IGUI_EN = { IGUI_skilltooltip_basecarrycapacity = "base carry capacity", IGUI_skilltooltip_blockchance = "block chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_meleedamage = "melee damage", IGUI_skilltooltip_pushknockdown = "push knockdown", IGUI_skilltooltip_chancetoclimbtallfences = "chance to climb tall fences", IGUI_skilltooltip_trait = "trait", IGUI_skilltooltip_enduranceloss = "endurance loss", IGUI_skilltooltip_endurancerecovery = "endurance recovery", IGUI_skilltooltip_attackspeed = "attack speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_tripchance = "trip chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_runningspeed = "running speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_sprintingspeed = "sprinting speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_footstepssoundradius = "footsteps sound radius", IGUI_skilltooltip_combatwalkspeed = "combat walk speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_footstepssoundradiuswhilesneaking = "footsteps sound radius while sneaking", IGUI_skilltooltip_detectionchance = "detection chance (every tick)", IGUI_skilltooltip_damage = "damage", IGUI_skilltooltip_critchance = "crit chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_extradamage = "extra damage", IGUI_skilltooltip_attackrange = "attack range", IGUI_skilltooltip_extradamage = "extra damage", IGUI_skilltooltip_endurancecost = "endurance cost", IGUI_skilltooltip_injurychance = "dodge chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_chanceofjawstab = "chance of jawstab", IGUI_skilltooltip_decreasedchanceofshortbladegettingstuckinazombie = "Decreased chance of short blades getting stuck in zombies", IGUI_skilltooltip_Slightincreasein = "Slight increase in", IGUI_skilltooltip_durability = "durability", IGUI_skilltooltip_Increaseddurabilityofallweapons = "Increased durability of all weapons, especially those with low durability", IGUI_skilltooltip_barricadingtimewood = "barricading time (wood)", IGUI_skilltooltip_healthforwoodenconstructions = "health for wooden constructions", IGUI_skilltooltip_craftedspeardurability = "crafted spear durability", IGUI_skilltooltip_ingredientsused = "ingredients used", IGUI_skilltooltip_morecalories = "more calories, proteins, carbs, and lipids in cooked meals", IGUI_skilltooltip_cookingspeed = "cooking speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canuserottenfood = "Can use %1% of rotten food as ingredient", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantellpoison = "Can tell if a cooked meal has poison", IGUI_skilltooltip_bandagelife= "bandage life", IGUI_skilltooltip_fracturehealingspeed = "fracture healing speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_movespeedwithafracture = "move speed with a fracture", IGUI_skilltooltip_fastermedicalactions = "faster medical actions", IGUI_skilltooltip_fastermedicalchecks = "faster medical checks on other survivors", IGUI_skilltooltip_barricadingtimemetal = "barricading time (metal)", IGUI_skilltooltip_vehiclesalvagingtime = "vehicle salvaging time", IGUI_skilltooltip_hoodopeningtime = "hood opening time and servicing time", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicingtime = "servicing time", IGUI_skilltooltip_Sheetpaddingsprovide = "Sheet paddings provide", IGUI_skilltooltip_Denimpaddingsprovide = "Denim paddings provide", IGUI_skilltooltip_Leatherpaddingsprovide = "Leather paddings provide", IGUI_skilltooltip_scratchdefense = "scratch defense", IGUI_skilltooltip_bitedefense = "bite defense", IGUI_skilltooltip_chancetogetthread = "chance to get thread from ripping clothes", IGUI_skilltooltip_chanceofgettingpaddingback = "chance of getting padding back upon removing it", IGUI_skilltooltip_Rippingclothesyieldsmorefabric = "Ripping clothes yields more fabric", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canrepairclothes = "Can repair clothes with the right kind of fabric", IGUI_skilltooltip_increasegunstats = "Increases accuracy, precision, range, firing angle, and aiming time depending on the gun", IGUI_skilltooltip_generatorconditionrepaired = "Generator condition repaired per electronic scrap", IGUI_skilltooltip_experience = "experience", IGUI_skilltooltip_Insertsandremovesmagazinesfaster = "Inserts and removes magazines faster.", IGUI_skilltooltip_Loadsunloadsmagazinesfaster= "Loads and unloads magazines faster.", IGUI_skilltooltip_Loadsweaponsfaster = "Loads weapons faster.", IGUI_skilltooltip_Increasedcatchchance = "Increased catch chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_SnareTraps(*) = "Can build Snare Traps (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_requiresknowledge = "(* = requires knowledge)", IGUI_skilltooltip_with = "with", IGUI_skilltooltip_can = "Can", IGUI_skilltooltip_Buildsunlocked = "Builds unlocked", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canbuild = "Can build", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canmake = "Can make", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canfind = "Can find", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canfindmore = "Can find more", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canproperlyservice = "Can properly service", IGUI_skilltooltip_TrapBox = "Can build Trap Boxes if Carpentry is level 1 (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_CageTraps= "Can build Cage Traps (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughwoodenfloor = "Can build rough wooden floor", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodensign = "Can build wooden sign", IGUI_skilltooltip_wallframes = "Can build wall frames", IGUI_skilltooltip_doorframes = "Can build door frames", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenwallslvl1 = "Can build wooden walls lvl 1", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenwindowslvl1 = "Can build wooden windows lvl 1", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughwoodenfences = "Can build rough wooden fences", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughwoodenshelves = "Can build rough wooden shelves", IGUI_skilltooltip_composter = "Can build composter", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughsmallbookcases = "Can build rough small bookcases", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughwoodencrates = "Can build rough wooden crates", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughwoodendoors = "Can build rough wooden doors", IGUI_skilltooltip_properwoodenfloors = "Can build proper wooden floors", IGUI_skilltooltip_bettercounters = "Can build better counters", IGUI_skilltooltip_bettertables = "Can build better tables", IGUI_skilltooltip_betterwoodendoors = "Can build better wooden doors", IGUI_skilltooltip_beds = "Can build beds", IGUI_skilltooltip_basicraincollectorbarrels = "Can build basic rain collector barrels", IGUI_skilltooltip_lamponpillar = "Can build lamp on pillar", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenwallslvl2 = "Can build wooden walls lvl 2", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenwindowslvl2 = "Can build wooden windows lvl 2", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canplasterwoodenwallslv3 = "Can plaster wooden walls lvl 3", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenstakesandbarbedfences = "Can build wooden stakes and barbed fences", IGUI_skilltooltip_roughbookcase = "Can build rough bookcase", IGUI_skilltooltip_stairs = "Can build stairs", IGUI_skilltooltip_doublewoodendoors = "Can build double wooden doors", IGUI_skilltooltip_properwoodencrates = "Can build proper wooden crates", IGUI_skilltooltip_propercounters = "Can build proper counters", IGUI_skilltooltip_propertables = "Can build proper tables", IGUI_skilltooltip_properdoors = "Can build proper doors", IGUI_skilltooltip_properbookcases = "Can build proper bookcases", IGUI_skilltooltip_qualityraincollectorbarrels = "Can build quality rain collector barrels", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenwallslvl3 = "Can build wooden walls lvl 3", IGUI_skilltooltip_woodenwindowslvl3 = "Can build wooden windows lvl 3", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantellcurrentgrowthphase = "Can tell a crop's current growth phase", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantellhealthmoreeasily = "Can tell a crop's health more easily", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantellwaterlevelmoreeasily = "Can tell a crop's water level more easily", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantellgrowthlevelmoreeasily = "Can tell a crop's growth level more easily", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantelldiseaselevel = "Can tell a crop's disease level", IGUI_skilltooltip_Cantellwhennextgrowthphasewilloccur = "Can tell when a crop's next growth phase will occur", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canhotwirevehicleswithmechanics = "Can hotwire vehicles (with Mechanics level 2)", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canhotwirevehicleswithelectrical = "Can hotwire vehicles (with Electrical level 1)", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canchangelightstobebatterypowered = "Can change lights to be battery-powered", IGUI_skilltooltip_Increasedvehiclehoodefficiency = "Increased vehicle hood & trunk repair efficiency", IGUI_skilltooltip_Standardenginerepair = "Repairs %1% of a Standard engine per engine part", IGUI_skilltooltip_Heavydutydenginerepair = "Repairs %1% of a Heavy-Duty engine per engine part", IGUI_skilltooltip_Sportenginerepair = "Repairs %1% of a Sport engine per engine part", IGUI_skilltooltip_serviceseats = "Can competently service seats", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicetires = "Can competently service tires", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicewindows = "Can competently service windows", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicehood = "Can competently service hood", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicetrunklids = "Can competently service trunk lids", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicebrakes = "Can competently service brakes", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicesuspensions = "Can competently service suspensions", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicedoors = "Can competently service doors", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicegastanks = "Can competently service gas tanks", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicemufflers = "Can competently service mufflers", IGUI_skilltooltip_servicewindshields = "Can competently service windshields", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canhotwirevehicleswithelectrical = "Can hotwire vehicles (with Electrical level 1)", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canrepairvehiclehoodstrunks = "Can repair vehicle hoods & trunks", IGUI_skilltooltip_CanextractenginepartsfromStandardengines = "Can extract engine parts from Standard engines", IGUI_skilltooltip_CanextractenginepartsfromHeavyDutyengines = "Can extract engine parts from Heavy-Duty engines", IGUI_skilltooltip_CanextractenginepartsfromSportengines = "Can extract engine parts from Sport engines", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalwalllvl1 = "Can build metal walls lvl 1 (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalwallframes = "Can build metal wall frames (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalfences = "Can build metal fences (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_polefences = "Can build pole fences (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalshelves = "Can build metal shelves (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_wiredfences = "Can build wired fences (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_polefencegates = "Can build pole fence gates (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalcrates = "Can build metal crates (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalwindowslvl1 = "Can build metal window lvl 1 (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_bigwiredfences = "Can build big wired fences (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_bigmetalcounters = "Can build big metal counters (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_smalllocker = "Can build small locker (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_bigpolefences = "Can build big pole fences (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_bigpolefencegates = "Can build big pole fence gates (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_bigdoublewiredgates = "Can build big double wired gates (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalwallslvl2 = "Can build metal walls lvl 2 (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_metalwindowslvl2 = "Can build metal windows lvl 2 (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_bigdoublepolegates = "Can build big double pole gates (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_biglockers = "Can build big lockers (*)", IGUI_skilltooltip_Betteratsalvagingmetalfromvehicles = "Better at salvaging metal from vehicles", IGUI_skilltooltip_Slightlybetteratsalvagingmetalfromvehicles = "Slightly better at salvaging metal from vehicles", IGUI_skilltooltip_Increasedvehiclehoodandtrunkrepairefficiency = "Increased vehicle hood and trunk repair efficiency", IGUI_skilltooltip_Increasedvehiclehoodrepairefficiency = "Increased vehicle hood repair efficiency", IGUI_skilltooltip_CanrepairvehicletrunkswithMechanics = "Can repair vehicle trunks (with Mechanics lvl 2)", IGUI_skilltooltip_Canrepairvehiclehoodsbetter = "Can repair vehicle hoods better", IGUI_skilltooltip_Andmore = "And more...", IGUI_skilltooltip_morepreciseinformation = "More precise information on foraging zones", IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_ForestRarities = "Forest Rarities", IGUI_skilltooltip_Better = "Better", IGUI_skilltooltip_Enablesfocusing = "Can focus on searching for", IGUI_skilltooltip_chancetobreakrod = "chance to break fishing lines", IGUI_skilltooltip_Decreasedchanceofcatchingtrash = "Decreased chance of catching trash", IGUI_skilltooltip_chanceofcatchingfishwithspears = "chance of catching fish with spears", IGUI_skilltooltip_chanceofcatchingfishwithfishingrodsandbait = "chance of catching fish with fishing rods and bait", IGUI_skilltooltip_chanceofcatchingfishwithfishingrodsandlure = "chance of catching fish with fishing rods and lure", IGUI_skilltooltip_Fasterfishing = "Faster fishing", IGUI_skilltooltip_doesntgetboredfromfishing = "Doesn't get bored from fishing", IGUI_skilltooltip_bonusaxetreedamage = "axe tree damage", IGUI_skilltooltip_loweredchancetoloseaxecondition = "decreased chance to lose axe condition from cutting trees", IGUI_skilltooltip_increasedchanceofmaterials = "increased chance of trees dropping materials", IGUI_skilltooltip_caloriedused = "calories used from cutting trees", IGUI_skilltooltip_enduranceused = "endurance used from cutting trees", IGUI_skilltooltip_foodcondition = "Slight chance to drop food from trees if Foraging is level %1", IGUI_skilltooltip_foodcondition2 = "Slight chance to drop food from trees", IGUI_skilltooltip_nolongergetsseverelyexhausted = "No longer gets severely exhausted from cutting trees or removing bushes", IGUI_skilltooltip_removingbushtime = "time required to remove bushes" IGUI_skilltooltip_andmore = "And more ...", IGUI_skilltooltip_chancenottoconsumetinkeringitem = "chance not to consume tinkering item", IGUI_skilltooltip_dynamictinkerercondition = "If Maintenance is level %1 and player has tinkered 15+ items into a rare or better modifier, gains the Tinkerer trait" IGUI_skilltooltip_dynamictinkerercondition2 = "If player has tinkered 15 items into a rare or better modifier, gains the Tinkerer trait", IGUI_skilltooltip_tinkeringtime = "tinkering time", IGUI_skilltooltip_canttinker = "Can't tinker weapons unless the magazine has been read", IGUI_skilltooltip_tinkeringraritytweaker = "tinkering rarity tweaker" IGUI_skilltooltip_rangedweapon = "Ranged Weapon" IGUI_skilltooltip_tinkeringraritytweakerexplanation = "(A lower rarity tweaker increases the odds of tinkering into better weapon modifiers.)" IGUI_skilltooltip_cantinkerweaponscondition = "Can tinker weapons if Maintenance is level 3 or if the player has the knowledge.", IGUI_skilltooltip_cantinkerweaponscondition2 = "Can tinker weapons if the player has the knowledge.", IGUI_skilltooltip_scavengingbenefits = "%1% chance of scavenging %2% extra loot" IGUI_skilltooltip_brakeForceMult = "+%1% brakes power", IGUI_skilltooltip_engineQualityMult = "+%1% engine quality", IGUI_skilltooltip_engineLoudnessMult = "%1% engine loudness", IGUI_skilltooltip_enginePowerMult = "+%1% engine power", IGUI_skilltooltip_maxSpeedMult = "+%1% vehicle max speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_damageMitigate = "%1% chance of migating %2% vehicle damage", IGUI_skilltooltip_weapondismantlingtime = "-%1% weapon dismantling time" IGUI_skilltooltip_fixM9pistol = "Can use M9 parts to fix M9 pistol (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixM1911pistol = "Can use M1911 parts to fix M1911 pistol (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixDEpistol = "Can fix DE parts DE pistol (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixrevolver = "Can use revolver parts to fix revolver (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixlongrevolver = "Can use long revolver parts to fix long revolver (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixshortrevolver = "Can use short revolver parts to fix short revolver (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixshotgun = "Can use shotgun parts to fix shotgun (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixdoublebarrelshotgun = "Can use double barrel shotgun parts to fix double barrel shotgun (with Aiming = 3)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixvarmintrifle = "Can use varmint rifle parts to fix varmint rifle (with Aiming = 4)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixhuntingrifle = "Can use hunting rifle parts to fix hunting rifle (with Aiming = 4)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixM16rifle = "Can use M16 assault rifle parts to fix M16 assault rifle (with Aiming = 5)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixM14rifle = "Can use M14 rifle parts to fix M14 rifle (with Aiming = 5)", IGUI_skilltooltip_fixAK47 = "Can use AK47 parts to fix AK47 (with Aiming = 6)", IGUI_skilltooltip_animaltrackingmaxchance = "+%1% animal tracking max chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_successfulanimalcallchance = "+%1% chance of successful animal call", IGUI_skilltooltip_successfulcapturechance = "+%1% successful capture chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_watchtreetime = "-%1% watch tree time", IGUI_skilltooltip_huntinghitchance = "+%1% hunting hit chance", IGUI_skilltooltip_IncreasedEfficiencyOfCrowbarWhenPryingOpenDoors = "Increased power and stamina efficiency when forcing locks with a crowbar", IGUI_skilltooltip_increasedGreenYellowZoneWhenForcingALockWithACrowbar = "Increased green & yellow zones when forcing a lock with a crowbar", IGUI_skilltooltip_wideranglebobbipin = "Locks have a wider valid angle", IGUI_skilltooltip_reloadspeedwithbows = "+%1% arrow nocking speed", IGUI_skilltooltip_arrowdeviation = "%1% arrow deviation", IGUI_skilltooltip_levelxreadingspeed = "Level %1 base reading speed : %2%", IGUI_skilltooltip_gunrepairandscraptime = "-%1% gun repair and scrap time", IGUI_skilltooltip_gunrepairandscarp = "+%1% successful gun repair and scrap chance", }