Sandbox_EN = { Sandbox_FatalNight = "Fatal Night", Sandbox_FatalNight_Enabled = "The darkness is killing you", Sandbox_FatalNight_Enabled_tooltip = "Enabling this option generates the hunting horror of darkness...", Sandbox_FatalNight_DarknessKillsInDaytime = "At any time of the day", Sandbox_FatalNight_DarknessKillsInDaytime_tooltip = "Darkness kills at any time of the day not just at night", Sandbox_FatalNight_PlayDarkSound = "Sounds of darkness", Sandbox_FatalNight_PlayDarkSound_tooltip = "When the darkness level rises to critical the darkness will communicate with you", Sandbox_FatalNight_PlaySirenSound = "Siren sound", Sandbox_FatalNight_PlaySirenSound_tooltip = "The siren will be played at the beginning of the night", Sandbox_FatalNight_PenultimateSoundsValueDelay = "Delay of dark sounds (in seconds)", Sandbox_FatalNight_PenultimateSoundsValueDelay_tooltip = "How often the darkness will communicate with you", Sandbox_FatalNight_PlayPhrases = "Phrases", Sandbox_FatalNight_PlayPhrases_tooltip = "When the level of darkness or light increases, the corresponding text phrase is displayed", Sandbox_FatalNight_DarkPhrasesValueDelay = "Delay of phrases about darkness (in seconds)", Sandbox_FatalNight_DarkPhrasesValueDelay_tooltip = "How often are phrases shown that the player is in the dark", Sandbox_FatalNight_PenultimatePhrasesValueDelay = "Delay of phrases about imminent death (in seconds)", Sandbox_FatalNight_PenultimatePhrasesValueDelay_tooltip = "How often can phrases be shown that the player will soon die because of the darkness", Sandbox_FatalNight_LightPhrasesDelay = "Phrase delay during lighting (in seconds)", Sandbox_FatalNight_LightPhrasesDelay_tooltip = "How often can phrases be shown that the player has successfully sanctified the darkness after the phrase about imminent death", Sandbox_FatalNight_SecondsToIncreaseFatalLevel = "Seconds in the dark to aggravate", Sandbox_FatalNight_SecondsToIncreaseFatalLevel_tooltip = "How many seconds do you need to spend in the dark to move to the next level bringing the character closer to death (increasing this parameter increases the life time in the dark)", Sandbox_FatalNight_MaximumFatalLevel = "Fatal level", Sandbox_FatalNight_MaximumFatalLevel_tooltip = "To what level of aggravation (due to being in darkness) will the character be killed by darkness (increasing this parameter significantly increases the life time in darkness)", }