UI_EN = { UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandlightsOn1 = "...the headlights scared [it] away...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandlightsOn2 = "...[it] hates cars...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandlightsOn3 = "...the cold light of dead metal...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight1 = "...the darkness has receded.... for now...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight2 = "...[it] has gone... for now...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight3 = "...radiance warms the dark soul...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight4 = "...the glow of a cursed soul...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight5 = "...light is the enemy of darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight6 = "...[it] retreats...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight7 = "...a glimpse into the heart of darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnLight8 = "...light is shed, the darkness recedes...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight1 = "...it worked... this time...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight2 = "...imaginary safety...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight3 = "...a beacon of hope in an ocean of darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight4 = "...light through the darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight5 = "...dispelling the darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight6 = "...protector from evil in hand...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight7 = "...it will scare [it] away...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnHandLight8 = "...a ray of hope...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay1 = "...dawn.... your salvation...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay2 = "...sunlight drives away the darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay3 = "...the first rays of the emerging sun...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay4 = "...the night is coming to an end...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay5 = "...the dawn will soon break...". UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay6 = "...darkness has no place under the watch of day...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDay7 = "...darkness changes to day...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark1 = "...darkness surrounds you...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark2 = "...it's dark here and you may well be devoured...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark3 = "...something bad is nearby...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark4 = "...only darkness around...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark5 = "...darkness restrains the soul...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark6 = "...unlikely darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark7 = "...more light is needed...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark8 = "...the horror of darkness has come out at your peril...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark9 = "...[it] went on the hunt...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark10 = "...[it] is watching you...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark11 = "...you feel a breath at your back...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark12 = "...[it] watches from the deepest darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark13 = "...a night terror somewhere nearby...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark14 = "...something dark is roaming around...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark15 = "...the horror of the depths awakens...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark16 = "...you are in [its] power...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark17 = "...[it] senses your weakness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark18 = "...you can smell death...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark19 = "...the horror of darkness clouds your mind...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark20 = "...the gloom draws you into the arms of evil...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark21 = "...evil approaches...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark22 = "...everything is spoiling around you...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark23 = "...darkness is against you...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark24 = "...the depths of darkness surround you more strongly...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark25 = "...something dark wanders near...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark26 = "...[it] wants to take you into the darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark27 = "...the abyss is gaining momentum...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark28 = "...evil sprouts from the darkness...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark29 = "...[it] awakens...", UI_DarkPhrases_OnDark30 = "...something terrible is nearby...", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel1 = "FIND. LIGHT. NOW.", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel2 = "LIGHT OR DEATH" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel3 = "[IT] IS NEARBY" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel4 = "[IT] IS COMING HERE", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel5 = "DON'T. HIDE.", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel6 = "[IT] WILL GET YOU", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel7 = "THE HORROR OF THE NIGHT IS COMING", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel8 = "SCARE THE CREATURE AWAY WITH LIGHT" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel9 = "[IT] AROUND" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel10 = "WANT. LIGHT. NEEDED.", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel11 = "THE DARKNESS IS ABOUT TO SWALLOW YOU", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel12 = "YOU ARE ONE STEP AWAY FROM THE ABYSS" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel13 = "[IT] IS BEHIND" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel14 = "[IT] IS READY TO ATTACK", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel15 = "NO TIME LEFT. THE DARKNESS IS HERE.", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel16 = "DARKNESS. IT'S DARK ALL AROUND.", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel17 = "DISPEL THE DARKNESS" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel18 = "DESTROY THE EVIL" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel19 = "LIGHT. URGENT.", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel20 = "[IT] BREATHES IN THE BACK", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel21 = "[IT] TOUCHED YOU" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel22 = "THE DARKNESS WILL DESTROY YOU", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel23 = "PITCH DARKNESS IS PREPARING A BLOW" UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel24 = "REFLECT THE DARKNESS", UI_DarkPhrases_PenultimateLevel25 = "[IT] WILL EAT YOU UP", UI_DarkPhrases_MaximumLevel1 = "[IT] SWALLOWED [YOU].", UI_DarkPhrases_MaximumLevel2 = "[IT] DEVOURED [YOU]", UI_DarkPhrases_MaximumLevel3 = "[IT] DESTROYED [YOU]", UI_DarkPhrases_MaximumLevel4 = "[IT] RUINED [YOU]", UI_DarkPhrases_MaximumLevel5 = "[IT] DESTROYED [YOU]" }