module Base { item PlasterPowder { DisplayCategory = Material, Weight = 5, Type = Normal, Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 1, ReplaceOnDeplete = Garbagebag, DisplayName = Bag of Plaster Powder, Icon = Plaster_Powder, Tooltip = Tooltip_PlasterPowder, SurvivalGear = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = BagOfPlasterPowder, } item KnittingNeedles { DisplayCategory = Junk, Weight = 0.2, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Knitting Needles, Icon = KnittingNeedles, WorldStaticModel = KnittingNeedles, } item Cologne { DisplayName = Cologne, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.4, Icon = Cologne, EvolvedRecipe = Beverage:4;Beverage2:4;HotDrink:4;HotDrinkRed:4;HotDrinkWhite:4;HotDrinkSpiffo:4;HotDrinkTea:4, /*;Soup:4;Stew:4,*/ FoodType = Liquor, AlcoholPower = 8, Alcoholic = TRUE, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, EatType = Bourbon, Packaged = TRUE, ReplaceOnUse = WhiskeyEmpty, Poison = true, PoisonDetectionLevel = 0, PoisonPower = 2, HungerChange = -10, ThirstChange = -20, UnhappyChange = 60, Calories = 500, Carbohydrates = 0, Lipids = 0, Proteins = 0, CustomContextMenu = Drink, CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottleGlass, StaticModel = Cologne, WorldStaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGround, Tags = Liquor, } item Perfume { DisplayName = Perfume, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.4, Icon = Perfume1, EvolvedRecipe = Beverage:4;Beverage2:4;HotDrink:4;HotDrinkRed:4;HotDrinkWhite:4;HotDrinkSpiffo:4;HotDrinkTea:4, /*;Soup:4;Stew:4,*/ FoodType = Liquor, AlcoholPower = 8, Alcoholic = TRUE, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, EatType = Bourbon, Packaged = TRUE, ReplaceOnUse = WhiskeyEmpty, Poison = true, PoisonDetectionLevel = 0, PoisonPower = 2, HungerChange = -10, ThirstChange = -20, UnhappyChange = 60, Calories = 500, Carbohydrates = 0, Lipids = 0, Proteins = 0, CustomContextMenu = Drink, CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottleGlass, StaticModel = Perfume, WorldStaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGround, Tags = Liquor, } item WhiskeyFull { DisplayName = Whiskey Bottle, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.7, Icon = WhiskeyFull, EvolvedRecipe = Beverage:4;Beverage2:4;HotDrink:4;HotDrinkRed:4;HotDrinkWhite:4;HotDrinkSpiffo:4;HotDrinkTea:4, /*;Soup:4;Stew:4,*/ FoodType = Liquor, AlcoholPower = 4, Alcoholic = TRUE, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, EatType = Bourbon, Packaged = TRUE, ReplaceOnUse = WhiskeyEmpty, HungerChange = -20, ThirstChange = -40, UnhappyChange = -80, Calories = 1500, Carbohydrates = 0, Lipids = 0, Proteins = 0, CustomContextMenu = Drink, CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottleGlass, StaticModel = WhiskeyBottle, WorldStaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGround, Tags = Liquor, } item Lighter { DisplayCategory = LightSource, LightDistance = 2, Weight = 0.1, Type = Drainable, UseWhileEquipped = TRUE, TorchCone = FALSE, LightStrength = 0.4, DisplayName = Lighter, ActivatedItem = TRUE, Icon = Lighter, MetalValue = 1, StaticModel = Zippo, WorldStaticModel = ZippoGround, ticksPerEquipUse = 300, ReplaceOnDeplete = LighterEmpty, } item LighterEmpty { DisplayCategory = LightSource, Weight = 0.1, DisplayName = Lighter (Empty), Icon = Lighter, StaticModel = Zippo, WorldStaticModel = ZippoGround, } recipe Refill Lighter { destroy LighterEmpty/Lighter, [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Petrol]=1, Result:Lighter, Time:100.0, Category:Survivalist, Override:true } item SheetPaper2 { DisplayCategory = Literature, Weight = 0.01, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Sheet of Paper, Icon = Paper, CanBeWrite = true, PageToWrite = 1, WorldStaticModel = SheetOfPaper, } recipe Create Spear { Plank/TreeBranch/Poolcue/Mop/Broom/HockeyStick/IceHockeyStick/CanoePadel/LeafRake/Rake, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/SharpedStone/MeatCleaver, Result:SpearCrafted, Time:100.0, OnCreate:Recipe.OnCreate.CreateSpear, Category:Survivalist, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.WoodWork5, Override:true } recipe Rip Clothing The Hardway { [Recipe.GetItemTypes.RipClothing_Denim], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:DenimStrips, RemoveResultItem:true, InSameInventory:true, Sound:ClothesRipping, Time:200.0, AnimNode:RipSheets, OnCreate:Recipe.OnCreate.RipClothing, OnTest:Recipe.OnTest.IsNotWorn, } recipe Rip Clothing The Hardway /*this second recipe is so that worn clothing items are not consumed when ripping all clothing*/ { [Recipe.GetItemTypes.RipClothing_Denim], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:DenimStrips, RemoveResultItem:true, InSameInventory:true, Sound:ClothesRipping, Time:200.0, AnimNode:RipSheets, OnCreate:Recipe.OnCreate.RipClothing, OnTest:Recipe.OnTest.IsWorn, } recipe Rip Clothing The Hardway { [Recipe.GetItemTypes.RipClothing_Leather], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:LeatherStrips, RemoveResultItem:true, InSameInventory:true, Sound:ClothesRipping, Time:200.0, AnimNode:RipSheets, OnCreate:Recipe.OnCreate.RipClothing, OnTest:Recipe.OnTest.IsNotWorn, } recipe Rip Clothing The Hardway/*this second recipe is so that worn clothing items are not consumed when ripping all clothing*/ { [Recipe.GetItemTypes.RipClothing_Leather], keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:LeatherStrips, RemoveResultItem:true, InSameInventory:true, Sound:ClothesRipping, Time:200.0, AnimNode:RipSheets, OnCreate:Recipe.OnCreate.RipClothing, OnTest:Recipe.OnTest.IsWorn, } recipe Craft Sheet Rope { RippedSheets=16, Result:SheetRope, Time:300.0, Override:true } recipe Craft Nicer Sheet Rope { RippedSheets=13, Result:SheetRope, Time:250.0, SkillRequired:Tailoring=2, } item SheetRope { DisplayCategory = Material, Weight = 2, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Sheet Rope, Icon = SheetRope, Tooltip = Tooltip_SheetRope, WorldStaticModel = SheetRope, Tags = Rope, } item Rope { DisplayCategory = Material, Weight = 0.5, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Rope, Icon = Rope, SurvivalGear = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = Rope, Tags = Rope, } recipe Make Mattress { Thread=5, Sheet=4, Pillow=6, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Scissors]/[Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:Mattress, Time:600.0, SkillRequired:Tailoring=2, Category:Tailoring, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.TailoringHigh, Override:true } recipe Take Mattress Apart { Mattress, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Scissors]/[Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:Pillow=4, Time:300.0, Category:Tailoring, OnCreate: GetTailorLeftoversMattress_OnCreate, } recipe Make Fishing Net { Twine=10, Wire=10, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Scissors]/[Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:FishingNet, Time:150.0, Category:Fishing, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:Woodwork=1, CanBeDoneFromFloor: True, Override:true } recipe Get Wire Back { BrokenFishingNet, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Scissors]/[Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:Wire;8, Time:100.0, Category:Fishing, NeedToBeLearn:true, CanBeDoneFromFloor: True, Override:true } recipe Fix Fishing Net { BrokenFishingNet, Wire=2, Twine=2, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Scissors]/[Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife], Result:FishingNet, Time:100.0, Category:Fishing, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:Woodwork=1, CanBeDoneFromFloor: True, Override:true } item FishingMag2 { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Angler USA Magazine Vol. 2, Icon = MagazineFish2, TeachedRecipes = Make Fishing Net;Get Wire Back;Fix Fishing Net, ReplaceOnUse = FishingMag2, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = MagazineFish2Ground, } item Disinfectant { DisplayCategory = FirstAid, Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.1, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Bottle of Disinfectant, Icon = Alcohol, Weight = 0.3, AlcoholPower = 3, ReplaceOnUse = PopBottleEmpty, Tooltip = Tooltip_Disinfectant, Medical = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = Disinfectant, Tags = Disinfectant, } item CleaningLiquid2 { DisplayCategory = Household, Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.02, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Cleaning Liquid, Icon = CleaningLiquid, Weight = 1.0, WeightEmpty = 0.3, ReplaceOnDeplete = PopBottleEmpty, WorldStaticModel = CleaningLiquid, } item Bleach { DisplayName = Bleach, DisplayCategory = Household, Type = Food, Weight = 1.6, Icon = Bleach, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, EatType = BleachBottle, Poison = true, PoisonDetectionLevel = 7, PoisonPower = 120, ReplaceOnUse = BleachEmpty, UseForPoison = 38, HungerChange = -5, ThirstChange = -60, UnhappyChange = 99, CustomContextMenu = Drink, CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottlePlastic, StaticModel = BleachBottle, WorldStaticModel = BleachBottle, } }