Sandbox_EN = { Sandbox_ExpandedHeli = "Expanded Helicopter Events", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_Frequency_option1 = "Never" Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_Frequency_option2 = "Rare", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_Frequency_option3 = "Uncommon", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_Frequency_option4 = "Common", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_Frequency_option5 = "Frequent", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_Frequency_option6 = "Insane", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventJet = "Jets", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventJet_tooltip = "How frequent jet events occur.\n Jets fly by players causing horde movement.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventNews = "News", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventNews_tooltip = "How frequent news events occur.\n News choppers will hone in on any citizen they find and follow them around for a short time.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventPolice = "Police", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventPolice_tooltip = "How frequent Police events occur.\n The police will take matters into their own hands and escort citizens around while firing on zombies.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventMilitary = "Military", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventMilitary_tooltip = "How frequent military events occur.\n The military will progress through stages: warn citizens, purge the undead, then ultimately purge anything that moves.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventFEMA = "FEMA Aid Drops", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventFEMA_tooltip = "How frequent FEMA aid drop events occur.\n FEMA will conduct aid drops early on in the apocalypse.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventSurvivor = "Survivors", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventSurvivor_tooltip = "How frequent survivor events occur.\n Survivors will only flyby on scouting missions causing horde movement.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventRaider = "Raiders", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventRaider_tooltip = "How frequent raider events occur.\n Raiders will hone in on survivors to torment them for some entertainment.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventSamaritan = "Samaritans", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_EventSamaritan_tooltip = "How frequent samaritan events occur.\n Samaritans will drop off supplies to help survivors.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_StartDay = "Start Day", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_StartDay_tooltip = "The day the scheduler will start assigning events to.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_StartDay_help = "This is what day into the game events occur. You will need to factor in "months into the apocalypse" settings." Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_SchedulerDuration = "Scheduler Duration", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_SchedulerDuration_tooltip = "How long will the scheduler run from the start day.\n The scheduler will adjust event progression to fit this duration.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_SchedulerDuration_help = "This is how many days the scheduler will operate for." Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_ContinueScheduling = "Continue Scheduling Forever", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_ContinueScheduling_tooltip = "Toggle this on so that the scheduler will spawn events passed the duration limit. Events will still progress through stages according to the duration but events will never stop being scheduled.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_ContinueSchedulingLateGameOnly = "Continue Scheduling: Late Game Events Only", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_ContinueSchedulingLateGameOnly_tooltip = "When \"Continue Scheduling Forever\" is toggle on, this toggled on makes the scheduler only use late-game events.", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_WeatherImpactsEvents = "Weather Will Impact Events", Sandbox_ExpandedHeli_WeatherImpactsEvents_tooltip = "Whether weather will prevent events, or cause their crash.", }