module GnomeBars { imports { Base } // item GnomeBar // { // DisplayCategory = Vape, -- Custom display category. Must be included in translation file // Weight = 0.05, -- Item encumbrance // CantBeConsolided = TRUE, -- If this parameter is true, then this item (Drainable) cannot be combined with an item of a similar type. // UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, -- Determines if charges are used while the item is equipped // Type = Drainable, -- The type of the item // DisplayName = GnomeBar, -- The display name of the item // Icon = emptyGnomeBar, -- Inventory Icon // StaticModel = GnomeBarEmpty, -- The in-hand model // WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarEmpty_ground, -- The world item model for when you place or drop the item // ReplaceOnDeplete = GBEmpty, -- Replace with this item when fully depleted // Tags = HasMetal, -- Tag that allows the object to set fire when in the microwave // AttachmentType = Walkie, -- Allows item to be attached to belt // StressChange = -5, -- Stress reduction // UseDelta = 0.05, -- How much battery charge will be used for each use // UsesBattery = TRUE, -- Boolean to tell whether item uses a battery or not // IsPortable = TRUE, -- Unsure if this is needed // DisappearOnUse = FALSE, -- We don't want it disappearing // Flavor = 60, -- The amount of flavor the vape has // maxFlavor = 60, -- The max amount of flavor the vape has // CustomEatSound = , -- Need this or default smoking sound will play // } item GnomeBarRB { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Rainbow Blast), Icon = rainbowblast, StaticModel = GnomeBarRB, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarRB_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarBlueRazz { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Blue Razz), Icon = bluerazz, StaticModel = GnomeBarBlueRazz, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarBlueRazz_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarWatermelonIce { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Watermelon Ice), Icon = watermelonice, StaticModel = GnomeBarWatermelonIce, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarWatermelonIce_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarPinkLemonade { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Pink Lemonade), Icon = pinklemonade, StaticModel = GnomeBarPinkLemonade, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarPinkLemonade_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarBlackIce { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Black Ice), Icon = blackice, StaticModel = GnomeBarBlackIce, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarBlackIce_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarCoolMint { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Cool Mint), Icon = coolmint, StaticModel = GnomeBarCoolMint, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarCoolMint_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarBananaIce { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Banana Ice), Icon = bananaice, StaticModel = GnomeBarBananaIce, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarBananaIce_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarLemonMint { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Lemon Mint), Icon = lemonmint, StaticModel = GnomeBarLemonMint, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarLemonMint_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarStrawNana { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (StrawNana), Icon = strawnana, StaticModel = GnomeBarStrawNana, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarStrawNana_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarCherryIce { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Cherry Ice), Icon = cherryice, StaticModel = GnomeBarCherryIce, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarCherryIce_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 60, maxFlavor = 60, OnCreate = onVapeSpawn, CustomEatSound = , } item GBEmpty { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Empty), Icon = emptyGnomeBar, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, StaticModel = GnomeBarEmpty, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarEmpty_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 0, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarAppleIce { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar EVO (Apple Ice), Icon = appleice, StaticModel = GnomeBarAppleIce, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarAppleIce_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 100, maxFlavor = 100, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarGlitch { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Glitch), Icon = glitch, StaticModel = GnomeBarGlitch, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarGlitch_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.05, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 100, maxFlavor = 100, CustomEatSound = , } item GnomeBarGolden { DisplayCategory = Vape, Weight = 0.05, CantBeConsolided = TRUE, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, Type = Drainable, DisplayName = GnomeBar (Idun's Apple), Icon = golden, StaticModel = GnomeBarGolden, WorldStaticModel = GnomeBarGolden_ground, Tags = HasMetal, AttachmentType = Walkie, StressChange = -5, UseDelta = 0.025, UsesBattery = TRUE, IsPortable = TRUE, DisappearOnUse = FALSE, Flavor = 225, maxFlavor = 225, CustomEatSound = , } }