Tooltip_EN = { -- Item tooltip Tooltip_item_Salted = "This is a base items.
Add more meat to it and then let it cook.", Tooltip_item_Smoked = "This is a base items.
Add more meat to it and then let it cook.", Tooltip_item_SaltRock = "Can be found outside with foraging skill 5 and up.
Can be stomped into salt.", Tooltip_item_Bones = "Can be harvested from big dead animals and made into glue.", Tooltip_item_Tallow = "Can be used as fat on cooking or made into candles.", Tooltip_item_WoodenBarrel = "Can be used to brew ethanol and vinegar.", Tooltip_item_BioGas = "Can be used to refine biogas from various food.", Tooltip_item_BioGasW = "It may take some time to get ready.
If it goes stale then everything is working.", Tooltip_item_WBWorking = "It may take some time to get ready.
If it goes stale then everything is working.", Tooltip_item_SweetBulp = "Can be made into sweet juice or dried near campfire. Produces Yeast as a by-product.
Can't use poisonous ingredients.", Tooltip_item_YBulp = "Can be stomped into Yeast.
Can't use poisonous ingredients.", Tooltip_item_SS = "Can be used as a sugar or just consumed as a regular food. Won't spoil.", }