Recipes_ES = { /************************ JUEGOS ************************/ Recipe_Roll_Dice = "Tirar Dado", Recipe_Play_With_Cube = "Jugar con el Cubo", Recipe_Play_With_Cards = "Jugar a Cartas", Recipe_Play_With_Yoyo = "Jugar con el Yo-yo", Recipe_Play_Checkers = "Jugar a las Damas", Recipe_Skip_Games_Section = "Saltar la sección de juegos", /************************ CRAFTEO ************************/ Recipe_Craft_Checkersboard = "Hacer tablero de Damas", Recipe_Craft_Dice = "Hacer Dado", Recipe_Craft_a_Paper_Cup = "Hacer Vaso de Plástico", Recipe_Craft_White_Checkers_Pieces = "Hacer Piezas Blancas de Damas", Recipe_Craft_Black_Checkers_Pieces = "Hacer Piezas Negras de Damas", Recipe_Complect_Checkersboard = "Juntar Juego de las Damas", Recipe_Uncomplect_Checkersboard = "Desmontar Juego de las Damas", /************************ FIESTA ************************/ Recipe_Pour_Alcohol_To_a_Cup = "Vertir Alcohol en Vaso", Recipe_Mix_Alcohol_To_a_Cup = "Mezclar Alcohol en Vaso", /************************ LITERATURA ************************/ Recipe_Try_To_Learn_Something_New = "Intenta aprender algo Nuevo", Recipe_Study_Scripture = "Estudiar el Escrito", /************************ MEDICO ************************/ Recipe_Dissect_a_Frog = "Diseccionar Rana", Recipe_Dissect_a_Small_Animal = "Diseccionar Animal Pequeño", Recipe_Dissect_a_Zombie = "Diseccionar Zombi", Recipe_Cut_Your_Right_Hand = "Cortarte Mano Derecha", Recipe_Cut_Your_Left_Hand = "Cortarte Mano Izquierda", Recipe_Stab_Yourself_In_The_Belly = "Incisión en la Barriga", Recipe_Play_Russian_Roulette = "Jugar a la Ruleta Rusa", /************************ MÚSICA ************************/ Recipe_Craft_A_Flute = "Hacer una Flauta", Recipe_Craft_A_Banjo = "Hacer un Banjo", Recipe_Craft_A_Banjo_Pick = "Hacer una Púa de Banjo", Recipe_Repair_A_Banjo_String = "Reparar una cuerda del Banjo", Recipe_Play_Melody_Of_The_Sun = "Tocar 'Melody Of The Sun'", Recipe_Play_Days_Gone = "Tocar 'Days Gone'", Recipe_Play_Why_Are_We_Here = "Tocar 'Why Are We Here'", Recipe_Play_Dear_Mama = "Tocar 'Dear Mama'", Recipe_Play_Come_Back_Paul = "Tocar 'Come Back Paul'", Recipe_Play_Oh_Johnny = "Tocar 'Oh Johnny'", Recipe_Play_Water_Cave_Melody = "Tocar 'Water Cave Melody'", Recipe_Play_Song_of_The_Birds = "Tocar 'Song of The Birds'", Recipe_Play_Petty_Love = "Tocar 'Petty Love'", Recipe_Play_Wolf_Wont_Cry = "Tocar 'Wolf Wont Cry'", Recipe_Play_Mountain_River = "Tocar 'Mountain River'", Recipe_Play_Good_To_Be_Alive = "Tocar 'Good to Be Alive'", Recipe_Play_Melody_Of_The_Night = "Tocar 'Melody Of The Night'", Recipe_Play_Windy_Barn = "Tocar 'Windy Bam'", Recipe_Play_Erwins_Rumble = "Tocar 'Erwins Rumble'", Recipe_Play_Slutty_Dog = "Tocar 'Slutty Dog'", Recipe_Play_Moon_Creek = "Tocar 'Moon Creek'", Recipe_Play_Alpha_Riders = "Tocar 'Alpha Riders'", Recipe_Play_Angry_Blacksmith = "Tocar 'Angry Blacksmith'", Recipe_Play_Bad_Omen = "Tocar 'Bad Omen'", Recipe_Play_Hay_Hay_Hay = "Tocar 'Hay Hay Hay'", Recipe_Play_Appletrees_and_Corn = "Tocar 'Apppletrees and Corn'", Recipe_Play_Road_to_Heaven = "Tocar 'Road to Heaven'", Recipe_Play_Oh_Carlos = "Tocar 'Oh Carlos'", Recipe_Play_New_Rome = "Tocar Nueva Roma", Recipe_Practice_With_a_Flute = "Practicar con la Flauta", Recipe_Practice_With_a_Banjo = "Practicar con el Banjo", }