module SpoonEnYo { imports { Base } /************************ CRAFT/REPAIR MUSIC INSTRUMENTS ************************/ recipe Craft A Flute { Log, Glue, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Hammer], Result:Flute, Time:500.0, Category:Carpentry, SkillRequired:Woodwork=4, AnimNode:Disassemble, Sound:LogAddToStack, Prop1:Flute, } recipe Craft A Banjo { Log, Glue, Wire=5, LeatherStrips=5, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Hammer], Result:Banjo, Time:500.0, Category:Carpentry, SkillRequired:Woodwork=6, AnimNode:Disassemble, Sound:LogAddToStack, Prop1:Banjo, } recipe Craft A Banjo Pick { ScrapMetal, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Hammer], Result:BanjoPick, Time:250.0, Category:Carpentry, AnimNode:Disassemble, Sound:LogAddToStack, Prop1:Hammer, } recipe Repair A Banjo String { BanjoBroken, Wire=1, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:Banjo, Time:250.0, Category:Carpentry, SkillRequired:Woodwork=2, AnimNode:Disassemble, Sound:LogAddToStack, Prop1:Banjo, } item BanjoPick { DisplayCategory = Junk, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Banjo Pick, Icon = FoilHat, } item BanjoBroken { DisplayCategory = Instrument, MaxRange = 1.25, WeaponSprite = Banjo, MinAngle = 0.75, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 4, KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02, Categories = SmallBlunt, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 2, Weight = 3, SplatNumber = 1, PushBackMod = 0.3, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 3, MaxHitCount = 3, DoorDamage = 5, SwingAnim = Bat, DisplayName = Banjo (Missing A String), MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 4, KnockdownMod = 2, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE, Icon = Banjo, BreakSound = BanjoBreak, DoorHitSound = BanjoHit, HitSound = BanjoHit, HitFloorSound = BanjoHit, SwingSound = BanjoSwing, TreeDamage = 0, CriticalChance = 5, CritDmgMultiplier = 2, MinDamage = 0.3, MaxDamage = 0.6, BaseSpeed = 1.1, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, AttachmentType = Guitar, } /************************ MUSIC SONGS FLUTE ************************/ recipe Play Melody Of The Sun { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteA1, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Days Gone { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteA2, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Happy Summer Times { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteA3, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Indian Dream { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteA4, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Why Are We Here { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB1, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Dear Mama { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB2, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Come Back Paul { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB3, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Oh Johnny { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB4, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Water Cave Melody { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB5, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Song of The Birds { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB6, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Petty Love { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB7, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Wolf Wont Cry { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB8, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Mountain River { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB9, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Good To Be Alive { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB10, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Winter Agony { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB11, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Silent Night { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB12, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Favorite Son { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:FluteStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteB13, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } /************************ MUSIC SONGS BANJO ************************/ recipe Play Melody Of The Night { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoA1, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Windy Barn { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoA2, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Southern Funeral { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:2000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoA3, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Erwins Rumble { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB1, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Slutty Dog { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB2, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Moon Creek { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB3, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Alpha Riders { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB4, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Angry Blacksmith { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB5, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Bad Omen { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB6, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Hay Hay Hay { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB7, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Appletrees and Corn { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB8, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Road to Heaven { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB9, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play Oh Carlos { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB10, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Play New Rome { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:1000.0, Category:Misc, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:BanjoStuff_OnCreate, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoB11, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } /************************ LEARN MUSIC ************************/ recipe Practice With a Flute { destroy Flute, Result:Flute, Time:800.0, OnCreate:LearnFlute_OnCreate, Category:Misc, AnimNode:PlayingFlute, Sound:fluteP, Prop1:Flute, StopOnWalk:false, } recipe Practice With a Banjo { destroy Banjo, destroy BanjoPick, Result:BanjoPick, Time:800.0, OnCreate:LearnBanjo_OnCreate, Category:Misc, AnimNode:EmoteBanjo, Sound:banjoP, Prop1:Banjo, StopOnWalk:false, } /************************ LITERATURE ************************/ item MusicNote1 { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Scribbled Musical Symbols on Paper, Icon = MagazineFish, TeachedRecipes = , ReplaceOnUse = FishingMag1, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = MagazineFish1Ground, } }