UI_EN = { UI_vape_action = "Vape", UI_vape_cough0 = "*cough* *cough*", UI_vape_cough1 = "This thing is out of juice...", UI_vape_cough2 = "Nothing but burned cotton...", UI_vape_cough3 = "I need a new vape...", UI_vape_cough4 = "Time to go find another...", UI_vape_cough5 = "mmmm... Burned cotton flavor... my favorite...", UI_vape_cough6 = "aGh... my lungs...", UI_vape_blink = "Your vape starts blinking...", UI_vape_weight = "Weight", UI_brandName = "GnomeBar:", UI_deadVape = "-- Out of Flavor", UI_noBatteryVape = "-- Out of Battery", UI_vape_fiend1 = "This thing is dead but I needed some nicotine...", UI_vape_fiend2 = "This is awful but I really needed some nicotine...", UI_vape_fiend3 = "Absolutely burned... at least it took the edge off a little bit...", UI_limitedEdition = "Limited Edition", UI_flavor_glitch = "0011011", UI_vape_relief = "Finally... some much needed nicotine...", UI_stack_weight = "Stack weight", }