Tooltip_EN = {
-- Item tooltip
Tooltip_Recipe_TraderWeapons = "This trader is more specialized in weapons trade.
Traders will dissapear in 3 days if no trade is made.There are a fixed items you get for sure and also some randomized amount of extra items.",
Tooltip_Recipe_TraderMedicine = "This trader is more specialized in medicine trade.
Traders will dissapear in 3 days if no trade is made.There are a fixed items you get for sure and also some randomized amount of extra items.",
Tooltip_Recipe_TraderTools = "This trader is more specialized in tools trade.
Traders will dissapear in 3 days if no trade is made.There are a fixed items you get for sure and also some randomized amount of extra items.",
Tooltip_Recipe_TraderFarming = "This trader is more specialized in farming equipment trade.
Traders will dissapear in 3 days if no trade is made.There are a fixed items you get for sure and also some randomized amount of extra items.",
Tooltip_Recipe_TraderFood = "This trader is more specialized in food trade.
Traders will dissapear in 3 days if no trade is made.There are a fixed items you get for sure and also some randomized amount of extra items.",
Tooltip_Recipe_Shop = "Static shop keeper. Wont disapear. This trader sells all kinds of stuff.",
Tooltip_Recipe_TraderSanta = "This shady character is also a trader, but he offers you a raffle type of deal where you give him stuff and he throws a dice to give you a random amount of all kinds of stuff.
The item pool is large and you can either win big or lose hard.",
Tooltip_Recipe_CreditNote = "Trader will give you a collection of specified items for the items you are offering.
They are somewhat equal in survival value. Also, collect 5 notes like this and use them near long range comms station to call out a trader to you.",