Tooltip_EN = { Tooltip_dismantle_helicopterpart = "Use of a blowtorch and welding mask will yield metal.", Tooltip_open_boxes_barehanded = "Would be faster to open with something sharp.", Tooltip_Parachute = "Can be torn up to make ripped cloth.", Tooltip_EnergyBar = "An energy bar packaged for survival kits. Manufactured by PT&D.", Tooltip_SurvivalVest = "Standard issue survival vest for military pilots.", Tooltip_SurvivalVestBlack = "Standard issue survival vest for police search and rescue.", Tooltip_SPHMilitary = "Standard issue military helicopter helmet." Tooltip_SPHBlack = "Standard issue military helicopter helmet in black.", Tooltip_SPHPolice = "Helicopter helmet used by police air wings.", Tooltip_SPHCivilian = "Helicopter helmet used by civilian pilots.", Tooltip_FlyerCDC = "Looks like a health advisory flyer.", Tooltip_FlyerMilitary = "Looks like a notice flyer from the military.", Tooltip_CivilDefense = "Looks like a civil defense flyer.", Tooltip_WaterSealed = "Sealed Water Ration distributed by the US Government." Tooltip_WaterUnsealed = "Unsealed Water Ration distributed by the US Government." Tooltip_SupplyBox = "Supply Box from the US Government." Tooltip_SamaritanBox = "Supply Box from a group of mysterious samaritans.", Tooltip_BanditBox = "Personal stash box. Reads "MY SHIT, DONT TOUCH!", Tooltip_SignalFlare = "Signalling flare. Do not fire indoors.", Tooltip_HandFlare = "Flare. Do not fire indoors." }