightEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's sight stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineSight_tooltip = "The starting sight of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_HearingEnable_tooltip = "Definitive Zombies will affect the zombie's hearing stat. Disable to improve compatibility between similar mods.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_BaselineHearing_tooltip = "The starting hearing of the zombies.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SpeedEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's speed will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_StrengthEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's strength will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_ToughnessEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's toughness will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CognitionEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's cognition will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MemoryEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's memory will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SightEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's sight will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_HearingEffect_tooltip = "The zombie's hearing will be modified by this amount if the climate interval above is achieved.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightEnable_tooltip = "Daylight will affect the zombie's stats. Do not modify the intervals unless you know what to do as this is tied to the Night climate", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of Daylight needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of Daylight needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DayLightInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of Daylight needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightEnable_tooltip = "Night will affect the zombie's stats. Do not modify the intervals unless you know what to do as this is tied to the Day climate", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightInterval0_tooltip = "How dark the world needs to be to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightInterval1_tooltip = "How dark the world needs to be to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_NightInterval2_tooltip = "How dark the world needs to be to to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureEnable_tooltip = "Temperature will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureInterval0_tooltip = "The required temperature needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals. Do not modify unless you know what to do", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureInterval1_tooltip = "The required temperature needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TemperatureInterval2_tooltip = "The required temperature needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityEnable_tooltip = "Fog will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of fog needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of fog needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_FogIntensityInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of fog needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityEnable_tooltip = "Rain will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of rain needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of rain needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_RainIntensityInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of rain needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityEnable_tooltip = "Snow will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of snow needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of snow needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_SnowIntensityInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of snow needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityEnable_tooltip = "Clouds will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of cloud needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of cloud needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_CloudIntensityInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of cloud needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityEnable_tooltip = "Wind will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of wind needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of wind needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_WindIntensityInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of wind needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonEnable_tooltip = "The phases of the moon will affect the zombie's stats", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseFullEnable_tooltip = "Enable to allow the phases of the moon to affect zombies stats", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseMoonThreshold_tooltip = "How dark the world needs to be before the moon is able to affect zombies stats. Setting it to 0 will cause the stats to be active throughout the day", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval0_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a new moon", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval1_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a waxing crescent", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval2_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a first quarter", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval3_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a waxing gibbous", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval4_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a full moon", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval5_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a waning gibbous", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval6_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a third quarter", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_MoonPhaseInterval7_tooltip = "Zombie stats under a waning crescent", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimeEnable_tooltip = "In-game time will affect the zombie's stats", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimeInterval0_tooltip = "The required in-game time before the following stats becomes active. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_TimeInterval1_tooltip = "The required in-game time before the following stats becomes active. This should be the highest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DZ_Speed_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Speed stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Speed_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Speed_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Speed_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Speed_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Speed_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DZ_Strength_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Strength stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Strength_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Strength_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Strength_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Strength_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Strength_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DZ_Toughness_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Toughness stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Toughness_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Toughness_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Toughness_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Toughness_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Toughness_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DZ_Cognition_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Cognition stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Cognition_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Cognition_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Cognition_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Cognition_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Cognition_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DZ_Memory_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Memory stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Memory_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Memory_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Memory_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Memory_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Memory_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DZ_Sight_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Sight stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Sight_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Sight_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Sight_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Sight_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Sight_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DZ_Hearing_Seed_Enable_tooltip = "Enable randomisation for the Hearing stat. Chances will be normalised at the end", Sandbox_ DZ_Hearing_Seed1_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Hearing_Seed2_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Hearing_Seed3_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Hearing_Seed4_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_ DZ_Hearing_Seed5_tooltip = "The chance that the zombie will use the following stat", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DUMMYEnable_tooltip = "DUMMY will affect the zombie's stats.", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DUMMYInterval0_tooltip = "The amount of DUMMY needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the lowest value among the intervals", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DUMMYInterval1_tooltip = "The amount of DUMMY needed to modify the zombie stats below. Value should be in-between Interval0 and Interval2 ", Sandbox_DefinitiveZombies_DUMMYInterval2_tooltip = "The amount of DUMMY needed to modify the zombie stats below. This should be the highest value among the intervals", }