IGUI_EN = { --- Dreams Window --- IGUI_Dreams_Window = "Dream #", --- Phrases of the character --- IGUI_NoDream0 = "I didn’t dream, it seems ...", IGUI_NoDream1 = "I do not remember what I dreamed", IGUI_NoDream2 = "It seems nothing to dream about", IGUI_NoDream3 = "I can't remember what I dreamed about.", ----------------------------------------------------- IGUI_NoDream4 = "Km. The memories of the dream have disappeared somewhere.", IGUI_NoDream5 = "Can't remember my dream.", IGUI_NoDream6 = "I hope another time, something will dream ...", IGUI_NoDream7 = "There are no memories of what was in my dream.", IGUI_NoDream8 = "I forgot what I dreamed...", IGUI_NoDream9 = "I don't remember anything that happened in the dream.", IGUI_NoDream10 = "The memories of the dream disappeared somewhere.", IGUI_NoDream11 = "I was dreaming and can't remember...", IGUI_NoDream12 = "So... I should probably wash up...", IGUI_NoDream13 = "Waking up alive is great news already!", IGUI_NoDream14 = "Aaah... my arm is numb...", --- Character phrases after sleep --- IGUI_Dream33_Say = "It is a pity that it was only a dream.", IGUI_Dream63_Say = "Hmm. I had a strange dream...", --- New text version (changed) IGUI_Dream10_Say = "What a pleasant dream I had.", IGUI_Dream18_Say = "Eh. Such a sad dream ...", IGUI_Dream19_Say = "God, I’ll dream about the same", IGUI_Dream55_Say = "These dreams are getting worse...", IGUI_Dream85_Say = "What a strange dream!", --------------------- Dreams --------------------- --- Normal Dreams --- IGUI_Dream20 = "I’m in the forest. It seems that I got lost. A stanning and piercing silence. A thick and wet fog sticks to open body parts as a spiderweb. Visibility at arm's length. There are six fingers! Six?!?! Are these my arms?...", IGUI_Dream1 = "Nearby the ordinary block of flat, the enough ailing woman is lying under the blanket. She ask me hurry to the pharmacy and buy the pills. I’m running for the pills but I don’t remember the purchase moment. Then I’m coming back with pills, but woman has already dead. I hear a car siren, return my head but a car isn’t here. Return back. Everything is exactly the same: the situation, the woman, the blanket are ones… But she is again alive. And ask me go to the pharmacy. I’m running to the pharmacy again just realizing that she will die. So I’m coming back; she is dead.", IGUI_Dream2 = "I’m standing in some apartment and looking at the table, I see on the table some - two objects and keys. I take objects and keys from the table, I leave the apartment. The landing is very narrow and long, with mailboxes hanging along the wall. I put the keys in one of the boxes and go down to the first floor. I went outside and I heard a voice in my head. - Today, a convoy carrying 2 items passed through the city, you stole them, and now you have to hide ... Be careful, they sent for you. Suddenly I see some strange person, this is not a person, this is a silhouette of a person, consisting of television noise. Again a strange voice in my head. - This is a man-noise. He is looking for you. Run ... Run into the yards. Strange, but for some reason there are no people around. I understand that this way he will easily find me ...", IGUI_Dream3 = "I am scared and I have a strong feeling that they are watching me and are being persecuted. I take one of the items taken in the apartment from the table from my pocket and throw it on the ground in front of me. The subject flew into the air, began to stretch out and turned into some kind of long thick worm, painted in a rainbow. The worm curled up into an eight and this eight just rotates in the air. And again this voice .. - Ultimatum of pain ... Now the eyes of the whole world will be riveted to this place. Run! I'm running back to the apartment. Check if the keys are in place. All this time I’m very nervous about the feeling of persecution. What should I do? I run out into the street. Dark. Some strange darkness that appeared in the middle of the day ...", IGUI_Dream4 = "A strange place. Cramped room, very low ceiling, you have to move crouched. Two doors, both closed by bolts from thick black boards. The boards feel cold, wet and slippery. I try to move the bolt, nothing happens, my hands slide on the surface. Something sticky on the palms ...", IGUI_Dream5 = "I walk along a deserted and unfamiliar street, a completely deserted street. No, no people, no cars, no cats, no dogs, from the surrounding sounds only the shuffling sound of my boots. Behind someone called me by name. I turn around - there is my classmate and reaches out to say hello. I shake his hand. His hand is some kind of very hard and rough. I look up at him. Instead of eyes, he has black and empty eye sockets, and his mouth is full of sharp and shiny metal teeth ...", IGUI_Dream6 = "What forces I have run to the forest. Already in the woods I turn around. Where there was this rainbow eight, some rays of light, similar to the rays of searchlights, and a lot of military equipment, helicopters in the air and loud cries are heard. I do not stop running into the darkness of the forest ...", IGUI_Dream7 = "Huge round room. In the middle, in the floor there is an equally huge, round and deep empty well, going far, far down. On the very edge of the well squatting people in dark clothes, with hoods on their heads. Look down. One of them turns in my direction and heartily shouts that there is strength. - One shot himself !!! And immediately jumps down. Others sitting on the edge begin to jump down. I see them flying down and breaking to the bottom. To me, with a delay of a couple of seconds, the sounds of blows of bodies against the metal bottom of the well ...", IGUI_Dream8 = "Absolute darkness around, crawling in search of the light of the praying god for salvation, in this gloomy and cold world. I feel for matches, I strike ... a spark falls to the ground, and everything around is engulfed in flame. Now I see, but the world that once was is now a distant memory ...", IGUI_Dream9 = "Snow crunches underfoot, a terrible cold and a piercing wind through. I can’t feel my legs from the cold. An urgent need to find some shelter. An unfamiliar area is already getting dark, a wolf howl is heard in the distance. Northern lights overhead. I feel in my pocket a revolver and a box of matches. I’m going to some village, on a pillar near the road a sign - Welcome to Milton. - Hm. The familiar name, but how do I know it I just can’t remember ...", IGUI_Dream10 = "Music is playing. The girl on the water merry-go-round easily spins and sings. With each turn, a shark swims up to her and kisses her leg. I spin with her, sharks kiss me too. When we stop, the sharks go deep. We start spinning, sharks rise and swim too.", IGUI_Dream11 = "I am sitting in the audience, a lesson is in progress. As before in pairs, I periodically go to sleep on my arm. Waking up, I decide to check if I am sleeping and count the fingers on my hand. Instead of 5 I count 6 first, then 8, I understand that something is wrong, once again I ask myself the question. - Am I sleeping? and counting the fingers. It dawns on me that I'm sleeping. A teacher walks nearby and I hesitate to get up from my seat. Then I think about the need to fly. I’m on the plane, I find the seat belt on the left, I look at the seat on which I am sitting, it is black leather, glistens, I run it over with my hand. Then I say to the person sitting next to me so that he does not disturb me, now I will sleep.", IGUI_Dream12 = "We go in a dark room. I know that aggressive animals are sitting in different rooms, but there are no weapons. I focus and try to raise an object with the power of my thoughts. I close my eyes, imagine that I lift it, open it and see what happened. The animals begin to attack and I easily repel them with the help of objects raised by telekinesis. Then I switch from objects to the animals themselves, lifting them and throwing them at the walls.", IGUI_Dream13 = "I stand near the mirror with a deified face and body. The burn is so strong that the skin is charred. I go to the high-voltage lines, climb the pole, grab the wires, feel the current flow through me. I begin to climb along the wires along the line, bringing down pillars.", IGUI_Dream14 = "We drive a car across the field, some dogs attack. I open the window and begin to cut them with a knife, the knife is grinded off, and then it starts to grow in places of chips. I come to the store, show the sellers what the knife is capable of, and ask them for the same, but bigger size. They say they will order, you just need to choose a form.", IGUI_Dream15 = "There was an interesting liquid that evaporates any liquid upon contact. Access to it is free, everyone uses it. But then they put a restriction on it, the cost of using 8500.", IGUI_Dream16 = " Helicopter I’m traveling on a bus with the military, they will dedicate one of them and explain how this will happen. I do not like the way. We get off the bus, I jump, another one follows me, grabbing his neck and turning him over the fly, he falls on his neck and breaks it. I say that I did not want to do this, it is an accident, I need to put his neck back.", IGUI_Dream17 = "I am at a gas station, with my friends I light a fire near a gas station. Station workers come running to extinguish it, and I'm sitting next to a bonfire on the grass. They begin to ask me why there was a fire. I answer that no one set fire to it, it caught fire, the workers think that this is quite likely. The action goes inside the premises where employees work. One tells the other that he built a partition between them, because he is embarrassed to work when everyone is watching. On the monitor from the surveillance camera you can see someone moving off the roof of the gas station - the set descent flies a little and crashes into the asphalt. Joyful jumps out of the car, screaming what he did.", IGUI_Dream18 = "I light candles and put them near each window opening so that it is warm. Mother is lying on the couch and she's nonsense, says different nonsense. I suddenly understand that she will die soon, sit down and lay her head on her lap, my mother begins to tell me about her mistakes, about breakdowns, etc., confesses to me ...", IGUI_Dream19 = "In the city they catch a robot. Two girls go, they are stopped by a patrol and checks. In one of them they recognize this robot by the color of their eyes, point their guns at it, start to say something, the robot slowly moves its back forward. They start shooting at him. The robot in male form easily evades shots. He begins to hit the cartridges with his hands, falling into the patrol with bullets. The robot shoots the next bullet towards the sea, a thread begins to reach for the bullet, the robot grabs it and flies onto a tree, on the other side of the street and watches a girl with a pram. In the next moment, the robot is already lying in a baby carriage next to the child and looking at the girl. She notices him and begins to smile. The robot says he's been here a long time ...", IGUI_Dream21 = "Oh my God! This is terrible! Zombies climb through windows and doors ... I have a kitchen knife in my hands, everywhere there is blood and a sickening smell of decaying flesh ... I understand that there is no chance of salvation ... now I will meet my death ...", IGUI_Dream22 = "A wide panorama of the forest, bright colors, blue and cloudless sky, green grass and flowers, nature wakes up from hibernation ... it's spring. Nearby is a company of people, they put up tents and light a bonfire. Suddenly, the entire surface of the earth turned brown, and the sky turned black. People who enjoyed serenity earlier, in a panic, rushed into the placer. In the distance, from behind the trees, a gray funnel of a tornado is swiftly moving at us, of an impressive size. I, like everyone else, in the hope of shelter, run up the slope, involuntarily catching my eyes the bright discharges in the sky ...", IGUI_Dream23 = "The ceiling in front of the eyes. I lie in bed on my back. I'm trying my best to move, but I can’t, my whole body is numb. Some champing sounds at the edge of the bed from the side of the legs. As far as I can, I look in that direction ... And there ... A terrible-looking zombie frantically clutching my lower leg with a terribly bloody grin, snarling at my leg, tearing pieces of meat from my leg with my teeth ... I try my best that there is urine to yell to wake up, but nothing comes of it! I can’t even scream, it turns out only moaning stifled! I wake up from my own scream, in a cold sweat.", IGUI_Dream24 = "I stand near a well of huge diameter. Water is visible at considerable depth. I’m telling someone that I’m very afraid of such wells, it always seems that someone can get out of there and take with them. A man passes by, hurts me and I fall into the well.", IGUI_Dream25 = "I walk around the premises and hide from aliens. Ahead of a man, checking out different nooks and crannies, looking for something. I hide from him, he passes by. I go further, they tell me that a alien is nearby. I cling to the wall, I wait, the alien creeps on, he drags behind him something like a lantern, he does not see me. He climbs into the ventilation. I turn something on and grind it in it. Then I open the lid, find the brains there and start eating them.", IGUI_Dream26 = "I’m driving a car. The road is empty, I do not observe other cars. Music plays from the radio, Hmm, I haven’t heard it before, interesting, pleasant ... I’m adding speed. The road smoothly leaves to the right. Suddenly, a bus rushes right at me from behind a turn. I see a driver who turns the steering wheel in jerks - either left or right. I am desperately trying to avoid a collision, I twist the steering wheel to the side, but for some reason the car continues to go right on the bus, I press the brake ... my foot falls into the floor ... the brake pedal is simply not there! The bus is rapidly approaching right at me. I'm going to die now! Ahhhhhh ...", IGUI_Dream27 = "My vision is blurry... Bits of memories play in front of me like a movie... I see a woman another living being! I walk towards her and call out to her to get her attention, she looks at me in fear and terror then runs from me...", IGUI_Dream28 = "I walk through a neighborhood. I see a young couple trying to jimmy open a window. I call out to them and the man looks at me. Yelps, and pulls a revolver out of his waistband. With a shaking hand, he points the gun at me and fires (BANG) Hitting me in my stomach... But I feel no pain. In shock I look down at my stomach and see a hole straight through my body but no blood comes out. Instead, I see worms and insects crawl out of my stomach. I see the flesh hang off my body in clumps hanging by nothing but muscle tissue. I look back up at the couple. The woman screams at the man while pointing at me. She is saying something but I can't understand her, it is as if she was speaking an alien language... Then, they run from me...", IGUI_Dream29 = "I walk through a neighborhood. I see a young couple trying to jimmy open a window. I call out to them and the man looks at me. Yelps, and pulls a revolver out of his waistband. With a shaking hand, he points the gun at me and fires (BANG) Hitting me in my stomach... But I feel no pain. In shock I look down at my stomach and see a hole straight through my body but no blood comes out. Instead, I see worms and insects crawl out of my stomach. I see the flesh hang off my body in clumps hanging by nothing but muscle tissue. I look back up at the couple. The woman screams at the man while pointing at me. She is saying something but I can't understand her, it is as if she was speaking an alien language... Then, they run from me...", IGUI_Dream30 = "(RINGGG. RINGGG.) My alarm clock goes off with a sharp ring, waking me from my slumber. I get out of my sleeping bag and get ready for the day. I open a can missing its label. Dog food again. I heat it over a fire and grab a bottle of fresh toilet water. I finish breakfast grab my shotgun and load it with my last four rounds. then I leave my comfy storage container, close it behind me and start another day.", IGUI_Dream31 = "I sneak down the street, I walk past the kindergarten and try to avert my eye from the children stumbling inside. I break into a small drug store and take what little mints and soda are left then, I move on...", IGUI_Dream32 = "I peak into a small trailer and see a dead body on the ground with a few bottles of whiskey and a revolver. I try the door. (Click.) Locked. I inch over to a window and try to open it. After applying more force then I would like, I hear it give with a small (POP). I sneak inside and crawl over to the gun, just as I am about to grab it I hear it. The trailer has an alarm... Grab the gun and Sprint to the front door throwing it open ad running outside. Hundreds of zombies come out of the woods I take off down the road towards the old motel More zombies appear and I can't find a way out. I run to the 2nd story and try all the doors but they are all locked, I run back to the top of the stairs and ready my shotgun and fire. (BAM BAM BAM BAM). I'm out of ammo... I take out the revolver I looted and take aim at the dead stumbling up the stairs. (CLICK). I drop the gun and take out my screwdriver and start stabbing the dead. ONE. TWO. THREE... I kill them as they reach the top of the stairs. TWELVE THIRTEEN. FOURTEEN... My lungs feel like they are on fire. (SNAP!) My screwdriver breaks... I stumble to the back of the balcony and look at the stairs. Two dozen zombies crawl up the bodies of there fellow dead, below me. Another one hundred dead reach for me. I slump to the ground Close my eyes...", IGUI_Dream33 = " Helicopter Then I hear a sound. (BAP! BAP! BAP! BAP!!!) Hundreds of bullets rip the dead on the stairs apart in seconds. The dead below me? All killed in less than a minute. Stunned I look in the sky and see a helicopter fly around me then land in the parking lot outside the motel. I leap from the 2nd story and run to the helicopter. Outcomes five people in full military gear, they point their guns at me and say - FREEZE! I stop in place and raise my hands. Out of the heli appears a man in a hazmat suit. He approaches me and tells me to strip so he can check me for infection. I oblige. He checks me from top to bottom for even the smallish of scratches. Then he steps back looks to the men with the guns and tells them - All clear. Then tells me to get dressed. A man in a Barrie and a mask approaches and Asks me if I'm ok. Dum founded I just nod my head. - INFECTED! One of the soldiers shouts. The man grabs my arm and rushes me into the helicopter as the soldiers open fire on the dead. Then, we take off into the air... The soldiers tell me they are from the U.S Army, I scream at them asking where the hell have they been while we died in here?! They said that for the last 3 months have been doing hit and runs to save as many people as they can but that the virus hit so hard and fast that there was no way to deploy in time to save everyone. In shock, I ask if there were anyone else left... I sneak down the street, I walk past the kindergarten and try to avert my eye from the children stumbling inside. I break into a small drug store and take what little mints and soda are left then, I move on... After a moment he tells me that they managed to make a vaccine before the virus got too far so it can't spread any farther. But, that there was nothing they could do for those already infected. I just slump in my chair. I'm not alone... Then he says I look hungry and hand me a hot MRE. I Eat it so fast I almost swallow my tongue. Then, they hand me a warm cup of coffee and as I drink it tears flood down my face. One of the soldiers puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me that everything will be ok now and that I should get some rest as we have a long flight until we get back to Fort Knox. The adrenalin burns off and on top of a full stomach, I felt ready to sleep for a week. I lean back in my seat and lulled by the steady hum of the helicopter, close my eyes... (RINGGG. RINGGG)... My alarm clock goes off with a sharp ring...", IGUI_Dream34 = "I drive in a car at the third checkpoint of the city. Strange, instead of descents and climbs in a pine forest, I saw a strange, unnatural place. There was a lake, there was a road nearby, along the edges of which poplars grew. The mountains were a couple of kilometers from this place. I see how men saw these poplars and knock right on the road. I can’t understand where I am. I go further down the road, I find houses and streets, I remember that this place is in West Point. I call my father to pick me up. I go to some store, and when I go out, there are completely different houses and streets in front of me What city am I in? It becomes anxious and uncomfortable at all. I go to the two guys who are sitting on the bench and talking. I sit down to them. They don’t notice me and continue to talk about something. I hear the words of one of them. - If you don’t know how to communicate in this city, then you will have to very, very tight ...", IGUI_Dream35 = "... A beautiful forest lake, there are a lot of such in Knox County. Its size is about five hundred and two hundred meters, and in the middle there are two small islands. There are several boats with fishermen on the lake. Suddenly in the middle, in the region of the islands, a funnel began to form in the sky, which quickly grew into a tornado. The fishermen began to row toward the shore in a panic. When the tornadoes touched the water surface, it quickly began to fill with water. The elongated tall pines along the banks began to bend very much from the wind and even break.", IGUI_Dream36 = "I go into the elevator with strangers. The elevator is quite large, and there are about ten of us. We begin to go down, and the elevator begins to shake violently. Some man found a lever and pulled it ... The elevator began to fall sharply down. They fell hard and hurt. Immediately at the moment of impact on the bottom of the mine, literally in a millimeter, a meter piece of reinforcement came out to the right of my right foot. I almost broke my leg. We begin to remove pieces of the destroyed elevator floor, then dig the ground at the bottom of the elevator shaft. new school supplies: pens, pencils, rulers ... Strange in this is it ...", IGUI_Dream37 = "My birthday has come. My friend and I are alone in my grandmother’s apartment. I washed, and friends came right there, and as if they were sailing on a motor boat. I see how the motor boat began to sink to the bottom, and I ducked I understand that I’m in the room and there is waist-high water everywhere. I open the cabinet doors, see that the water hasn’t reached it yet, the books are dry. I remembered that I was without clothes. I immediately found a blue shirt, but somehow very narrow and I can’t find the bottom of the T-shirt. ”Grandmother, grandfather, his sister and some young woman appear at the door of the apartment a woman with a big belly (pregnant). They came in, I was glad that my grandfather walks and talks well. They all proceeded to the kitchen, and I went to another room to finally find the shorts. Mom, as it turned out, was already standing there looking for them. But everything is in vain, they are in no way at all. A pregnant girl came up and complained that the music was playing too loud. I went to the kitchen to fix it. Everyone is sitting at the table in the kitchen. A strange feeling that there are a lot of people ... But I can’t remember anyone people are strangers to me. I twisted the radio lever to make it quieter ...", IGUI_Dream38 = "Four men and three women, and I with them, are in a building that looks like a fortress, or a castle. We are locked in a cell, constantly thinking how to open the door. We are running out of strength, we have been in the cell for a long time. And now after another attempt a heavy iron door opened. I dare to look through the barred window and see that a group of ghost soldiers is rapidly advancing towards the building. They look terrifying - faceless black phantoms from which darkness spreads. I look back into the camera, but the people with me who were in it are gone , they are already walking further along the corridor, hoping to leave this damned place. And as soon as I start walking towards the exit, this black creature appeared and possessed me ... ", IGUI_Dream39 = "I am in a place unknown to me, but I understand that it is very far away, not even on planet Earth. I go down to the lake with bright turquoise water. I decide to plunge and swim. I dive into the water and feel that I can not come up. I stick my hands out of the water freely, and my head seems to rest against an invisible ceiling, but it doesn’t bother me, I breathe freely underwater.In the pond itself, there is very clear and fresh water, and a lot of fish swim ... I decide to dive deeper and I’ll regret it right there, some unknown force pulling me in. It was getting darker and it’s colder. Now it’s not fish swimming in the water, but only luminous creatures that look like fireflies. Panic begins ... Somehow, I’m again on the shore ...", IGUI_Dream40 = "With a bunch of different comrades in misfortune, they are locked in a multi-room apartment. There is rubbish, dust and darkness all around. Everyone is afraid of each other. No wonder, we have one or two plastic humanoids invented to kill the living. We miraculously survive in a fight with one of them I’m hiding. Suddenly someone grabs my hand and drags me to the balcony. It turned out to be some kind of elf. I open a pack of cigarettes and, struggling with wild stress, take a drag. Suddenly the phone rings. Quiet !!! The robot will hear! There’s a female a voice in an unknown language tells me something important, but I don’t understand ... I know that before I ended up in an unlucky apartment, I met some Elf. I become an unexpectedly valuable shot of national importance. The Elf has already self-destructed through the hole between the sofa and the wall. They are leading me into the kitchen. I look around, the robots are not asleep, and their function is still it’s not done yet. I’m all the time scared, very scared. I’m calming down a bit in the kitchen, as if one of the leaders settled here. I nap at the table and feel the touch. I open my eyes - they carry us out. These are lifeguards! Evacuation is already in full swing on the balcony, we are lined up. Everyone is jumping. Until now, a non-decrypted call from an invisible interlocutor elevated me to the rank of operation target. I stand in the opening, watch others jump, push me behind. I clarify. - Do I jump too ?. I get an affirmative answer and am about to jump down. However, I still do not have a parachute. I joke that it’s already possible for 10 minutes to joyfully fly down just like that. In general, I put on a parachute, I get a command to pull the ring after 10 seconds and jump. I think that no one conducted the briefing ... I pull, I pull, I pull, but not that and not there. Despite the fact that I had to evacuate from the balcony, I see the world below from a bird's eye view. And this world is approaching very quickly, but the parachute is still not opening. I don’t have time to feel the beauty of free fall ... I land in a rice field, knee-deep in muddy water. Everyone who was with me in the apartment is also here, contrary to the laws of physics. While we are waiting for the rest, I intend to visit one of 5-6 wooden booths that are nearby. The first is covered with bleach, and I'm barefoot. In the second, a cat with dead red kittens. In the third, the cat is gray, and the kittens are alive. In other people. I decide to remove the redheads and implement the plan, but the caricature shaking cat has already removed the kittens and freed up the field of activity. I didn’t succeed, because it’s crowded, and the web is on all sides ...", IGUI_Dream41 = "I am with relatives, visiting an old grandfather whom I don’t know at all, but he is strikingly similar to a man named Tony Beats. We walked around to tell him the garden plot. Grandfather took a watering can and started to pour crystals on the ground, reminiscent of an ordinary ice - ten centimeters thick, but the ice does not melt. He invited us into the house, at the table. It’s kind of wretched inside. The kitchen resembles a standard wagon — long and narrow. The kitchen has no ceiling — you can immediately see the roof of the house Several wooden logs hang on the walls. everyone poured tea on the table. Grandfather stands on a bench and removes a log from the wall. It turned out that milk was stored inside it. Grandfather added milk to each log in the tea, then hung it back on the wall. I sit at the table in complete surprise at how perhaps...", IGUI_Dream42 = "Some family takes me and my parents around the city in their car. A few kilometers from the city, in the mountainside zone, I notice a huge ash pillar that just hangs over the city. The driver said that three volcanoes woke up in the surrounding mountain ranges We turn to the large Sunstar Motel and drive up the street, cross another street, drive a little more and stop. We leave the six of us from the car: me, dad, mom, and the girl with my parents. It turned out that the girl lost something, I I don’t understand what exactly, started look, they searched in the car, but didn’t find anything. They made a big fire, started burning garbage, why don’t I know. It turns out that in Muldraugh elementary school, only the number of storeys was several times higher and the building layout was the same. I wander around the school , the school turns out to be almost empty. And suddenly something terrible begins. A guy runs very quickly down the corridor and shouts to me: Run !!! A few meters away the doors in the offices open and a crowd of bald, screaming freaks in orange clothes are running into my side. Music immediately begins to play in my head. Moving through the floors, we run away from them, the crowds of loonies almost caught up. The rhythmic music in my head somewhat dilutes the fear ...", IGUI_Dream43 = "Evening. I’m sitting in a strange car, in the front seat, I understand that I’m going in a taxi, I don’t know where. The music is playing quite loudly in the passenger compartment. Suddenly there is a female scream. - Make the music quieter. The driver turned down the volume. Again a female voice Even quieter. The driver almost completely turned down the sound. I decide to turn around and see what kind of woman is tearing her voice. When I turned around I saw a salon - it was a limousine salon, not a taxi, and in the back seat was my old friend, whom I I haven’t seen it for several years. STI. Sophia is you? She remembered me, recognized me. We embrace friendly with her.", IGUI_Dream44 = "Evening. I’m sitting in a strange car, in the front seat, I understand that I’m going in a taxi, I don’t know where. The music is playing quite loudly in the cabin. Suddenly there is a man screaming.“ Make the music quieter. Even quieter. The driver almost completely turned off the sound. I decide to turn around and see what kind of man my voice is tearing up. When I turned around I saw a salon - it was a limousine salon, not a taxi, and in the back seat was my old friend whom I I haven’t seen it for several years. joys. - Alexander is you? He remembered me, recognized me. We embrace friendly with him.", IGUI_Dream45 = "I have a shard of transparent white stone inside which I can see maroon veins. I am amazed at the beauty of this stone. It shows me a person whom I know well. It seems to me that this is my brother. This person treats me very well. I know that. My friend invites me to visit his place of work. That's it. Together we go out from under a wooden canopy, onto gray stones lit by the dim sun. This is a mine. This acquaintance produces stones here. He is not a simple hard worker, but has a direct relation I walk around the stones, peering at them. There was a crazy idea to find beautiful and precious specimens lying among colorless stones. First, I found two large and smooth pale pink stones similar to pink quartz - I try to hide them in clothes. Then I was lucky on a pale green stone. It is also smooth, with even rectangular faces. I like the stones, but how to get them out of the mine? Although I can’t see a single person around, I know that the mine is vigilantly guarded and carried out stones without permission are not allowed. I worry that we will be caught. And my friend will fly for violations ...", IGUI_Dream46 = "I am walking along a dark corridor. Suddenly I hear heart-rending screams, someone calls for help. In the corridor I find a window with a door, I look in there and I see a room with booths on the other side. There is a strange woman in the room with a neck from the collarbone was bitten off or torn off, and his head was on his right shoulder. I ran down the corridor to look for the door to this terrible place. And here I am. The dressing room was half flooded. But then I see the one who mutilated this woman. It turned out to be a crocodile, about two meters long. I jump on the bench, that I also had a ski pole in my hand in an incomprehensible way. The crocodile swam under the bench that I am on. My blows under the bench do not bring much success, he quickly runs over to another place, but then returned to me. But gradually, with each mine the crocodile weakens with a blow, and blood appears from his belly. The battle is slow, and to some extent dishonest on my part. It seems that I have been fighting with him for an hour and a half.", IGUI_Dream47 = "I am part of a special forces group. There are about ten of us. We are moving in a chain to the building. A staircase near the entrance tightly adjoins the building and leads to the door on the first floor. As soon as I cross the door threshold, some man points a weapon at me. First he aims at my head, then changes his mind and shoots at my liver. I don’t understand anything and I hear a roar the next second. I turn around and see myself, a wounded man lying on his back, in a pool of blood, unconscious. I understand that I am standing in disembodied form, I am a soul, I look at my bodies Fr. Some kind of fuss started in the corridor, besides no one notices me. A thought flashed in my head - 4 minutes of time. I walk further down the corridor, I go into the room, in the middle there is a table, by the window on the right is the bed on which the man sits in military uniform. He certainly doesn’t see me. I’m starting a telepathic interrogation not of a man, but of his soul. He’s starting to spread information to me just like a friend. He says that they have a headquarters in West Point where they recruit people. Then I head back to the place of my death. I decide to take the form of my body. In the next couple of seconds, a sensation of a light electric shock. I'm in the body. Two partners carefully lift me up. I notice that the wound has healed, and I am ready to share the information I have gathered with them. I wake up.", IGUI_Dream48 = "I am part of a special forces group. There are about ten of us. We are moving in a chain to the building. The staircase near the entrance tightly adjoins the building and leads to the door on the first floor. As soon as I cross the door threshold, some man points a weapon at me. First he aims at my head, then changes his mind and shoots at my liver. I don’t understand anything and I hear a roar the next second. I turn around and see myself, wounded, lying on my back, in a pool of blood, unconscious. I understand that I am standing in an incorporeal form, I am a soul, I look at my body. Some kind of fuss started in the corridor, besides, nobody notices me. A thought flashed in my head - 4 minutes of time. I walk further down the corridor, I go into the room, in the middle there is a table, there is a bed by the window on the right, on which there is a man in the military He certainly doesn’t see me. I’m starting a telepathic interrogation not of a man, but of his soul. He’s starting to spread information to me just like a friend. He tells me that they have a headquarters in West Point where they recruit people. Then I head back to the place of my death. I decide to take the form of my body. In the next couple of seconds, a sensation of a light electric shock. I'm in the body. Two partners carefully lift me up. I notice that the wound has healed, and I am ready to share the information I have gathered with them. I wake up.", IGUI_Dream49 = "As a family in some large, old, two-story wooden house. There are large ancient shutters, the furniture is in the appropriate style. In addition to my family there are relatives, about five. We seem to live in this house. Suddenly, some kind of house comes up to our house boy, he smiles terribly suspiciously, like a smile of a mentally ill person. He had a bunch of sweets in his hands, and he, like a magician, makes a packet of cookies from a packet of sweets. My relatives immediately ran to this guy to collect sweets. I also approached him, I looked in his hands sweets, I ask. Is there anything more interesting? And then the sweets turn into a packet of cookies. Such chocolate, and inside there is berry jam. I take this packet and go into the house. I go into the room, relatives already chew these sweets, and I pack I’m throwing it on the bedside table, and suddenly my relatives feel sick, their pupils start to turn white, their skin turns green, and it seems that even the foam appeared from my mouth, and before my eyes this guy’s face and a sly smile-grin. I immediately understand what the matter is. Without losing a second, I run to heal people. Yes, it is a cure - Magic. My whole family owns magic! The infected do not move much, lean on the wall, writhe a little. I approached the sick person and, as it were, I pulled black magic from him with my hands. I strain my fingers very hard. All this is very difficult for me, because that magic is very strong. It is not easy to pull her out of the body. I squat and, as it were, start to drag this force up from the legs of a person. I go up to my sister and understand that I cannot do it alone. I call for help from my parents. Dad and mom help get it out of her. I grab the medallion on my sister’s neck and throw it on the table. I know for sure that there is a lot of black magic in it, and I have to get it out of there. Although, again, I know that I can’t do it alone. Nevertheless, having spread out my fingers, I hold my palms above the medallion and begin to strain my fingers. I felt what a huge stress I feel. Very hard. And then suddenly my right hand does not withstand the strain, and all five of my phalanges come off the wrist. I grab my right hand with my left hand and scream in pain ...", IGUI_Dream50 = "I am in a forest at a fork in the road. One of the roads is bad, cracked asphalt in the mud. The other road looks better. The asphalt laying machine brought me here. I see two more people, they are further down the road and go into the forest. I decide to go along the road which is worse. I know that the road leads to a small village. I find myself on the outskirts of the village, it’s lower on the slope ... I’m starting to slide down this slope. I almost knock down the girls going to meet me. I roll out to the Fossoil gas station. It's strange at home and the street is completely others. A couple of houses are not completed forests. I decide to climb into the unfinished house on the fire escape outside. An unknown man joined me. The staircase is cold to the touch. Finally we climbed into the apartment. We find a secret room with a strange wall. The wall is in the middle of the room. Something hangs on it The man binds himself to them, and a syringe is pulled out of the wall and lets some solution into the back of the man’s neck, after which the man is released from the ropes and leaves another room. The party has already begun in the apartment. Some tipsy guy comes into that room with a country wall. But death awaits him there. Death in a dark robe, but without a braid. She walks around the wall, and looks at the guy tied to her. The guy is already dead, tangled in a web. Death stands nearby. She turns out to be a girl in a death suit. He asks me - Am I afraid of her. I answer no.", IGUI_Dream51 = "I see my grandmother, she leads me through the woods. We leave a huge amount of a wide variety of flowers on a clearing where straight and wide stripes grow. While my grandmother guided me, I came across transverse asphalt paths. All this of course is very beautiful, but somehow vaguely reminiscent of a flowering cemetery without people. I notice that the asphalt has ended and instead of it went a solid white marble wall on which a great many names of people were carved. Grandma says that in the middle of this list there are also our names. Ms Surname great-grandmother, her daughter, for which I am going and your first and last name only thing that is strange surname grandparents like me And then my grandmother is with great regret and horror, says to me -.. Anyway, soon to die.", IGUI_Dream52 = "Several people, mostly women in the apartment, need help. Their relatives were missing or were killed. These people want to know the truth about their relatives and friends. I go into the room and, in turn, give each person a special amulet made of bone in the shape of a rhombus. When a woman took this amulet in her hands, then she and I begin to see visions. I see a young man shot his head in another apartment in the kitchen aisle. It became scary and very sad, what I saw was seen and this woman and this is terrible.I take a bone amulet and pass it on to the trail to a woman and we again have visions, we see a man looping himself in the middle of the room and hang himself. I started to shake from what I saw. I tell this woman. Excuse me, and pass the amulet into the hands of a third woman. We again plunged into it turned out that her husband was found, he is in the clinic, but he has amnesia, he doesn’t even remember his name. Three more women remain in the room, I’m impressed by what he saw ...", IGUI_Dream53 = "I look out the window and see a small white car. He drives around the house, but despite the fact that there is only one window in the apartment, I see him all the time. Then he stops from the side of the window and starts spinning around his I think it’s impossible to do this at such a speed, and the driver is drunk. For a second I get distracted, I return to the window, but there’s no car anywhere. But there is a huge truck in the middle of which something is burning. A lot of smoke. Apparently, white the car crashed into a truck, and some people rushed in, looking for a fire extinguisher They’re trying to save the driver. I’m trying to figure out whether I should run, because if this all explodes, the distance to my window is too dangerous. I look down, as if from the height of the 3rd or 4th floor, and I don’t see anyone at all and nothing. I hang out - I find. There is no equipment anymore. Fabric is laid on the asphalt - 5 people are lying on it. Blood, severed arms and legs. One obviously is already getting acquainted with God. The two have torn off the lower parts of the body, one also has a hand. But they are alive and surprisingly active. There is still a girl in a swimsuit and blood. It seems to be alive ...", IGUI_Dream54 = " Helicopter I was caught by some invisible powerful creatures to play my game. We were caught and put into different spaces .. A swim on a barge, at which a concert is held for the deceased this year. I need to conduct it with some girl, like an entertainer. The girl handed out plasticine robots to all the spectators and they started to chew them, but it turned out that the concert was just a cover, and that all these people were gathered here so that there was an opportunity to climb around their houses, where the funeral is going on. di is everywhere in the house, all sad, in black, the coffin is standing in. I find a ring in a designated place and climb into a garbage bag, everyone behind me, of course, shouting “How did you get here!?!?, and I'm already on the other end In the end, I collect everything and return the same way to the barge, the girl leading, suddenly rushes to the wall and destroys everything, I find myself on the shore, along with a huge white elk in a white T-shirt with yellow stripes on the sleeves. The moose is molded of plastic or something similar, and a small toy boat was lying on the back. I walk along the shore, I think where should I go next - this moose is clearly not an adviser. I return to the boat, pick it up, and it turned out to be an exact small copy of that barge. On the wall where the girl jumped was a small silhouette carved on a tree. She is full-length and points a finger somewhere. I look where she points a finger. It turned out that in that direction is a residential area and smoke rises from some building. I go to the houses, the moose with me. I go to a four-story building with smoke, I understand that this is a school, it is locked and there is panic. We climb up with the elk along the fire escape to the very top. The roof is on. In the windows I see that the guys at school have a uniform - white tracksuits with yellow stripes. I say moose -Your way out, man, task for you! And he is standing, looking at me. Fashioned from something, even fingerprints remained on it. I think - Fool. I take off his shirt and put it on the window. The moose remained on the street. I go into the room, like a circus arena, round. There is a meeting. Everyone is intimidated, everyone knows something. I jump onto the stage, grab the microphone and start talking. I am entertaining a little, relaxing the audience, I feel this excitement and at the same time I am watching all the spectators, they are in my palm. One strange mikimaus alerted me and a man who looks at me in horror and whispers something. I take him to the stage, give the microphone and make everyone say that he knows. Comforting him. - All of their own and everyone wants to know ... He tells me. - You are the one! Who, I say, is the same ?? Well, the one about which they warned! It turns out that some woman who set fire to the roof so that everyone would get scared and run away scared me all around. Everyone was waiting for me. I recall that even before the concert for the dead they explained to me that there is some kind of woman who can destroy everyone if the doors are closed. I need to neutralize it and prevent everything. What does it mean: if the doors are closed, they did not explain to me. I try to calm people and gently grab mycimaus. I rip off a plush costume from him, there was another mycimaus - as if alive, moves, looks at me, rips off this costume from him. There is mycimaus there again, only of smaller stature. A couple more times, and I get to the little battery-powered electric bug. Meanwhile, everything began to crumble. I disassemble the beetle for spare parts and lose a lot of time. I start to bring out the frightened people, and I see how in the distance, between the schoolchildren in white suits, the very girl flashed who closes the doors. She crawled behind me in a trash bag in one of the houses ... I followed her. ... ... From the found tools, a device was assembled with which you can jump into some kind of kindergarten in which I am a child, and she is a teacher. She knew that I was in one of the children, but did not know which one. Everything is precisely designed to press it against a wall in a room filled with children's picture books. It turned out as a result of the conversation that she was told that I was an enemy, that everyone next to me was dying when I open the doors, and that she needed to save people from me .. They gathered all the people, put them in the elevator and drove down to where safely. As soon as everyone got out of the bodice and the doors began to close, an old man flew in by helicopter and said that we were great, did the job. I understand that the elevator doors opened with me, and now they will close with her, with the girl, and everything will explode. I hold the elevator doors, and the old man in a helicopter laughs. The girl is crying, everyone is running in different directions ... ", IGUI_Dream55 = "The concrete walls of the police station in Rosewood greet me on either side. It's a hallway, going straight to the wide open steel door. There's a desk in plain view, but whoever may have once sat there was gone. Probably one of the freaks. I begin down the hall, hearing the soft thud of my boots on the tile floor below me. Other than that, all there is is my own breath and the rattling of all the things in my bag. No groans, no banging, nothing but silence. Then I stop. It's like there's something there, keeping me from moving forward. Like something won't let me take a step forward. And I sense something behind me. I turn; nothing even tries to prevent me from doing that. I can move my feet to turn all the way around, but I can't take a step. Not that I want to get closer to what I see. There's a man, standing at the other end of the hallway. He doesn't move, just stares. He's wearing the same clothes as me, down to the stains on his shirt. Except his gas mask. I'm not wearing one of those. Now I can hear him breathe. He takes a step towards me. I raise my shotgun instinctively. Had I been holding this the whole time? Whatever. I shout at him; tell him to stop approaching me. He doesn't stop, continuing his stride with the confidence like he'd done this all before. I warn him again, telling him that I will kill him. Still, he comes. I squeeze the trigger. Click The sound is louder than anything I'd ever heard. I pull my left hand back, racking back the pump with it's own click as the bolt rides back, spitting out... I watch the shotgun eject a perfectly good shotgun shell. Turning the gun to the side a little, a run my hand forward, hearing the 'clack' as I watch the bolt push another fresh shell into the chamber. I take aim on the man, still taking his sweet time as he walks with purpose. Click I drop the shotgun. Something must be wrong with it. My hand goes into the holster on my hip, fishing out the M9 resting there and align the sights with him. Click I don't even waste the time to check the chamber. I just rear back ant toss the gun at the man, toss it as hard as I can. He stops and stands, perhaps 10 feet from me as the gun flies at him... And he catches it. The man stands there, wrapping his hand around the grip and racks the slide back, letting it slam shut. He raises it, and something in the back of my mind tells me that I won't be as lucky as he was. If that was even luck. There was not word said in the agonizing second there was. Then there was a bang.", IGUI_Dream56 = "I ride the bus, it’s night on the street. And suddenly I start smoking. One, two, three ... And then I see people I know in the cabin. They angrily discuss what I smoke. And I understand that they will tell everything to the police. Therefore, I go to the nearest stop. I have two huge bags in my hands. One with vegetables, the other with clothes. I put them on the ground and look around for another transport. And then I understand that some people like me stole my bags on migrants. And it’s horrible! After all, all my clothes are there! Somehow I find them. And I get into their house. Talk about they don’t help things. I see my things scattered around their house, but I can’t pick them up and run away. I get to the second floor, and there is their son, and later the eldest daughter comes in. I tell them about the situation, I ask for help. They they kind of agree. And here I see through the attic wall, as the police approach me in the garden ... The environment changes and my mother and I are sitting at a woman at a round table. She tells us some magical secrets. But then it turns out that we should pretend that nothing like this is happening here. She puts some old money on the table, among which two bills of one hundred. And we have to pay this off with her for a look. And we are not two already, but there is someone else, and this someone takes the money. Mom and I are left with old bills. And I think. - How do we pay them, because they have long been worthless? Some people come in ... Then everything is vaguely. I am in front of this woman’s house. There flowers grow on a flower bed and I see a fence behind a flower bed, like my grandmother. I climb over the fence to do some magical practices. Either to a flower, or to a cat. I’ve done something weird, and I’m being punished for it. ", IGUI_Dream57 = "Mom makes her way through some terrible sewer, I crawl after. Around the trash, darkness, sometimes I have to crawl on all fours, and then rats run through the hands. Fatty owners of slippery tails. Mom bends the rods, rakes up rubble so that it makes it easier for me It seems that these manholes are endless. Finally, mother rests on the wall. This is a dead end. In the dark, she leads her hands on mucous stones and metal, trying to find at least some door or gap. And she gropes for a staircase, rusty, covered with the same sticky trash we climb cc The legs fall off, the stairs creak and heel. It’s unbearably difficult to climb it, but we crawl. At the very top, under the ceiling, there’s a dead end again. And mom again fumbles with her hands on the ceiling, trying to find salvation and finds a hatch. With a giant reluctance, rusty the mechanism lends itself, the lid slowly rises upward. Fresh, clean air poured into his face. Heat. Overhead, the mother scrambling out of the hatch stretches the sky - piercing blue, exuding so much love and compassion that it just squeezes it to the floor. And at the same time I want to take off. Mom helps me out, holding hands tightly. She does not see anything around, only this sky and feels only gushing love. ", IGUI_Dream58 = "I open the front door, I see three zombies slowly heading in my direction. I close it. The door is wooden, about ten centimeters thick, but it does not fit snugly against the doorway. Besides, from the inside, the door closes only with a heavy metal stick inserted almost on diagonals in special loops. Reliability is doubtful. In the house, besides me, there are several more people. They keep the defense by the numerous windows - there are 5 or 6. I, as usual, I rummage through the drawers in search of weapons. metal pin it’s smaller and lighter than the one that serves as a deadbolt. Somehow the door is open and the dead are bursting into the house. I beat their onslaught with the deadbolt, but it’s heavy and dull - there’s little use for it. The door, in the end, succeeds besides the pin, I find a large one, 40 centimeters in length, a knife made of a solid piece of silver metal. As a child, they peeled potatoes and cut cucumbers for salad. I notice that the zombies surrounded house. If it were not for the bars on the windows, they would already be inside. Although they are already inside the house. I'm urgently looking for how to close the door leading to the rooms. There is already a mess. Only one girl survived from the living. We still closed the door. I see a hole in the ceiling - in the attic, too, everything is already teeming with the dead - some of them periodically fall down to us ... ", IGUI_Dream59 = "I opened my eyes in a tiny room where people in white coats surrounded me. I rush about on the bed, calm me down. It turned out that I lost consciousness on the street and a medical team took me away. There are no personal items, I’ve already changed into some pajamas Everyone smiles at my panic. They took me to a private room along a narrow corridor. Two guys and two girls already live there. It’s very smoked. For a long time no one can clearly explain to me why I’m here, where are my things, how to tell my relatives. We are all sent to a large assembly hall. there are various diseases - for bonuses. Someone took a chill, he was given an injection and he shook happily. Already in the room he managed to make contact with my roommates while the girls took a shower. It turned out that a special kind of virus was sprayed in our region. who reacted to it is determined from the air by thermal imagers, now they’ve taken to this underground center of virology. There’s no way out of here. You will be discreetly studied. There are entertainments here — they give you different tasks — I’ve already noted in the logbook, you can attach different bonuses to yourselfillnesses - like that chill, which slightly changed the course of the main virus, then smoke on bonuses, go out to the winter garden, take goodies, etc. Here you stay forever. For parents and relatives - was missing. I started to panic, trying to get out of there, exploring the corridors ... ", IGUI_Dream60 = "He opened his eyes in a tiny room, where people in white coats surrounded me. I rush about on the bed, they calm me down. It turned out that I lost consciousness on the street and a medical team took me away. I don’t have any personal items, I’ll change into some pajamas Everyone smiles at my panic. They took me to a private room along a narrow corridor. Two guys and two girls already live there. It’s very smoked. For a long time no one can clearly explain to me why I’m here, where are my things, how to tell my relatives. We are all sent to a large assembly hall. various diseases - for bonuses. Someone took a chill, he was given an injection and he shook happily. Already in the room he managed to make contact with my roommates while the girls took a shower. It turned out that a special type of virus was sprayed in our region. Everyone who He reacted to it - it’s determined from the air by thermal imagers, now they’ve taken to this underground center of virology. There’s no way out of here. Know - like that chill, which slightly changed the course of the main virus, then smoke on bonuses, go out to the winter garden, take goodies, etc. Here you stay forever. For parents and loved ones - missing. I started to panic, trying to get out of there, exploring the corridors ... ", IGUI_Dream61 = "I leave the room into a long corridor that looks like a prison. Walls and doors shine with steel. Already 50 meters away I’m a stranger, tall and handsome, I’m already eating someone. I return to the room as quietly as possible ... < LINE> I’m running around the city, it feels like West Point, but I can’t identify it outwardly. Slush under my feet - rain or snow, it’s not clear. People are chasing me. I run into the basement, I see no other way out I’m trying to get out of it, but I can’t: the wide door suddenly turned into a small rusty window, through I don’t get through to a man. I decide to go forward, on the way I’m looking for something that can be used as a weapon. In one of the basements I find my good friend and brother. He is sleeping. I’m trying to explain to the girl that they are strangers in the city, but she I don’t understand the danger, and I explain to her who they are and where they came from. The room turns into a huge apartment with a good repair and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I go to the kitchen and begin to inspect all the drawers and cabinets - looking for knives. The arsenal is small - just a few small knives that even against your own throats will not help cut your throat. However, at least something. I call friends with me, but they do not agree and decide to stay. An attempt to escape from the monsters led me to some kind of market stall. They sell all kinds of spare parts from cars and household appliances. There are two people in it. I also explain to them what is happening around. These understand. We decide to run together, but the strangers are already here - there are three or four of them: large individuals. We quietly hang the entrance to the tent with a leaky short rag, so that our presence would not be so obvious from the side. We sit quietly like mice. I have a kind of scrap in my hand: a long cast-iron pin with a golden pattern and a curl at the end - it’s convenient to hold onto it. You can pierce the creature with this, but most likely I will die before the acid corrodes my weapon of defense. Suddenly I feel a movement above my head. I don’t move and try not to think about anything: they have good telepathy and feel fear. Apparently, this works, because they do not have organs of vision, and, despite my insecurity, they do not notice me. My throat is dry - I know how it goes. I feel terrible all-consuming fear. Running down the street again. Around the bacchanalia: some military men, instead of exterminating the aliens, prey on people. I hide in a wooden house, but the soldiers find me and put me under arrest. For some reason, the sentry spreads a white slurry resembling glue on the floor. I manage to escape, but after a while I find myself in this house again. He is still warm and humid from the fire. I’m climbing into the attic and burying myself in wet hay in the hope of at least a little sleep in safety. ", IGUI_Dream62 = "I’m in some big house, but in the basement, as it were. The rooms are very large, there is twilight everywhere. Some kind of mysticism is happening. I’m in this house with some girl. Some kind of demon penetrated us and he captured my sister. I don’t immediately discover where they are. But when I find out, for some reason my sister is in the bathroom and the demon is nearby. But I can’t get to my sister and save her ... More I’m already at the cemetery, or rather, at the entrance to the cemetery. Before me, a demon, he came to me - seeks my location. I’m already inside the cemetery, between my gil. And suddenly the same demon appears again. Pregnant! Falls behind a tombstone. Something happens and the demon disappears. And the child from the demon’s belly moves to me. He’s already quite an adult - three years old, blue-eyed, dark-haired, with rather long hair. Day. I am standing in the street in front of some office building. I see a woman who lays on a makeshift counter a wide variety of candles - red, black, yellow, white. I pay special attention to one of the black ones - this is a long twisted candle with some intricate tip that reminded me of a bow. I see that these are not just candles, but some special candles, for magical practices. I go up to this woman to ask where she bought them. And she tells me, pointing to this office building, that over there, upstairs shop. I look there, and there one of the windows is barred, but not with the usual window grill, but small-fine, that is, through which light hardly passes. It seems extremely strange to me. But I am going inside. As soon as I enter, I realize that I am in a long-abandoned, dilapidated building. And then, from the rubble of the staircase on the first floor, two monsters climbed on me ... I run out in horror. And immediately my gaze goes to the place where the woman stood and sold candles. It is surrounded by some zombies! I run down the stairs, bypassing this crowd of monsters. In my hands I have two trolleys that should cling to one after another. I understand that I can only escape in one way - clinging to Natasha, who for some reason rides by bicycle. We broke away and drove to her house. Which is not at all like her current home. But for some reason I’m not with Natasha anymore, but either with Olga, or with someone else. And we understand that all over the world some kind of monster invasion has begun. We go into the house, and there Natasha goes down the stairs with someone and she is completely indifferent to what is happening. It is very strange, as if she were zombied. We went up to another floor, and began to look at what was happening below, from a window on the landing. And down there, the aliens take everyone who leaves the house. But they do not look like monsters - they were just a crowd of strange people. And here I am again with Natasha. We decided to try to get out of the house. We go down ... We lie under some bush. Hid. We see how on the huge screens on the street they broadcast what is happening in the world. First they show some man - politics. One of the main ones. Aliens did something terrible to him. Then they show how all the newborn is now branded - they put a round sign with a strange pattern inside on the right buttock. After that, I understand that I’m just being taken to sleep ... I wake up from the fact that one of the aliens discovered me. Natasha is not around. Oddly enough, he looks like an ordinary human guy. He leads me somewhere. We go, and I think that, here, a meteorite fell, and aliens came after it. And for me it is logical and real! Following him, I make some kind of table in my head. I think that when I fill it, the dream will end, but I manage to fill in only two fields in the table. We continue to walk along the street, in front of the restaurant, large round tables in the open. I stopped next to a man. He called me, and the one who led me said nothing. This man from the restaurant gave me a drink of his glass of something bright - it looks like it's champagne. But after drinking, I do not feel the taste. Then he handed me a small glass on his leg. It has a scarlet liquid. It shimmers in different shades. I think this is liquor ... it will be delicious now. The liquid turned out to be of an ugly taste - some kind of bitter-salty, with an incomprehensible aftertaste ... ", IGUI_Dream63 = " Helicopter I hear the sound of a helicopter mixed with machine-gun shots. Hundreds of bullets tear the bodies of the dead in seconds. I look at the sky in confusion and see how the helicopter flies around me, then lands in the parking lot near the motel. I jump from the 2nd floor and run to the helicopter. I see five people in full military equipment, they point their weapons at me and shout - Stop, otherwise open fire! I stop on the spot and I raise my hands. A man in a chemical protective suit appears from a helicopter. He comes up to me. and asks me to undress so that he can check me for an infection. I obey. He checks me down for even small scratches. Then he steps back, looks at people with guns and tells them, Everything is clean. Then he tells me to get dressed. a man in a beret and a mask, asks me if I am fine. I just nod my head. Infected! one of the soldiers shouts. A man grabs my hand and throws it into a helicopter, the soldiers open fire on the dead. We take off ... The soldiers say they are from the US Army, I shout at them, ask - where the hell were they when we were dying here ?! In response, they say that over the past 3 months they have been doing everything possible to save as many people as possible, but the virus infected so quickly that there was no way to save everyone. In shock, I ask if anyone else is left ... After a moment, he tells me that they managed to get the vaccine before the virus spread so far that it could not spread further. But they could not do anything for those already infected. I'm falling from the chair. I am not alone ... Then he says that I look hungry and gives me an army dry sack. I eat it so fast that I almost swallow my tongue. Then they give me a warm cup of coffee, and when I drink, tears flow down my face. One of the soldiers puts his hand on my shoulder and says that now everything will be fine, and I should rest a bit, since we have a long flight until we return to Fort Knox. The adrenaline recedes, and I have a feeling of full stomach, I feel I will sleep for a whole week. I lean back in my chair and fall asleep to the drone of a helicopter ... (Jin, Jin, Jin) ... My alarm clock rings ... ", IGUI_Dream64 = " Helicopter I was caught by some invisible powerful creatures to play my game. We were caught and put into different spaces .. A swim on a barge, at which a concert is held for the deceased this year. I need to lead it with some man, like an entertainer. The man gave plasticine robots to all the spectators and they started to chew them, but it turned out that the concert was just a cover, and that all these people were gathered here so that there was an opportunity to climb around their houses, where the funeral is going on. and everywhere in the house, everything is sad, in black, the coffin is standing in. I find a ring in a designated place and climb into a garbage bag, everyone behind me, of course, shouting “How did you get here!?!?, and I'm already on the other end In the end, I collect everything and return the same way to the barge, the lead man suddenly rushes to the wall and destroys everything, I find myself on the shore, along with a huge white elk in a white T-shirt with yellow stripes on the sleeves. The moose is molded of plastic or something similar, and a small toy boat was lying on the back. I walk along the shore, I think where should I go next - this moose is clearly not an adviser. I return to the boat, pick it up, and it turned out to be an exact small copy of that barge. On the wall where the man jumped was a small silhouette carved on a tree. He is full-length and points a finger somewhere. I look where he points his finger. It turned out that in that direction is a residential area and smoke rises from some building. I go to the houses, the moose with me. I go to a four-story building with smoke, I understand that this is a school, it is locked and there is panic. We climb up with the elk along the fire escape to the very top. The roof is on. In the windows I see that the guys at school have a uniform - white tracksuits with yellow stripes. I say moose -Your way out, man, task for you! And he is standing, looking at me. Fashioned from something, even fingerprints remained on it. I think - Fool. I take off his shirt and put it on the window. The moose remained on the street. I go into the room, like a circus arena, round. There is a meeting. Everyone is intimidated, everyone knows something. I jump onto the stage, grab the microphone and start talking. I am entertaining a little, relaxing the audience, I feel this excitement and at the same time I am watching all the spectators, they are in my palm. One strange mikimaus alerted me and a man who looks at me in horror and whispers something. I take him to the stage, give the microphone and make everyone say that he knows. Comforting him. - All of their own and everyone wants to know ... He tells me. - You are the one! Who, I say, is the same ?? Well, the one about which they warned! It turns out that there was a man who visited me and frightened everyone, who set fire to the roof so that everyone would be scared and scatter. Everyone was waiting for me. I recall that even before the concert for the dead they explained to me that there is some kind of man who can destroy everyone if the doors are closed. I need to neutralize it and prevent everything. What does it mean: if the doors are closed, they did not explain to me. I try to calm people and gently grab mycimaus. I rip off a plush costume from him, there was another mycimaus - as if alive, moves, looks at me, rips off this costume from him. There is mycimaus there again, only of smaller stature. A couple more times, and I get to the little battery-powered electric bug. Meanwhile, everything began to crumble. I disassemble the beetle for spare parts and lose a lot of time. I start to withdraw the frightened people, and I see how in the distance, between the schoolchildren in white suits, the same man flashed by who closes the doors. He climbed after me into a garbage bag in one of the houses ... I followed him. ... ... From the found tools, a device was assembled with which you can jump into some kind of kindergarten, in which I am a child, and he is a teacher. He knows that I am in one of the children, but does not know which one. Everything is precisely designed to press it against a wall in a room filled with children's picture books. It turned out as a result of the conversation that he was told that I was an enemy, that everyone next to me was dying when I open the doors, and that he needed to save people from me .. They gathered all the people, put them in the elevator and drove down to where safely. As soon as everyone got out of the bodice and the doors began to close, an old man flew in by helicopter and said that we were great, did the job. I understand that the elevator doors opened with me, and now they will close with him, with a man, and everything will explode. I hold the elevator doors, and the old man in a helicopter laughs. A man is crying, everyone is running in different directions ... ", IGUI_Dream65 = "I stand near a large metal pipe with a diameter of more than a meter - I stand above it and see that its entire surface bends as if the wall of the pipe is very thin, and there are many thin pipes that constantly wriggle, bending and unbending with many right angles and intertwining between each other, I don’t see thin pipes, I see only the general outlines pushing through a large thin wall. This is some kind of problem, it will be solved when the movement stops, I don’t see the core of the problem, only the surface. Everything around is made of metal. Looking from you honeycombs, I see a beautiful city of red metal in the setting sun, the houses in it are constantly growing, leaving the ground, changing their shape, it is constantly being built, there are no windows in moving houses, these are metal monoliths, but I know that the windows will appear. The closer to the center is the higher the buildings, the buildings in the center form a spire that goes up. I know for sure that I have been building this city since childhood, it is a city that reflects my life. When I wake up, I understand that any film can be considered as a dream of its author, even if there are no dreams in the plot, and the real cities in which we live are collectible dreams of their inhabitants. ", IGUI_Dream66 = "I’m walking along the street. Everything seems to be in order, summer is in the yard, blue-white clouds are floating in the sky. And then I understand that I don’t remember how I ended up here. The brain is shocked and starts to work. I remember last night and how I went to bed. I understand that I’m sleeping - and this is a shock interspersed with delight. I look around more carefully, trying to determine my feelings. The wind is blowing around my body with coolness. Shade from the leaves is swaying on the asphalt. The sun is blinding my eyes. I approach the tree on the side of the road and I’m starting to examine it. I touch it with my hands and feel the core . Feeling full:. Hearing - the degree of reality, vision - a reality, the sense of smell - a reality, the sense of touch - modeled reality world 100% true ". IGUI_Dream67 = "I’m walking down the street. Everything seems to be in order, summer is in the yard, blue-white clouds are floating in the sky. And then I understand that I don’t remember how I got here. The brain is shocked and starts to work. I remember last night and how I went to bed. I understand that I’m sleeping - and this is a shock interspersed with delight. I look around more carefully, trying to determine my sensations. The wind blows, cooling my body. Shade from the leaves sways on the pavement. The sun blinds my eyes. I approach the tree on the side of the road and I begin to examine it. I touch it with my hands and feel . Feeling full yell:. Hearing - the degree of reality, vision - a reality, the sense of smell - a reality, the sense of touch - modeled reality world 100% true ". IGUI_Dream68 = "I come to the city of my girlfriend, I go to her house, everything seems to be as usual. But I have a very strong desire to see her, I run into the house, I go to her apartment, it’s empty, there’s nobody, panic envelops me where is my beloved? I start running around her apartment and calling her name loudly, running into her room and calling and calling her there, but in vain. Then I go down the street completely depressed and, next to the house, on the bench, is an elderly woman, I go up to her, look her straight in the eye and recognize her as a girl in her. We have tears welling up, we sit down a row m, it is old, and I'm in my years, and begin to recall those moments when we were together, we laugh and we regret the lost time ... " IGUI_Dream69 = "A typical winter evening, I’m going to meet friends, but only 50 money, but I still have to get there and come back. I meet my old friend. We are walking near my house, in the neighboring area, we’re talking about something, all of a sudden Something happened to the police cars next to us on the road, I really don’t understand what exactly ... Both cars stalled on the side of the road, but did not stop, but slowly tried to get out. Suddenly a man and a woman got out and a man threw a glass bottle to a police car - it’s an exact hit. Then everyone jumped out and from the cars, and the man who threw the bottle took out a rifle and started to shoot randomly. I start filming all this action on a video camera. Very soon this Rambo with a gun notices me and shoots in my direction. I start to run, run and shake from fear, his legs are like cotton, they move with difficulty. He runs after me and shoots at me. I run off the alleys, confuse him. The adrenaline is at the limit. I run to the store ... it seems he is behind, I see the police patrol, I run to them and tell what happened, they call an ambulance, it turns out I have nation, and from the back in two places blood flows very much. An ambulance arrives, they put me on a stretcher. The doctor says, - You will live!", IGUI_Dream70 = "I am with my young man. We are in an old castle, at war. Dressed in armor, in the hands of bows. I hug him and he has a knife in his chest, Two wounds, each of which is fatal, and I pull out the knife and try hold the wounds with my hands. Blood flows in jerks, flows onto my hands, on the floor. There is an unbelievable amount of blood. And it doesn’t stop. At some point I understand that it was blows. He dies, I stop closing the wounds and tightly I’m embracing him. At this time, our troops burst into the castle, and so they catch me - on my knees, embracing the dead enemy ... ", IGUI_Dream71 = "Walking into a restaurant waiting at my table. A waitress walks up asking for my order. I request a tall glass of water with a lemon and the daily special on the menu. The waitress walks away writing on her notepad. Looking around the building is very elegant with red curtains, a marble floor, and black furniture. The waitress returns shortly after with my dish. She places the plate on the table lifting the stainless still lid as steam pours out hot. My mouth waters as I see the best pair of delicious denim shorts. I take my fork and knife beginning to cut small pieces and eating it like a thick steak with delight... I wake up unable to breath with half the pillow in my mouth.", IGUI_Dream72 = "I see myself surrounded by shadowy figures with no face just darkness, trying to grab me like the undead that surround me outside of my dreams. They are clawing at me, trying to pull me into the ground through my bed. I panic, and they start turning their heads so that they are facing away from me and reveal a large open mouth filled with serrated teeth. I manage to break free, waking up from the nightmare perspiring with sweat sitting up. I look to the side, just to realise I am still inside the nightmare with a shadowy figure reaching out to me saying it's okay, we mean no harm. Go back to sleep. I refuse to go back to sleep, and instead reach out for it as well and feel a sense of calming. I finally wake up relieved not understanding the purpose of the dream or what it could mean.", IGUI_Dream73 = "All i can see is the sky as i feel myself falling, i feel the air rushing around me and hear it howling in my ears. I try to scream in fear anticipating the pain of hitting the ground but it never happens, i just fall endlessly in a void. For a split second it felt like i felt the pain of landing only to wake up with my back aching. ", IGUI_Dream74 = "I was in bathroom, I took my all gear off and put it on the washing machine. Then I turn on the shower - Warm water! Taking a shower with a warm water in these times made me happy like picking up a birthday present! I heard some knocking from the doors after I finished washing myself.. and then I realized that my weapons, clothes and everything I put on washing machine is gone. Walkers opened doors by force and after a while I felt how they rip off my guts with their fangs...", IGUI_Dream75 = "For some reason, I find myself in an abandoned factory with a team of 8 searchers equipped with lights. (I am one of them as well) I don't know what I am doing here and what we are even looking for meanwhile, we are preparing to make our way down to this metal 3 by 3 meters wide square spiral staircase which I think leads to the basement. We start to go down and down and down the staircase. When I started to think that it is bottomless since we went down so deep but we have yet to reach the ending of it, but all of a sudden, I hear a searcher screaming terrifyingly and it was followed by a monstrous scary growl. Everyone including myself started to run for our lives instinctively. I could hear that thing climbing up loudly and faster than us. For a brief moment, I took a look down over my shoulder while rushing up. It was so dark and all I saw was a big shadow figure chasing us. My heart went racing... It was hunting us one by one. All I heard was the short-lasting screaming of the caught ones and its growl. I heard that thing's steps getting closer and closer to me as well as feeling the vibrations of the staircase. While I was getting exhausted from dashing up for my life for so long, I started to think that it was the end right before I see the beginning of the staircase... I made it out of it and for some reason, my instincts told me to get out of the shadowy factory before taking a breath of relief. So I ran up to the big open factory door 10-15 meters away and threw myself to the outside, into the daylight as well as the other 3 survivors.", IGUI_Dream76 = "I wake up on the clouds, everything is too light. Apparently very high. I see a tile bridge going straight through the clouds, it looks very ancient, but well preserved. Out of interest, I start walking along it, I start to meet low columns, I enter an ancient temple, before I have not seen such buildings and this makes it look incomplete. Memories of parents creep into my head. Suddenly I felt like a child. At the end of the temple I see a party. I think if I’m a child, then I have to go to my mother. As soon as I approach the crowd, as soon as the temple crashing down on me ... ", IGUI_Dream77 = "The halls are evenly spaced and numbered. The tiles are black on white, etched with antiseptic. My stride seamlessly syncs with the tile floor, as if the tiles themselves are for me alone. Absolute Darkness spreads around me, the only light coming from above. It seems to be it follows me as I walk, its power is enough to reach the foot of the doorways on either side. The further I step, the colder the air gets, and each step gets faster than the last. Before I realize it, my breath becomes opaque and I pick up my pace, trying to fight the cold, but it only gets worse. Every breath feels like an icy dagger dripping from my lungs. My heart is thundering now, the tiles are an impossible gray spot. Without warning, the lights go out, my breathing quickens. I think my heart stopped ... ", IGUI_Dream78 = "I am standing in a dark corridor, everything is in complete darkness. I feel the walls, and, at the same moment, the edges of the walls start to glow bright yellow. I understand that I am standing at the intersection of several corridors. I decide to go along one of them, not hoping to find at least something. Suddenly, from around the corner, a rat ran out. In an instant it became gigantic, higher than ceilings, which, as it turns out, do not exist. I run. She is chasing me! My vision is changing, I can no longer see that, what is in front of me, I see everything. Each corridor, a giant rat glowing in golden yellow, stepping on my heels, and myself desperately seeking salvation. The corridors make up an uncomplicated labyrinth, without an entrance or exit. I run in horror. The walls have ceased to be clear, everything became not smooth, even, square. The rat, running after me, became one line, bending at the junctions of the corridors. I myself became an ordinary blue square, running from a large yellow line, similar to a snake. I stop because of severe fatigue. . Snake, u is quite real, pounces on me. I don't have time to react. I'm not there. I am in the void of nothingness. I wake up...", IGUI_Dream79 = "I walk through the desert and stumble upon a canyon, inside it is a large mechanical structure, like a box, supported by thin curving scaffolding and a small bridge, this metal building is shattered and broken, it seemed that it could fall into the depths of the canyon at any moment. Use the small bridge to get inside the box. The interior matches the exterior, old, twisted, rusty metal. My attention was attracted by a strange hole in the wall, light seeps out of this hole, the light does not look like the light of the sun, I risk going through it and find myself standing in the square in front of the station. Where I am? The box had no railroad tracks leading to or from it, and in the desert around the canyon there was no city or railroad. I am the only soul for miles .. I hear the bell rang, the doors to the station swing open, and the square is filled with people ... A woman comes up to me, dressed in a big green dress with a big hat to match the dress ... I'm trying to get answers from her. I wanted to know where we were, and then I saw her face, her skin made of fabric, she is white, lacy, with soft stripes going down her face and body, her full lips with red lipstick. I don't remember her eyes, but I believe they matched her dress. all those details ... but her words made her ugly. I don't understand what she is saying to me, but I know that she is rude to me...", IGUI_Dream80 = "Waking up in a fright, I look around, I look in the closet, I look everywhere but I cannot find one of them anywhere. Out of the window I peer, no shamblers, no rotting flesh, just people minding their own business. I don’t understand. How did I get into my old bed? I was in my bunker. I spent nearly a year building that place deep in the forest, away from all those walking dead. This must be a dream, a sick dream from the time before. I got to wake up, I got to shock myself awake, I got to jump out my window and shock myself awake! Oh got it hurts, the pavement hurts! Help me… Waking up in the hospital bandaged everywhere, not again! I cannot wake up from this dream. I press the button that calls for assistance. Where are the Zombies, what is going on?! What do you mean you don’t know what I am talking about?! I won’t calm down! I won’t stop, let go! I pull free and run out of the hospital. No, no stop the car… I cannot believe all the blood coming out of me! Stay away from me, get away, stop reaching for me, I don’t want your help NOOO… is the last thing your mind thinks of while the Zombies munch on you, in your bunker, asleep.", IGUI_Dream81 = "Wow! So this is a dream? These are the rare moments I can remember I am dreaming. I wonder what I can do in my dream. I am outside, nice! I am driving, wow! Now I want to go where it is populated with Zombies. Oh, how much I want to get my frustrations out on them, I can! This is my dream. Alright, let me reach for my trusty weapon, got it. Now, I am going to take them out. Look at them all fall! It feels so real. If only in real life I can be this calm, it will be so easy. I must have finished off a couple of dozen of them, nice! I look around, it looks like I am back at home. Lucid dreaming gives you courage, that is for sure. Everything is fading away, I must be waking up. I look at my feet. All bloody and muddy. Was that a dream or did I actually… Am I still dreaming? Did I do all that for real?", IGUI_Dream82 = "I see a shed. I have seen that shed many times when passing it to get to the grocery store. The shed’s door is always rattling, I do not know why. I do not want to approach it, too scary. Week after week I pass that shed. Its door keeps shaking, rattling, wanting to break open. I don’t want it to break open, I am afraid of what is on the other side. I can’t help it. I have to hold it together! I try to put duct tape, wood glue, nails, but nothing is holding the inevitable. It is going to break! I am starting to panic and I do not know why. The sheds door finally breaks into pieces. The light around me starts dimming. Everything gets cold so cold...", IGUI_Dream83 = "Will you please turn off the music! I am trying to focus here. I got to pass my test, and I just can’t study with all that noise! Do you hear me? STOP ALL THAT NOISE! Why don’t they care about the important things, like grades and a career? It sounds like a party is going on outside. Why would you throw a party in the middle of the week? I grab my books and walk into my closet. I shut the door and turn the lights on, finally some piece and quite. They never cared about my future. I will not allow them to take it from me. I will focus so hard that I will block out all the noise they are causing even at my closet door. Break in if you want, you won’t convince me to help you with your selfish needs. Nothing you do can distract me from a happy and bright future. Nothing you do, nothing, nothing...", IGUI_Dream84 = "Be my valentine. I love you so much. You can take my liver, my pancreas, my intestines… Heck, you can take both my kidneys if you want. What about my lungs? Why not?! I love everything about you. Your droopy eyes and your rotting teeth. Your pealing skin is so soft. I don’t know why I never saw before how great you are. I should have given myself to you way before, but now… This is the way it should be, the way nature made us… compatible. Once we are happy together, I will help you! I won’t be holding you back anymore. We will love everyone, together. Isn’t that the real beauty of life, to love everyone? No discrimination? I feel it, I am in your embrace. Thank you, thank you for accepting me. I will do you proud. You will see, you will see...", IGUI_Dream85 = "I was a butterfly flying through the town of Muldraugh. I saw people hugging and kissing each other while smearing red paint on each other. I then landed on top of someone's head. I think it was me but I was also covered in red paint.", IGUI_Dream86 = "I wake up in the hospital - my body is tied to the bed, I see through the window in the door people and doctors running away. A moment later, a woman in a dressing gown catches up and devours one of the creatures. Have they learned to run?! I hear numerous knocks on the door, I feel a cold sweat pouring down. I try to break free, but I just roll over and fall. Turning towards the door, I see a terrifying-looking woman running at me, with a ragged face and lifeless eyes.", IGUI_Dream87 = "I am in the attic of my house. Sitting on an old bed, staring at an old TV with a VHS cassette on top of it with a classic black and white horror movie. Next to the turntable, on the TV, there are several cassettes - so I have a marathon of films. There is an extension cord on my bed, with wires from the TV inserted into it. Everything would be fine, but I remember that in this attic, on the opposite side from the exit, a little further from the TV, right in front of the window, there is a sculpture of an angel, looking somewhere to the left, holding his hands in a prayer position. The body of the sculpture is turned towards me. Suddenly I realize that the sculpture will follow me - if they turn away ... This is not just a sculpture, it is also an animatronic! Cyclic movement of the head - first there is a slow lifting up, then, slow and smooth blinking, the next movement of the head down, blinking again ... everything repeats again in a circle ... I remember that from the wall, to the left, behind the TV are mannequins, there are quite a few of them, about 6. The angel statue is now facing them. All animated !!! They have no faces, they are all white. First, they make a smooth bow to each other, and then they make some kind of body movements with their hands. - How cool they are! All movements are smooth and beautiful, as if they are alive. Explicit work of the master. I look at the sculptures for a while, the plot on TV - from the usual dialogue, switches to a moment that is alarming for the plot. For a moment, my gaze turns to the bed on which I am sitting - the extension cord has disappeared somewhere. I look at the face of the statue ... she looks in my direction again - the movements are the same, lifting my head, blinking ... I start to worry a little ... I hear the sound of switching off ... the TV screen goes blank. In the hands of the statue I see an extension cord, with disconnected wires. I call my parents, it seems they are nearby ... With a frightened intonation, I tell them what just happened to me. They are listening carefully. I point to a statue with its head turned somewhere to the left, its eyes are closed, hands are in a prayer position ... neither the statue nor the mannequins make any movements ... these are just standing figures. I look at the bed - on it lies the same extension cord with the wires pulled out. I hear laughter from my parents...", --****************************************************************-- IGUI_Dream88 = "Where I am? The desolate cityscape around me is unfamiliar, and the chill of winter twilight seeps through my skin. I feel something strange in the air, a feeling that something is about to happen. The first event was a power outage that swept through the city like a wave. All the street lights flickered, then went out. Suddenly, the darkness was almost overwhelming. There were no stars to be seen overhead. The city seemed to have disappeared from oblivion. Then noise appeared. It was like music, but it came from everywhere and nowhere. It seemed to bounce off every building and street corner, but I can't tell where it's coming from. Finally, I hear a click. Weak at first, but every next one gets louder and louder. I can feel its echoes in the very ground on which I stand. Then, in the blink of an eye, the lights came on again, the noise disappeared, and the city came alive again. I look around in confusion, wondering what just happened. The events seemed so strange and unrelated, but at the same time they were connected in some mysterious way. I didn't understand it, but one thing is clear for sure: something strange has just happened in this unfamiliar city.", IGUI_Dream89 = "I am driving around the city, everything is as usual, a familiar street, cars, passers-by are walking along the sidewalks about their everyday affairs. What is that note on the rug under your feet? I'm trying to get it, I can't reach it..., yeah, here it is in my hand... I look at the road again... and right in front of me I see another car. He was still far away from me, but it is clear that he is developing at a breakneck speed... Everything happened very quickly. I heard and see how the car reached its maximum speed and headed straight for me. My body trembled, and I realized that my car would not be able to dodge and avoid a collision. And then I hear a blow and feel thousands of metal hands that suddenly grabbed me and pierced my body. I open my eyes, the front part is completely destroyed, the doors are blocked, I can’t pull the handle, it just isn’t in its place, everything is filled with broken glass, blood smeared all over the car interior. The body is numb, it is lifeless. I'm cold to the bone. It's scary, it looks like death. I can't believe it all happened so quickly.", IGUI_Dream90 = "A terrible sight. The streets are covered with scattered corpses, some cruel events have taken place here. Blood is almost everywhere, under my feet, on the walls... my hands are also covered in blood. Hands, there are a lot of them around. The corpses are almost all with their arms torn off! God! We need to fold them nicely, neatly... Here, it's better.... The pile is already quite large, some measures need to be taken. I think I'm starting to get used to the smell, I need to move them to the center of the city and set them on fire. I notice with fear and horror that many of the corpses are children. I set fire to a pile and leave, thinking about what happened...", IGUI_Dream91 = "I want to smoke cigarettes, I go around the city looking for them. Many shops are completely empty inside, only small piles of various rubbish on the floor. I ask a passerby to give me a cigarette, he silently walks by, as if I'm not there, and leaves away from me down an empty street, and there, between the strange city swamps, lies a large and strange stone - thin and rather long, finished with a smooth and even surface.Four small, smooth recesses and ledges on the sides.More and two notches separating it into parts. All this is very strange, since such stones have never come across to me before.", IGUI_Dream92 = "Desperately looking for something to eat. Everywhere I look, I find nothing. I feel frustrated, as if my hunger will never be satisfied, I know that I am getting weaker every second. The landscape around me is somehow surreal, and nothing seems familiar. It seems like I'm walking in circles with nothing to look for. There is no one around to help me. I start to get desperate, wanting to find some food. Then, out of nowhere, I notice a bright light in the distance. It seems to be calling me like a beacon of hope. I follow the light, and eventually I come to a small diner. The diner is old but cozy, the air is filled with the smell of freshly cooked food. I rush to the counter and order food to satisfy my hunger. What amazingly delicious food, I feel how my strength returns with every bite. It's good that I found something to eat... I left the diner feeling deeply satisfied and happy that food was finally found...", --**********************UpDate #029*************************-- IGUI_Dream93 = "I am in a huge area where the bright white sun shines brightly, I need to do something important. I understand that I am not alone in this square. I turn around and notice an unusual picture: there is a huge space station here, which was not there at the beginning. Strange aliens come out of the station, which look like people, but with unusual body shapes: some have wings, others have outstretched ears. I'm curious about what's going on at this station and decide to join the alien group. But they do not even pay attention to me, or rather they do, but by their facial expressions they imply that they do not want to deal with me. I feel a little hurt, but I decide to keep walking down the station. Along the way I notice devices and machines unknown to me. I'm trying to figure out what exactly they are doing, but I don't understand anything. I keep walking until the sky is covered with an unexpected cloud. The tension is rising with every second, There has never been such a strange sky. A bright flash of light, and everything around me was suddenly plunged into darkness.", IGUI_Dream94 = "I'm in some abandoned forest clearing. Around crooked trees and thickets of bushes. In the distance I see a group of monstrous creatures. They are unlike anything I have ever seen. Their bodies were covered with spikes and scales, eyes like snakes, their movements were cunning and fast. I feel fear, but at the same time hypnotic beauty. They don't seem hostile and I don't know how to react to them. They approached me and I feel an invisible force that lifts me into the air. I find myself in a big nest where they all live. They began to communicate with me, but I do not understand their language. They show me their world and explain that they are not enemies, but are looking for communication with other worlds and races. I feel like they really need friends and understanding. I stay in their world.", IGUI_Dream95 = "I immediately felt that something was wrong. There is an atmosphere of mystery and fear around me, I feel that someone is watching me. I start to turn around, trying to figure out what's going on, and then I see him - a dark person, a dark shadow that haunted me. Run! Urgently! I couldn't run away from her, she is everywhere, and I understand that my dream is not the same as always. I try to hide in the corners of the room, hide under the bed, but the dark personality finds me everywhere. She is frightening, threatening and I feel it with a chill in my spine and on the back of my head, she wants to catch me and do something bad to me. I run again, trying to escape from my evil shadow, but it's useless. I feel it approaching and my thoughts become more and more hazy and vague. Legs barely move! What's happening?!? I don't know what to do, and for a moment I freeze in fright. And then I realize that the dark personality is a part of me...", IGUI_Dream96 = "I'm lying in a dark room, but I'm not afraid, I know that this is just a dream. Suddenly I realize that I can control time. I start testing my abilities and time starts to go faster or slower when I want it to. I fulfill my desires by moving into the future and into the past. I see how the world is changing, passing through me, changing color and meaning. It was funny to see people running with flying tiles, but I didn't have to wait in lines to get somewhere. I stop time to feel its infinity and experience it to feel the present.", IGUI_Dream97 = "Lying in my bed and looking at the ceiling, and suddenly the whole room was enveloped in light. I jump up and start rummaging in the dark, and then the light flashed again - and I find myself in the same place where the first time. Suddenly, it became clear to me that I was waking up twice in the same dream - it was so strange and unexpected that it just made my skin itch. I look around, see myself on the other side of the room. My eyes meet my own, and I just have time to think: - Who is this?, as the double runs up to me and starts asking questions in a language that I do not understand. Oh my God! - involuntarily clenching my fists from fear - I tightly close my eyes, try not to give it and behave quietly ... I open my eyes again, it is still standing in front of me. I can't understand how it's possible to be in one place and then be in another, and being able to see your doppelganger is all on the verge of fantasy. Force myself to sit on the bed and relax. I gradually calm down and begin to listen carefully to what my double says. Dvonik says that he can help me make a choice in one very important issue, but for this I will have to pay a price: the familiar world may never become familiar again. I think for a long time what to do - to stay and accept this choice, which should save me from something terrible, or try to return to reality...", IGUI_Dream98 = "There is a door in front of me. It seems powerful and old, as if kept on its huge hinges for centuries. I will move closer, studying every detail of its wooden surface. But what is it? The key is already in the lock, and without thinking, I unfold it and turn the handle. I feel warm and comfortable, feeling smooth wood under my palms. And as I look at the colors and textures around me, I notice my father sitting on a wooden chair. He smiles and we start talking for ages. I feel like I'm asking him all the questions that have been hidden in my heart for so long. I feel him fitting the answers into my memory like pieces of a puzzle. Together we restore his life - all good and all bad. I understand that it was not so easy... But time is running out and we must say goodbye. I get one last smile from him and watch the door begin to close slowly. I'm returning to the real world, but I feel like my life will never be the same.", IGUI_Dream99 = "Dark forest. Steps on my tracks. I run, but it seems to me that they are getting closer. But I can't look back - I know that the main thing is not to leave traces. Terrible feelings come over me when I stumble, but I keep running with new strength. I don't know who's threatening me, but I know I don't have much time left. I wake up sweaty. Another terrible vision. But this time I already understand - every night I turn into a zombie and go hunting for my nightmares. I can no longer sleep peacefully knowing that the hunter turned out to be me. I need to find a way to stop this. Stop yourself.", IGUI_Dream100 = "I am in a dense forest surrounded by tall trees. I don't think this is my first time here. I go to the center of the forest and apparently looking for something very important, because my heart starts to beat faster and faster. Soon I find a mysterious path that leads to the lake. I understand that a real sacred place. The atmosphere around me reminds me of my past lives, adventures and worries. My hands begin to turn silver and my eyes glow with a ghostly light. I raise my hands to the sky, and the amulet, which rushes about, appears in my hands. I feel my spirit so strongly that it seems to me that I can do everything that I need. But beyond the limits of my consciousness there is something else mysterious. I feel like I'm being watched, but I can't find anything among the tall trees. I turn quickly, but no one is there. My instincts tell me that this is not all it takes. I keep walking forward, hoping to find answers to my questions along the way. But suddenly I wake up, and the feeling of my past is only getting weaker and weaker. I feel like it was all very real, but now I'm here in the present and it's a different world. But in my soul I know that the past will stay with me forever...", IGUI_Dream101 = "I start my journey inside a huge colorful labyrinth filled with different animals and mystical creatures. I strive to get out of this tangled web, but instead I search for treasures, solve riddles and fight scary monsters. Then I find myself in a huge meadow where the most beautiful flowers bloom, and everything around is so quiet and calm. I hear only the birds singing and the sound of the grass under my feet. I wander through this meadow, just enjoying this beauty. And here, being away from the earth, I'm already on a huge flying dragon! Together we fly through the air, look at the beautiful views and there is nothing more important in the world than this moment...", IGUI_Dream102 = "Lying in my bed, stories of supernovas and space adventures float before my eyes. But suddenly my room is filled with bright light, and I wince. I look out the window and see a UFO flying straight towards my house. I am dazed and frightened, and when a UFO has landed in my yard, I realize that I cannot escape. The UFO's door swung open, and creatures appeared right in front of the flying saucer. They were tall, with thin limbs, large eyes and strange bodies. I couldn't figure out how to communicate with them, but they have an unusual ability that allows them to transmit their thoughts directly to my brain. They invited me on board and began to conduct medical research on me. I feel strange vibrations and electrical impulses running through my body, but I don't feel any pain. After a while, I began to realize that they were studying my body and my brain, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. After several hours of testing, they let me go. I instantly go back to my room and wake up...", IGUI_Dream103 = "I am in a dense forest. The space surrounding me is filled with three spirits: earth, air and fire. I feel them surround me and protect me. Looking up, I see a mountain of light that seems to be approaching the earth. It lights up with a bright light, and I feel that the spirits are asking me to climb to the top of the mountain. I start walking, and my soul rises along with the mountain. In the distance I hear a soft cry and turning to it, I see a group of creatures, it looks like balls of fog descending from the mountain. As I get closer, I realize that they are water spirits. They repeat the words "Forgive us" and "We need your help." I feel their suffering and decide to help them. They turn out to be carnivorous monsters that trap humans and drag them along. But I am not afraid and start hitting them using my spirit powers. Despite the fact that they cause me serious damage, I continue to fight. In the end, I break all their nests and free a lot of people. The eruption of bodies floats freely before my eyes, and I see a sign appear in the sky, symbolizing my achievement. My mission is complete and I feel satisfied. I return back to my world knowing that the spirits will always support me.", IGUI_Dream104 = "Darkness. I can't see anything around me, not a single source of light. Only cold air and the presence of some force that haunts me and fills me with anger and fear. I begin to feel something begin to enter my mind, as if someone is getting into my brain and starting to control me. But I will not allow myself to be possessed by this creature without a fight. I begin to struggle with this enslavement, but it intensifies, its power and influence on me increase. Having gained control of my body, the spirit begins to use it to do things I don't want to do. I start screaming, I try to break free from his grip, but he gains control over my body again and again. My destiny, my soul - all this becomes the object of his desires and I become his plaything in this empty darkness. I feel his presence above me, as if he is trying to thresh my soul, crush it in his hands. My being turns into a metallic ball of pain, I feel every movement. It presses on every cell of my body, tightening my muscles, disrupting my breathing, making it painful and heavy. I think I'm about to die from this pain. But I do not give up, I will never give up, because there is strength in me, because I am sitting on my knees in front of the demon, trembling inexorably and ferociously with the pallor of a martyr. I carry the sword in my hand and bow my head to see my reflection in it. I see how the spirit moves into my closed world, I hear its cold and abusive voice. Now I know what I need to do, I will dare, stand up, look the Predator in the eyes, brandish my sword and pounce on him. I will not let him trample my essence, grind me into the ground. With fire in my eyes, I strike after blow, never stopping until I'm dead and free of his darkness.", IGUI_Dream105 = "I see a project in front of me that no one can complete. But I know that this is my calling. I start work on a project, every step is difficult, but I kept going. I come up with new solutions, make changes, every day I get closer to the goal. My team is growing and getting stronger, together we overcome every difficulty. I don't know how we do it, but every day we improve the project. And here is one moment when everything seems hopeless, when we are faced with an insurmountable problem. But we do not give up and find a way out of the situation. As the project gets more and more perfect, I get an unfamiliar feeling. It was some kind of celebration, really. I have confidence that our project will become a real breakthrough in the world. And now, finally, the project is completed and I understand that it was difficult, but significant. I feel that this is one of the most successful moments of my life and I understand that much more can be done.", IGUI_Dream106 = "I'm in a strange place, like I'm in a room I don't know. My heart is beating faster than usual and I feel that there is someone else here. Suddenly, three familiar figures appear in front of me: my old friends, whom I have not seen for many years. I can't believe my eyes and involuntarily smile in surprise. They, as if nothing had changed, and we meet again here, in this strange place. We begin to communicate fleetingly. But many questions already arise in my head: why are we here, what has happened over all these years, what is new in the life of my friends? Even though we can't talk to each other like we're on the phone, I feel like they're here with me and everything matters. After a while, a friend I don't know appears. He mysteriously nods his head and shows us on the screen, where we see a beautiful bird soaring above the ground. I understand that this is a symbol of our freedom, lightness and carelessness. My friends are smiling and I feel that something important is about to happen. All of a sudden, this stranger in home clothes we saw earlier starts talking to me in a language I don't understand. He looks at me as if noticing my vague incomprehensibility, and says something interesting in his native language. I do not understand every word, but I feel that everything is happening exactly as it should be. Despite the complexity of the language, we understand each other without words - and as if on the phone - we continue to communicate. My friends are leaving and I don't want them to leave.", IGUI_Dream107 = "I lie on the soft green lawn that surrounds a huge white palace. The sun shines brightly overhead, but its rays do not blind, but give warmth and tranquility. Birds chirping in the distance, and the smell of freshly cut grass. There are two strangers on the lawn with me, but I don't feel fear or anxiety, because their smiles and manners suggest that they are affable and kind. Wings are depicted on their clothes, they look like angels. They ask me questions in a language I don't know, but I understand their thoughts and answer them in their own language, which is completely incomprehensible to me. They smile when I answer, as if they are pleased with my knowledge of their language. Soon I notice that there are children near us, who are happily playing and laughing. The angels tell me that these are children who have recently passed away and went to heaven. They say that each of us comes to earth with a mission and that only those who successfully complete it can go to heaven. And those who failed their mission go to hell. We walk through the palace and the vast garden, where the most beautiful flowers and trees grow that I have ever known. The angels tell me stories about what the lives of the people who are now in heaven were like. I listen to their stories with wonder and awe. A few hours pass, maybe a few days, I can't tell because there's no time here. Finally, the angels inform me that it is time to return to earth. I feel a strong anguish and sadness as they escort me to the main entrance to the palace.", IGUI_Dream108 = "I am inside a complex labyrinth. The general feeling is filled with anxiety and misunderstanding of what is happening, but I understood that I needed to move in order to find a way out. The first steps were easy, I move along wide corridors filled with light. But as you progress, things get more difficult. I pass through narrow passages where the walls seem alive and change their shape, Face many locked doors and windows, behind which I see unfamiliar worlds and unknown people. From time to time I find threads of light that lead me in a certain direction. I keep moving, trusting that my luck will get me out of this maze. I find myself in a very wide room with strange symbols carved into the floor. At first they seemed to me just an ornament, but as I study them, they began to transform and acquire a magical essence. The symbols are carved in a language that was unknown to me, but I feel that they have a deep meaning and hidden magic. I can feel them in my palms, they tingle on my skin like a weak electric current... The symbols look incredibly detailed and carefully crafted. They are complex geometric patterns intertwined and create images of unusual creatures and images. At first glance, this is just a set of characters, but I understand that they have a deep meaning. I feel that these symbols can lead me to the true secrets of the universe, but at the same time I am afraid of the sorcery they carry. Symbols greedily absorb all my attention, trying not to miss a single detail, and despite my fear, I go through them to leave a mark and understand what they can mean. The walls are covered in dark black mold, and the cracks in the floor are spewing icy smoke... my hands are frosted, but I don't feel the cold. I pass through the door and find myself in a large round room, where the key element is a huge mirror. I look into it, I see my reflection, in the reflection behind my shoulder is a mysterious person smiling at me. It frightens me, and I want to look away. I can't turn my head, and only the movement of my eyes is within my control. However, I had to stop when I stumbled upon the next challenge. This is a running maze that was in a winter landscape. I start to run, but my legs are stiff from the cold. My breaths are getting heavier and I can't breathe anymore. I stop to rest, but suddenly I get an electric shock that gives me new energy, and I continue running. I run, I jump, I do somersaults, but I keep falling into the same traps, forcing me to start all over again. Finally, I accidentally choose the right path, and I have the opportunity to get out of this maze.", IGUI_Dream109 = "Restless breathing and dark lump. Sounds from afar draw my attention to me. Everything around me is dark and gloomy, I understood that they had come. Huge monsters, which have terrified me all my life, stand before me. I think over every detail of the actions and every my future movement. Quickly lost in thought, I get to work. They are all big, strange creatures that are incomprehensible to anyone except those who fought with them. I look at all this chaos, but my partner will look at me with sincere eyes - she wants me to protect her. I'm starting to think about how to cross the line and win. I think about all my friends and loved ones, and about how many people these monsters destroyed. I understand that I cannot stand and watch them continue their murders. I know that this battle must be won. My plan is simple - hit them quickly and accurately. I begin to use all my tools and skill - pretending to be stricken with blindness - to bypass them and attack when they are alert. Used my ability and speed to enter the fight like a whirlwind. However, they do not recede as I would like them to. They keep attacking and attacking me. I will not Give Up! I used my skills and in the end, I defeat them all. They have been defeated and I feel stronger.", IGUI_Dream110 = "I am standing in a bright hall, where the guests, dressed in evening dresses, are laughing and talking around me. The lamps on the ceiling shimmer with different colors, creating an atmosphere of celebration and carelessness. Behind the glass door that leads to the balcony, I see a beautiful view of the city, illuminated by the bright moon and stars. A few steps away from me is a famous person that I am attending this party. We talk about the food we just had and what a pleasant experience we will definitely remember this evening. From the kitchen comes the smell of a special dish I ordered for this party. Meanwhile, music plays throughout the hall, giving me a sense of rhythm and movement. Lots of people are dancing, brightening up the party with their colorful outfits. I watch them, enjoying how they boldly and freely perform their dance moves. Throughout the evening, I enjoy great company that has given me many familiar and new faces. I meet several designers and representatives of famous clothing brands, as well as famous actors and musicians. But the most interesting thing happens at the end of the evening. I am a famous boxer, whom I respect a lot, came up to me and offered to continue our conversation in a certain place. I agree and we went through the glass door to the balcony, from where we could see the whole city. We talk about life, about my dreams, plans for the future. He shares his stories with me about how he achieved his goals and gives me a lot of advice. After a long and interesting conversation, we shook hands, and he left, leaving me on this balcony.", IGUI_Dream111 = "The gentle edges of the green saturated forest were so clear that they seemed real. I inhale deeply fresh air, but for a few moments I feel that something is wrong - my feet do not touch the ground. I begin to realize that I am flying over the forest. After making a couple of clumsy movements, I understand that the movements of my hands allow me to maneuver in the air. A sense of freedom overwhelms me, and I forget everything else. I circle over the treetops with ease, plunging insinuatingly into the forest to smell its scents. The wind lashes my face with hair, creating the illusion of unimaginable speed. The forest split into three parts, a volcano emerged from it, a haze swept over the surface of the earth, cold and nasty. But I don't let her get close - the fire has filled every cell of my body, and I start a swift flight into the sky, changing my place of residence mixed with crazy thoughts. Animal and humanoid hatch out of the wet glare of the lake, and I shake my head respectfully as I fly past them. It seems to me that I can continue to hover above the ground indefinitely, but the more time passes, the stronger I become, decrepit and weak. The walls of reality bring me back to the real world, throwing me onto the cold floor. I flatten out and stay on my back with my arms extended over my head.", IGUI_Dream112 = "I am in a dense forest grove, surrounded by many tall trees. Fallen leaves rustle underfoot, and large black spiders run along the branches. I try not to touch them and carefully move forward. In the distance, I see a huge black and shaggy spider with two huge legs towering above the rest. He begins to wrap his victim around his legs and I realize with horror that I am very close to him. I try to back away, but I look around and realize that all the forest paths are blocked by spiders. I try to plug my ears so as not to hear their many-voiced hiss and the sound of lamps on the surface, but the sound is getting louder and louder. Suddenly, my legs give way and I find myself inside a dead web loop. Everything around me is getting darker and pitcher, and the spiders stop playing, starting to attack me furiously. Their paws tightly wrap around me, push me away and make me breathe heavily, I feel cold and fear.", --**********************UpDate #030*************************-- IGUI_Dream113 = "I am floating inside a space where there is no earth, no sky, nothing else, only me - a lonely point, the only and lonely atom in the vast universe. Everything around me is dark and empty. However, suddenly in front of me lights up light, shooting out a bright star.This light forms a ball that begins to fly around me. I understand that this ball is an entity of light that can communicate with me telepathically.The ball speaks to me about the origin of the universe, which was created from a germ containing all knowledge and germs of all existing and ever-existing life forces.The orb explains that life goes on forever and we are all unique energies. Another orb of light then appears and begins to communicate with me about immortality.The ball gives me the understanding that we all do not die, but exist in an infinite form, and our life force simply passes into another form of being. I continue to swim in this endless dark pr space and communicate with balls of light. I feel that all questions and doubts dissolve into space, and my being plunges into a deeper understanding that everything I know and everything I fear is just another lie, a test for my soul. I continue to fly in this darkness, realizing the importance of every moment and the happiness of being in this world. Everything that was, then passed, and what is now is what I create, being an observer and creator of vital energy. It seems to me that I have been here for a very long time, and I do not know when all this will end, but I still continue to fly, maintaining contact with the balls of light.", IGUI_Dream114 = "All around me are white walls and a staircase going up somewhere. The staircase looks endless, but I can't stop, couldn't stop running up. I don't know what's waiting for me at the top, but I'm sure it will be something important and meaningful. My breathing is getting heavier, but I keep running, climbing each rung of the stairs.It seems like an eternity before I get to the top, well, finally I'm at the top ... in fact it was - just a few minutes. Surprisingly, it seemed so long! When I finally reach the very top of the stairs, I see the vast expanse of sky in front of me. I feel a strong sense of freedom and joy, clinging to the railing of the stairs so as not to fall in. I look at this beautiful landscape, and it looks as endless and unexplored as the steps that made my rapid ascent. I wanted to stay here at the top , forever, leaving in Behind all your fears and worries. I continue to consider the heavenly beauty, enjoying every moment and there is no desire to leave here. Suddenly, I feel a strong gust of wind tearing my thoughts apart. I lose my balance and drop my backpack from my hands, which immediately disappeared into the sea of white clouds below.", IGUI_Dream115 = "The sky reflects and ripples on the surface of infinite depth as I lie on the surface of the water, watching the silent world around me. My body is submerged in the water and I feel it surround me from all sides. My hands are strapped to a research device, it begins to drag me into the mysterious depths.The water around me becomes cold, my body is well aware of temperature changes with increasing depth ... I hear sound signals, and I know that our submersibles are somewhere close to me. I am completely submerged into my thoughts as my partner beeps into my earphone, confirming that we are ready to explore the deep sea chasm directly below us. power plants in my hands, something new awaits us in the depths ahead.I feel the pressure of water on my body and ears, hear the muffled sounds that surround us, which I only t unforgettable atmosphere of our underwater adventure. We discover a huge and incomprehensible animal, some parts of its body longer than a few of my height. We carefully approach, considering its amazing form. His appearance reveals an unknown aspect of the universe, and we begin to study and analyze an unknown creature. We have been able to take tissue and flesh samples from his huge body, and we are recording all of our observations to present them to our colleagues. We sail on, and get more and more carried away, with each new unknown living creature, deciding to make a description of it and give it a breed. We also observe the behavior of other species of animals, and we manage to notice the expressions on their faces, their emotions, we understand that these creatures feel and experience some special events at this depth. For several hours now, we have been exploring this deep sea world, and discovering even more vibrant nature. We dive deeper and deeper, discovering new types of fish and coral reefs. I feel like a real researcher, developing our science in what has not yet been studied. It's time to head back, and we slowly begin to rise to the surface, deeply inspired and excited by the mesmerizing dive.", IGUI_Dream116 = "I find myself in a dense forest with trees, flowers and grass everywhere. I can't move, breathe or speak normally. It's something different, like I've never experienced it before. Strange taste in my mouth... like as if grass or leaves were eaten, the taste is a little bitter... I find myself inside the trunk of an old tree, there is quite a lot of space. I was surrounded by the spirits of the plant world. These spirits are invisible, but I know that they are here, near with me, intangible. They approached and began to speak to me. I hear their voices, which resemble the sounds of the wind, leaves and birdsong. I do not understand what is happening, but I understand inside myself what they are saying, as if the words themselves are born right in in my head... The spirits of the plant world began to tell me about their lives. They told me how they fought for their survival, how they take care of plants, trees and flowers. They complain that people do not respect nature, and use resources without thinking about the future. Du he asked me if I have any questions. I ask them a lot of questions about why people don't take care of nature, what we can do to change it, and what is the future of our planet. They answered my questions, gave me a lot of advice and shared their vision of the future. Then the spirits invited me to participate in a ceremony to thank nature. I agree. They made a colorful procession around me of flowers, leaves and trees that sang and danced around me. I feel that I am becoming one of them, that I am coming into contact with a strong and powerful plant world.", IGUI_Dream117 = "I'm sitting on a bed in a cruise ship's cabin. The peaceful sound of the flow of water, the subtle sounds of the wind, the gentle smell of the ocean air and the coolness of the floor under my feet. What is happening here cannot be described in words. I am in a heavenly place, surrounded by tropical beauty and monkeys, beautiful savages and local birds Feeling free and strong, cheerful and in anticipation of adventure As the cruise ship approaches the port, I stare resolutely at the shore where the stunning beauty of nature awaits me. I'm enjoying the golden sand, the clear sea breeze, and the picturesque scenery of the tropics Suddenly I feel someone touch my thigh I look down and see my parrot suddenly flew out of my pants pocket.I am surprised and happy to see my old friend who is always with me. Suddenly I hear a voice: sharp, shrill and without emotion. - I like you - dialect um voice. I look in the direction the voice was coming from, and I notice the incredible sight of this parrot talking. But this is not an ordinary parrot, it turns out to be unusually smart. - How do you understand me? I ask the parrot. - I hear everything you say, - he replies. I'm shocked, I've never met such a parrot that a parrot could talk and communicate with people in this way... The parrot began to tell me about himself. He says that he is not like all parrots and wants to become something more than just a pet. He wants to travel, learn new things from his owner and interact with other animals. We started talking about his dreams and plans. The parrot suggested that I go with him on his adventures, I agree with him. The sun is shining softly. Trees and flowers are visible. I breathe calmly. I notice a shadow on my neck. It turns out that there is a hole in the clothes somewhere. I put my hand in the back pocket of my trousers, feel something? A strand of feathers, soft and colored. - Hello! Now I was in the pocket of your clothes, and I did not understand where I was, said the parrot. - I see that people are fussing around me, but I can't figure out where I am or what's going on. I'm in a strange place where something happens all the time, but I can't figure out what it is. Parrot tilted his head questioningly and looked defiantly into my eyes, hoping in all likelihood to get at least some answers or questions from me. Without waiting for my question or answer, he began to tell me that people are very strange and sometimes do things that seem to many parrots - completely normal, and completely incomprehensible to others. I understand what he wanted to tell me with this, but he continued to speak. He asked me strange questions about people's lives. Why is he asking me this? It seems he just wants to talk to me, but then it became clear that he was asking these questions not to me, but to himself. He talked about how strange people's lives are and how they're constantly looking for some meaning. I don't quite understand what he means, but he kept talking. He talked about how life for him is just being a parrot, and that he does not think about any further future. He asks me weird questions about where I'm going, what color I like, and what mood I'm in today. I try to answer, but it seems to me that he does not quite understand my answers. Suddenly, the parrot changes color, turns pink and begins to speak in some incomprehensible language. I try to make out what he's saying, but the words won't come out. The parrot continues to talk, and I finally understand that he is teaching me to speak his language. I start answering his questions again and he laughs, saying that I'm becoming his best student. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. I get up and open. Outside the door I see my grandmother, she smiles and invites me to dinner. I agree and start to follow her, but when I leave the room, it turns out that I am in a dark basement where there are no windows, only dirty floors and walls. I start to panic, but then a parrot appears in front of me and says that he wandered into this place by accident and knows how to get out. He starts flying around me and I run after him. We go through many rooms and corridors, but there is no way out anywhere. Then I notice that the parrot is gone. I scream his name, but no one answers. I run further and suddenly I find myself in the light. I stand in front of the door in the bright hall, where there are tables, fruit baskets and dishes. The kitchen disappears, I find myself in the car, driving to the beach and again I meet a parrot there, who says that it was a test because I'm an ungrateful pig. But then he asks the next question. - Are you happy? - I think, not knowing the exact answer. - What makes you happy? the parrot continues. I can imagine different scenarios, but I can’t give a specific answer. Suddenly, a parrot quickly takes off from the windowsill and flies past me. All I see is how he disappears through the door. I rush through the door and into the woods. I hear the sounds of nature - the singing of birds, the noise of trees, the flow of the river. I start to walk forward, not knowing where, when I suddenly meet a parrot that is looking at me. I ask him what's going on here, but he doesn't answer me. I follow him with my eyes until he disappears among the foliage on the branches of a tree... Strange signs and symbols begin to appear around me, flying around me like bees around a beehive. They begin to take over my mind, and I realize that I am in some other world where everything is possible. I look up and see an unusual glow in the sky. I approach it and suddenly realize that it was a parrot star and was created for me. After looking at the map, I go to a motel surrounded by picturesque mountains and the music of local instruments. At the hotel I am greeted by smiling staff who bring me freshly baked pies and exotic drinks. I spend several hours here, enjoying the silence and beauty of nature, as well as the groovy music of the instruments. Locals tell me stories from their lives, share the secrets of their cuisine, and in general create a favorable atmosphere of a friend with a friend. I return to the ship, enjoying the sunset and nature. At this point, I'm shaking a little. I see that the parrot has again stuck its head out of my pocket and is talking. - The global transformation of the quantum understanding of the state of the material of feathers, in the wings of parrots, indirectly confirms the direction of the thought of an electric discharge, during a shaving flight of a flock in an aggressive stream of smoke...", IGUI_Dream118 = "I'm in an unfamiliar place and I'm surrounded by complete strangers. They're saying something but I can't make out what they're saying. I feel like I'm starting to panic and I'm trying to run away. But like I'm in goo, my legs do not move, and people are getting closer and closer. Suddenly, I realize that I was locked in this nightmare world, and all this is real.I try to collect my thoughts and find a way out, but all my attempts are in vain.I I realize that no one will come to help and I need to fight. I start looking for shelter and accidentally discover a long abandoned house.I run inside and close the door behind me.The house is dark and uncomfortable, but I feel like I am here I start to explore the house. When I reach the back room, I find a mirror there. A stranger is looking at me in the reflection... I can't make out his features. It's an old man ... he seems very old to me, wrinkled pale skin and gray hair braided at the temples in long pigtails - hanging over the shoulders. The arms are implicitly long, hanging below his knees. He raises his hands and pulls them towards me from the mirror... I see them grow right through the glass and reach for my face, I can even smell the old leather on his hands... Cold fingers touch my face..." IGUI_Dream119 = "I feel a slight tingle in my stomach and I know this is the beginning. It seems to me that this is a very small baby inside me, just born and now needs protection and care. The thought brings tears to my eyes, I am so happy and excited for this little one. I have so much energy, strength and vitality flowing through me, and I feel so inspired and ready to fill my life with new experiences.I enjoy starting new relationships without even knowing will be tomorrow because today there is a little person next to me that needs me living entity inside me. I can't believe that I will become a mother, that I will have a new little person in this world who will live with me and for me, who will be something special, unusual and beautiful.", IGUI_Dream120 = "The headlights were blinding me as I made my way to the concert. Though long past their apogee, the rock band still held its own. Hundreds of other fans were already waiting for me at the entrance, but I decided to calmly walk past and head towards the bar Cautiously grabbing my drink, I sat down on a chair at the bar, the rumble of weapons and the voices of people staging their own musical battle behind me, but I ignored it. I stayed true to myself and sought peace today. The noise of the crowd and the screams of the fans began to die down as the musicians entered the stage.The explosive sound of the guitars began to carry through the entire arena, and I felt my body agitated.Over the past few years ago I stopped being a fan of the genre, but this sound brought me back to my youth and my first contact with rock music. Time was distorted along with the music, and I could not separate my fantasies from reality sti. I plunged into a world where life has become not only a shell, but a full-fledged adventure. My love of sound became interesting to interact with this whole industry, and the singers looked like gods on a spiritual journey with their followers.", IGUI_Dream121 = "I'm in the desert, surrounded by huge rocks and twisting boulders. In the distance, the shadows of mighty mountains are visible and heavy clouds roll over the horizon. I feel the wind carrying an ominous premonition, and my heart slowly begins to stop. There is thunder in the sky and shortly after, I see the war begin.I hear the cries of the fighters and break through the crowds of enemies.We fight like lions, and I feel that I cannot continue to fight in this endless conflict. Suddenly, I find myself in a huge clearing surrounded by beautiful flowers and green leaves.I look around, and my soul is filled with peace and joy.I watch the birds fly through the sky and see how the world finally finds its harmony. Sev on the stump, I involuntarily reach my hands into the high and thick fog that surrounds me on all sides.I feel it on my skin and breathe in the fresh air that fills my lungs.I notice that the fog is starting to part, and warm and golden a ray of sunshine illuminates me. For a second, its brilliance blinds me, but then I begin to see a stunning picture in front of me. In the distance, across the river, I see a forest and its magnificence amazes me. It seems that the space around me is surrounded by beautiful trees. I begin to hear the rustling of leaves and a beautiful sound that makes me feel completely perfect. Suddenly everything in front of me starts to float, and then the world starts to be shrouded in mist. The next thing I see is all the hustle and bustle. In the distance, I hear loud screams and the noise of military equipment that is approaching us. I glance at the people around me and realize that the war is still going on. I start to run to save myself, but I realize that it is hopeless to escape from this danger zone. The world was on the brink of destruction.", IGUI_Dream122 = "I'm in a large hall with lots of bookshelves full of books. I'm holding a kerosene lamp high above my head. Go to one of the shelves near the window and pour the kerosene over the books. I do this, and then I light a match and throw it on the books.They start to burn and I feel the heat from the fire. I continue to walk through the room, pouring kerosene over the books and setting them on fire.Soon the whole room fills with thick smoke, and I start coughing I continue burning books without stopping I hear a noise outside the door, they are probably people who came to put out the fire, they want to disturb me, so I start to walk around the hall and pour kerosene on the bookshelves that are still not burning. Finally, I reach the wall where I find the book I want to keep. I take it and run through the door. As I exit the building, I look back and see as the building burns with a bright flame.I feel satisfied and feel that I did the right de lo, destroying all those books.", IGUI_Dream123 = "Clouds shift across the sky like figures in the process of dancing. I move through the wasteland, shrouded in smoke and dust. From far away, the sounds of battle come - ominous growls, clanging and the roar of swords cutting through the air. ... the screams of the wounded. Heart pounding in the chest, breathe ... you need to breathe. So ... calmly ... , a roar, a flash, it became obvious that I was looking at a dead soldier. Around chaotically scattered bodies, in places mixed with the ground and other bodies of the dead - ours and the enemy ... A terrible harvest. Death has always been, is, and will always be, life must go through this as well. Strange separation in my head - one part of me takes on everything that happened, and the other part thinks about what is happening now. It's some kind of strange parallel context. The second part of my consciousness feels that this is not real At this moment I feel pain in my palm . I look at her, and something happened wrong, my sword was suddenly thrown aside, and it flew spinning in the air. My palm is slashed with a sword, blood spurts out in a pulsating fountain, the top of my palm is missing. - Medic! Breaking into a heart-rending roar, I scream with all my might. Oh my god, the bleeding needs to stop. Everything has slowed down, and is moving at a surprisingly slow speed. The next thing I see is a mighty rider, armored, tight to the vibrations, like a string of a bow stretched across the reins, glimpses of the scales of the armor plates on the rider's gauntlet flicker in my eyes. With a crunch and champ, the bit cuts the horse's jaws in half - along the entire head. The rider begins to fall backwards from the horse due to inertia. The horse without the upper part of the head, also rushing back, in a graceful pose on its hind legs, kicks up clods of dirt with its front hooves in my face. Instinctively, I turn my head to the left and bend my knees, trying to make a half-turn to the right in a spiral. Perhaps you will get a somersault with a subsequent gap in the distance. The space around me is still the same jelly, slow, viscous. The slowdown continues. If you don't mind, I'll take control of your body, I heard in my head. - Who are you? - I am you, or rather that part of you that remembers the past. But more to the point. The continuum around you was created by that other you. - What's going on? I ask, puzzled. - No time to explain, we'll talk in another dream.", --**********************UpDate #031*************************-- IGUI_Dream124 = "Battlefield. Shots and explosions rumble around me, screams and groans. I have a weapon in my hands, I am in the army. I don't know who I am or how I got here. I try to remember but nothing comes to mind. I'm just doing my duty. As we move forward, I see the soldiers fall beside me. I feel fear, but I can't let it control me. I must protect my comrades and fulfill my mission. We have to lie down on the ground because of the bombardment. I feel the earth vibrate under my body and I close my eyes. I think about my family, but it does not help me cope with fear. When I open my eyes again, I am in an early morning forest where the air is fresh and unobtrusive. A woman is standing in front of me, and I understand that she is not like everyone else. Her gaze is thoughtful and soft. She tells me that I must never forget that war is scary. I feel at peace when she comforts me. I allow myself to forget about the fighting and enjoy the beauty of this peaceful forest. I listen to the sounds of birds and the rustle of leaves, watch the rays of the sun penetrate the trees and create bizarre shadows on the grass.", IGUI_Dream125 = "Darkness. Impenetrable, shimmering darkness, enveloping me from all sides. A deserted, dead space where only dreams appear. I am inside one of these dreams - bright, alive and ridiculous. For some reason, I'm in a bunny costume. A strange sight comes across before my eyes - a figure dressed in a black hoodie glides sharply in front of me, looks around frightenedly and quickly disappears around the corner. After a few seconds, an angry scream is heard, then another. Where they come from is unknown. But suddenly real hell begins: I find myself among well-aimed shots. I rush to the side and dodge the shots, rushing like a rabbit, through the thickets almost without touching the ground. But then I stumble and fall to the ground. Something is punching through my head. A broken branch sticks out of my head. I feel that very unusual events begin to occur around me. Suddenly I am surrounded by a flock of huge, cheerful old women who begin to break in half with a crunch of bones in order to prove something to me. Despite this spectacle, I begin to frolic against my will and break in half with them. Glide and spin under the crunch of bones, in strange poses.", IGUI_Dream126 = "For a long time I wander around the deserted city, watching the empty buildings and empty streets. Silence, the atmosphere is tense, as if something terrible is hiding somewhere under the surface. Suddenly, I notice that I have started to splash liquid. I look around and see a hippo running after me, which turned out to be unnaturally fast and skillfully aims in my direction. I try to run away, but I have to stop all the time to dodge more splashes. I finally manage to hide behind a wall, but when I run up to it, I find that its entire surface is made of chicken eggs. Without hesitation, I jump onto the surface of the wall, hoping to grab the ledge in its upper part with my hands, I wonder if it will withstand my weight. But that was not the case - the eggs burst under my hands, and I begin to drown in their contents.", IGUI_Dream127 = "I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. I look down, and there is only an endless abyss. Everything around is quiet, deep, no one is there. Heart is pounding, hands are sweating. I decide to go back, but then a strong gust of wind picks me up and I start to fall. I wanted to shout something, but my voice got stuck in my throat. The fall continued for a long time. I'm already getting used to it. However, after a moment, none of that mattered as the body collided with something solid. It turned out that my body collapsed on a table in some office. There is no one around, only multifaceted rough machines that I do not understand are making noise. I try to get up and look around, but then I notice that my arms and legs do not yield to my will - they are paralyzed! Panically I start to do something, but nothing happens. At this moment, some employee of this office appears, who is very surprised at my presence. He begins to explain to me in a machine voice that I scare him. I can't understand all his words. Coughing begins, then hemoptysis. I must be dying. The office worker calls for help, but it's too late. I never understood why it ended so tragically.", IGUI_Dream128 = "Raindrops drummed on the glass of the window, creating a monotonous and tired sound. I feel tears running down my cheeks. I hate this rain, but I don't know how to get rid of it. I stand on the street, but I see nothing but fog, enveloping me from all sides. Finally, I hear the sound of the door opening. I turn around and see a tall figure in a raincoat. Not knowing who it is, I begin to move my lips, but I could not utter a word. A figure towards me, takes an umbrella from under a raincoat and hands it to me. I tried to thank him, but again I can't say a single word. - No reason to be grateful, said a voice from under the hood. - I'm just doing my job. And with these words, he turned and walked away, leaving me standing in the street with an umbrella in my hand.", IGUI_Dream129 = "Worms. They are digging in the ground, and I am watching their actions. My fingers can't grab anything every time I try to catch one of them. I notice a group of worms digging a ditch in the ground. I approached them to find out what was going on. What are you doing? I ask the worms. We're digging a maze, the worms replied. - What kind of labyrinth? - This is a mysterious place where we look for our path in life. We found a certain entrance there and are digging tunnels. What are you doing here? I want to catch you, I reply. - Why? the worms asked. - I don't know. It's kind of weird. I just want to do it. - You don't seem ready to test our wisdom yet, the worms told me. - What does it mean? - We know you don't understand your life yet. But we will help you and find your way, the worms continued. - But for this you need to follow us and go through our tunnels. - I probably agree, I reply. I begin to follow the worms into their labyrinth. Strange triangles fly past me, but the Worms tell me it's okay and I need to move on.", IGUI_Dream130 = "A door appeared in front of me - a large, massive door of dark wood, which immediately attracted my attention. I walk up to her and start looking around. The door seemed massive and heavy, to open it, you need to use all your strength. For no conscious reason, I start pushing on the door, wanting to get to the other side. For a moment, I understand that there is something important behind the door that can change my life forever. I keep pushing her until she gives up. Outside, an underground passage awaited me, leading to an unknown distance. I go forward, moving along a dark corridor. The further I go, the darker it gets. However, I am not one of the shy ones and continue to persistently go forward, and then a light flashed in the distance. I approach the light and discover that it comes from a mysterious source. I observe a vague figure hidden in the air because of a cloud of fog. - Who is this? I ask. - Why are you here? replied the mysterious being. - I want to sleep - I answer without a second thought. The mysterious creature screamed and disappeared into the mist, and I feel something pulling me back.", IGUI_Dream131 = "I cannot say how long I am in darkness, but the immersion was so deep that the sense of time and space was lost. It felt like I was losing my mind every second. I don't know where I am or what is happening to me. The darkness that accompanied me began to gradually fade away, and I realize that I am in a coffin. This whole game has gone too far and now I'm in a bad situation here. It scares me and I start to beat in a panic, trying to get out of here. A cramped grave, I'm in a coffin... it fits perfectly with my impotence. Suddenly, I hear a whisper. He is very weak, but I can hear him. - Your yellow sweater doesn't suit you, try wearing something dark. That whisper scares me, I don't even know where it's coming from. - Who is this? I ask. But there was no answer. I try to press down on the coffin lid, hmm... securely nailed down. Silence again. I can't feel my body, only fear and the desire to get out of here. So I lie there, not knowing how much time has passed. There was another whisper: - If you can't get out, try to relax and sleep. Only a calm mind will help you find a way out.", IGUI_Dream132 = "I lie on the bed and look down. Instead of legs, I now have two fixed wooden sticks. I look at them, not understanding how this is possible. The sticks are not felt and I can't move them. What does it mean? Why can't I control my legs? - Hey, why are you looking at your feet like that? I heard a voice to my left. I look towards the sound and see some kind of silhouette figure there. I don't know who it is, but I can hear her laughing. - Who are you? I ask. -Just another dream of yours,- the voice replied. - What does this mean? - This means that you are in my world, where I am your guide. I'll show you where you must go. - But why don't I have legs? I ask. - Because it's your fear. You're afraid of losing control, aren't you? - Yes, I'm afraid. - Don't be afraid, just go ahead and trust me. The figure has disappeared into the darkness, and I decide to follow her advice. I stand on my wooden sticks and walk forward, trusting the guide. I'm starting to feel lighter and my sticks move better as a result. I walk faster and faster until I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. - So, how do you like this dream? I heard the conductor's voice. - He was weird but interesting. Thank you for being on our journey together. - Always happy to help. See you...", IGUI_Dream133 = "In an unfamiliar place, and next to me is a beautiful stranger. - Hi,- she said to me. - What's your name?- I asked. - My name is Maggie. - Do you speak English? - Yes, of course. And you?” she asked. - Yes, I also speak English, but not very well,- I replied. - It's okay, we can just talk.- With that, Maggie sat down on the edge of the bed and motioned for me to follow suit. We started talking about various things, and I noticed that she and I were already in bed. I started to feel that something was wrong. Maggie's gaze became more intense, and her hands began to caress my breasts. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. Maggie noticed my arousal and began kissing my neck playfully. I couldn't help it and started kissing her lips. We hugged passionately, and I felt our excitement increase more and more. - I feel so good with you,- Maggie whispered in my ear. I kissed her back.", IGUI_Dream134 = "I'm standing on the dance floor, surrounded by a crowd of people. The music is loud, it's a club, but I don't remember how I ended up here. Suddenly I notice that the man standing next to me is staring at me intently. He is handsome, strong and charming, I can feel my heart start beating faster. He holds out his hand to me and invites me to dance. We move to the beat of the music, our bodies intertwine in the rhythm of the music. I feel how strongly I am drawn to him. We are moving faster and faster, gradually approaching each other. He suddenly leans down and covers me with a kiss. We are in a passionate kiss, he grabs my waist, and I feel how our passion grows more and more. He takes my hands and leads me into a room where we have room for just the two of us. He and I find ourselves on the bed, kissing, touching each other, our bodies merging in a passionate embrace. I feel like my dream is coming true, I enjoy every touch of him. We enjoy each other and I don't want it to end. - You won't forget me, will you? he tells me when we're done. - Of course not, - I reply, without any regret in my voice.", --**********************UpDate #032*************************-- IGUI_Dream135 = "The crowd gathered at the statue in the center of the city. The monument looked usual - solid and motionless. But today he started acting strangely. It all started with the fact that he trembled, as if waking up from a dream. Then he began to slowly turn around, as if he were accepting us all into his domain. We were amazed: how could the monument move? It looks like he's actually alive. The mind felt that the monument suddenly asked us a question: - Did you really think that I would be hard and immobile all my life? - no one could answer. We just stood and watched the statue move, gradually becoming alive and plastic. What happened next was a little unexpected. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the statue was talking. The voice sounded deep and mysterious: - I am the spirit of this city, and I know all its secrets. - Today I decided to draw your attention to the fact that the spirit of this place can be in any subject. she continued. No need to pass by and not notice everything that surrounds you, lives its own life. You must pay close attention to this. Immediately after these words, the statue returned itself to the plinth.", IGUI_Dream136 = "Darkness surrounds, the body falls into a deep sleep. I do not want to fall asleep, but my eyelids are hard to close. Slowly I begin to drown in a world of clouds and dreams. Vibrant colors and images flash before my eyes. I feel my body relax and control is completely lost... I feel like I'm falling into an abyss. But suddenly I find myself in a room where everything looks familiar, but at the same time a little different. Objects are intertwined with each other, and someone else is present in the room. I hear paper rustle and turn my head to see what it is. There is a figure in front of me, bending over papers, but I cannot determine who it is. Suddenly she turns to me and I realize that this is my older sister. She looks at me with a smile and says that I don't need to be afraid of her. I try to speak to her, but the words don't reach her ears. I feel like something is wrong, but I can't figure out what it is. Suddenly everything around disappears.", IGUI_Dream137 = "I swim in the vast ocean, being on the surface of the water. The shore is not visible, only the endless waves and the sky above. Water caresses the skin, sways under me, but it is not cold, on the contrary, it is pleasantly warm. I swim a little more and try to see something interesting in this vast space. I notice something moving underwater. I look down and see a shadow that is quickly approaching me. It looks huge and incomprehensible form, I begin to feel slight anxiety. The shadow is getting closer and closer, and then I realize that it is something alive. I start to swim quickly in the opposite direction, but the shadow still won't let me go. Suddenly I feel something grab my leg. I try to break free, but the shadow still holds my leg and drags me down. I start to panic, but at that moment I feel like I'm being pulled out of the water.", IGUI_Dream138 = "I am in a small room filled with bright colors and scents. A light haze glows dimly around me, and I feel very comfortable. It looks like I'm in some kind of flower shop or greenhouse. There are beautiful flowers and plants all around me, each looking unique and beautiful. I begin to examine each of them, enjoying their fragrances and beauty. The air is filled with a sweet scent that plunges me into a state of deep bliss. I finally stop in front of a large, bright yellow flower that I have never known before. It attracts me with its beauty and fragrance, and I begin to observe it more closely. As if all of a sudden I feel that the flower is starting to change its shape and getting bigger and bigger. I feel it absorb me, and I find myself inside it. Then I realize that I am in some strange place that does not look like the ordinary world. I look around and see that I am surrounded by various fantastic creatures that are watching me with curiosity. Still feel comfortable and safe. Like it's not the first time I've been here. Then I notice that all the creatures begin to move with me, and we fly in an unknown direction. I'm trying to understand what's going on.", IGUI_Dream139 = "Ocean coast. In front of me stretch endless waters, smooth as a mirror. The sun slowly sinks below the horizon, painting the sky in bright orange and pink tones. I look up and see a bird soaring in the sky. This is a white eagle, its wings are magnificent and powerful. My gaze follows him, when suddenly he begins to fall down like a stone. I feel the fear that it will fall and crash on the ground, but just before the surface it flaps its wings and begins to rise again. - That's how to fly like a real eagle, - I hear a soft voice behind me. I turn around and see a tall man with a thick beard and gray eyes. He smiles at me and continues: - We can all learn to fly, we just need to let go of our fears and doubts. As I listen to his words, I feel something inside of me begin to change. Another eagle appears in the sky, black, with wings like fire. It flies straight at me, but I do not feel fear, only excitement. - Let's fly together, - I tell the man. He nods back and together we take to the air like real eagles flying towards the sun.", IGUI_Dream140 = "I am outside at night. The weather is cool, but not cold, and there is not a cloud in the sky. I'm trying to find my home, but all the buildings around me look the same. I go forward, but every time I end up in the same place. Suddenly, a strange character appears in front of me. He wears a butterfly suit and speaks to me in a language that I cannot understand. I try to understand what he is saying, but all the sounds he makes sound like a mixture of slurred words. I finally dare to ask him where my house is. He points to the far end of the street and smiles, then disappears into nowhere. I start running in the direction he showed me and find myself at the top of the mountain. From there I can see my house, which is located on the other side of the city. Going down the mountain, I notice that my clothes have become heavy and wet. I try to move faster, but my clothes keep getting heavy and pulling me towards the ground. Eventually, I fall to the ground and start rolling down the side of the mountain until I reach my home.", IGUI_Dream141 = "I'm in a strange place. I'm surrounded by high walls and I can't figure out where I am. I start looking for a way out, but the door to get here has disappeared. I turn around and see several windows in I go up to them, different bright colors flicker outside. I decide to try to get out through one of the windows. I go up to the windowsill and look out. It turns out I am on top of a big mountain, and there is a huge lake below. I don’t know about go down, but decide to try jumping. I jump off the window and fall down.The air whistles in my ears and I feel the waves of the lake approaching me.Close my eyes and prepare to hit. nothing happens, something grabs me and I start to fly I'm carried by a huge eagle! I feel incredibly free and light flying on the back of this eagle.I look around and see that the mountains and the lake are far behind I start talking to the eagle and ask yu him how he learned to fly. He tells me that he was born with this gift and that he always dreamed of someone flying with him. As we fly further, I realize that our friendship is getting stronger. Enjoy this wonderful flight." IGUI_Dream142 = "Dark room, I feel a terrible fear take over me. I am aware that I am in a nightmare, but there is nothing I can do to get out of it. Suddenly I hear a scratching sound and turn my head. I see a man dressed in black, who is slowly approaching me. I start to panic and try to leave the room, but the door is locked. The man in black continues to approach, and I notice that he is holding a sharp knife. I start screaming and try to pull away from him, but he overtakes me and starts to slowly cut into my skin. I feel pain like never before and hear my scream echo off the walls of the room. I can't believe this is happening to me, I'm trying to do something, but all my attempts are useless. The man continues to cut me, my body begins to convulse. I can't bear the pain and fear and my life starts to leave me.", IGUI_Dream143 = "A beautiful landscape opens before me: green meadows, dense forests, and mountains on the horizon. I take a deep breath of fresh air, and enjoy this beauty. I suddenly feel dizzy and begin to lose my balance. I fall and fall until I land on the ground, in a dark and narrow hallway. I get up and look around, trying to figure out where I am. There is almost no light here, only dim rays break through the cracks in the walls. As I begin to move forward, I hear my breath and footsteps bounce off the walls and begin to echo back. - Hello! - I say in the direction of the wall, but my word is repeated many times, as if responding to every stone, every corner of the room. - Who's there? - a voice is heard from the depths of the wall. The voice sounds artificial, like it's a recording. - It's me, is anyone talking to me? - Yes, that's me. I am talking to you through this echo. - What do you want to say? - You know everything is alive, right? Even objects that appear to be inanimate actually have their own energy, their own consciousness. Only you humans consider yourself the highest form of life. - This is some crazy nonsense. Objects cannot be alive. - Wrong, my friend. Let me show you, said the voice. And then something strange happens. I notice how the walls around me begin to tremble and make some sounds, as if they are trying to say something. - Look, they're alive! says the voice. Suddenly the walls part and I find myself inside a huge room filled with objects. Every object moves as if it has a life of its own. Books turn on their own, chairs move, and lamps shudder and shake. I feel an inner terror take over me. It's incredible, but the objects are really alive! - I never thought they could be alive... - I whisper, trying to control the flood of feelings. - Now you see the truth, my friend...", IGUI_Dream144 = "I am in an abandoned factory, which was once the industrial center of the city. The roofs are crumbling, the walls are covered with mold and moss, and the windows are broken and covered with boards. The building is shrouded in a gloomy fog, which creates a sense of invisible danger. A room opens before me that was once a huge workshop. The hall is empty, except for the old staircase leading to the second floor. My curiosity overcomes my fear and I begin to climb the stairs. On the second floor, I find myself in a huge warehouse where various goods were stored. There is dust, dirt and cobwebs. I try not to make noise, afraid to attract the attention of someone or something. As I continue my exploration, I find many rooms and corridors, each of which may hide new dangers. In one room I find a dead mouse, in another a flaming torch that begins to burn me as I approach it. Nevertheless, I keep walking, getting more and more scared, and I begin to notice some strange sounds coming from the depths of the factory. It could be footsteps, the scraping of metal, or the rustle of raincoats. I don't know what those sounds are, but they make my heart beat faster and faster. Finally, I find myself in a huge hall, where the remains of old equipment are located. But what grabs my attention is the big metal box in the middle of the room. I start to explore it and understand that this is not a box, but some kind of portal that can lead me to a completely different place. I begin to listen to the sounds around me and hear the faint hum of machines in the distance. Not knowing where I am, I start moving in that direction, making my way through dark streets and empty buildings. Soon I again reach the abandoned factory, which stands in front of me, rising menacingly in the darkness, from where the box - the portal - carried me. I approach a huge gate that suddenly opens before me, as if someone was waiting for my arrival. I go inside and realize that I am in a maze of rooms and corridors. As I move forward, each step reminds me of how little I know about this place. All around me I see broken wires, cracked walls and broken glass. It seems like no one has been here for decades. As I continue my journey through this maze of rooms and corridors, I again hear strange sounds coming from afar. I feel uneasy, but I can't stop and start moving towards the source of the noise. As I get closer, the sounds grow louder and indistinct until I reach a huge room containing an old conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is still running, even though the factory has been abandoned. And then, from under the conveyor belt comes an ominous whisper, calling me to him. I get closer and see a pair of eyes that glow in the dark. - Who are you? I ask, feeling fear grip me. - We're all alive here, - the voice whispers. This factory has never been empty. We are all here, hidden in the dark. - Who are you? I ask, not understanding what is happening. - My name is Jack, - the man replies. I worked here at this factory until it was closed. But what are you doing here? This is a dangerous place, you need to get out of here. I explain to Jack that I happened to be in this abandoned factory and try to find my way out. But the man speaks again. - You don't understand what's going on here. This factory is cursed and strange things are happening in it. I find this ridiculous and try to convince Jack that it's all just my nerves, that there are no ghosts here. But then I notice that the man is constantly looking around, as if he is afraid of something. - What happened? Do you know something? I ask. - This place holds a secret, - Jack replies. - I can't tell you everything that happened here, but I'm sure you should get out of here before it's too late. Suddenly, we hear a sound from afar, as if someone is approaching us. I look around and see that the darkness is shrinking around us, as if we are surrounded by invisible shadows. - This can't be true,- I whisper, trying to convince myself that this is just a dream. But when I turn to Jack, I notice that he has disappeared. I am left alone, inside an abandoned factory that seems to be getting darker and more sinister. I understand that I do not know how to get out of this nightmare, and that I have to go through many dangers and trials in order to survive.", }