module Base { /****************************** HERBAL MEDICINE ******************************/ recipe Empty Bowl of Brew { AntibioticsHerbalBrew/PainkillersHerbalBrew, Result:Bowl, Time:20.0, Category:Cooking, AllowRottenItem:true, } recipe Craft Herbal Vitamins { Carrots;15, WildGarlic2=10, Ginseng=10, Cabbage/Ginseng/Cherry/Pineapple/Peach/Lemon/Orange/Apple/Banana/Grapes=2, keep MortarPestle, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/MeatCleaver, Result: PillsVitamins, Time: 450.0, Category:Health, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:Doctor=4;Cooking=3, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.MedicineMed, } recipe Craft Herbal Antibiotics Brew { Bowl, Vinegar=1, WildGarlic2=20, Ginseng=10, Plantain=10, MushroomGeneric1/MushroomGeneric2/MushroomGeneric3/MushroomGeneric4/MushroomGeneric5/MushroomGeneric6/MushroomGeneric7;75, keep MortarPestle, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/MeatCleaver, Result: AntibioticsHerbalBrew, Time: 250.0, Category:Health, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:Doctor=6;Cooking=3, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.MedicineHigh, } item AntibioticsHerbalBrew { DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Icon = BowlFull, Weight = 1, DisplayName = Herbal Antibiotics (Brewing), CantBeFrozen = TRUE, ReplaceOnRotten = AntibioticsHerbalBrewReady, DaysFresh = 2, DaysTotallyRotten = 8, WorldStaticModel = BowlSoup_Ground, } item AntibioticsHerbalBrewReady { DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Icon = BowlFull, Weight = 25, DisplayName = Herbal Antibiotics (Brew Ready), WorldStaticModel = BowlSoup_Ground, } recipe Empty Bowl of Antibiotics { AntibioticsHerbalBrewReady, Result: AntibioticsHerbal=3, Time: 50.0, Category:Health, OnCreate: GetEmptySpoonBowl_OnCreate } item AntibioticsHerbal { DisplayCategory = FirstAid, Weight = 0.1, Type = Food, DisplayName = Herbal Antibiotics, Icon = Antibiotics, ReduceInfectionPower = 25, CustomContextMenu = Take, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, Tooltip = Tooltip_Antibiotics, Medical = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = Antibiotics, } recipe Craft Herbal Painkillers Brew { Bowl, Vinegar=1, Ginseng=10, Rosehips/BlackSage=20, MushroomGeneric1/MushroomGeneric2/MushroomGeneric3/MushroomGeneric4/MushroomGeneric5/MushroomGeneric6/MushroomGeneric7;75, keep MortarPestle, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/MeatCleaver, Result: PainkillersHerbalBrew, Time: 250.0, Category:Health, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:Doctor=5;Cooking=3, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.MedicineHigh, } item PainkillersHerbalBrew { DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Icon = BowlFull, Weight = 1, DisplayName = Herbal Painkillers (Brewing), CantBeFrozen = TRUE, ReplaceOnRotten = PainkillersHerbalBrewReady, DaysFresh = 2, DaysTotallyRotten = 8, WorldStaticModel = BowlSoup_Ground, } item PainkillersHerbalBrewReady { DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Icon = BowlFull, Weight = 25, DisplayName = Herbal Painkillers (Brew Ready), WorldStaticModel = BowlSoup_Ground, } recipe Empty Bowl of Painkillers { PainkillersHerbalBrewReady, Result:Pills, Time: 50.0, Category:Health, OnCreate: GetEmptySpoonBowl_OnCreate } item PainkillersHerbal { DisplayCategory = FirstAid, Weight = 0.2, Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.1, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Herbal Painkillers, Icon = PillsPainkiller, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, StaticModel = PillBottle, WorldStaticModel = PainKillers_Ground, Medical = TRUE, } recipe Convert HerbalPainkillers to Painkillers((DEBUG RECIPE)) { destroy PainkillersHerbal, Result:Pills, Time:40.0, Category:Health, Override:true } recipe Disinfect Rag { destroy RippedSheets, [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Liquor];2, Result:AlcoholRippedSheets, Time:40.0, Category:Health, Override:true } recipe Disinfect Bandage { destroy Bandage, [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Liquor];2, Result:AlcoholBandage, Time:40.0, Category:Health, Override:true } recipe Make Mortar and Pestle { Plank/Log, keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/MeatCleaver, Result:MortarPestle, SkillRequired:Woodwork=3, Sound:Hammering, Time:150.0, Category:Carpentry, Override:true } /****************************** HERBAL TEA ******************************/ recipe Prepare Herbal Tea { CommonMallow/Ginseng/WildGarlic2=3, MugWhite, Water=3, Result:SpoonHerbalTea, Time:200.0, Category:Cooking, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:Doctor=1;Cooking=1, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.MedicineMed, } item SpoonHerbalTea { DisplayName = Herbal Tea, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.2, Icon = MugWhite, DaysFresh = 4, GoodHot = true, DaysTotallyRotten = 8, HungerChange = -2, ThirstChange = -15, Calories = 4, Carbohydrates = 0, Lipids = 0.05, Proteins = 0.02, MinutesToCook = 10, MinutesToBurn = 60, EnduranceChange = 8, FluReduction = 20, Tooltip = Tooltip_Mallow, IsCookable = TRUE, RemoveNegativeEffectOnCooked = TRUE, DangerousUncooked = TRUE, BadInMicrowave = TRUE, UnhappyChange = 30, ReplaceOnUse = MugWhite, StaticModel = MugWhite, WorldStaticModel = MugWhite, } recipe Empty Mug of Tea { SpoonHerbalTea, Result:MugWhite, Time:20.0, Category:Cooking, AllowRottenItem:true, } recipe Break pieces of charcoal { Charcoal;1, Result:PieceOfCharcoal=5, Time:20.0, Category:Cooking, } item PieceOfCharcoal { DisplayName = Piece Of Charcoal, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.1, Icon = PieceOfCharcoal, Tooltip = Tooltip_LemonGrass, ReduceFoodSickness = 3, UnhappyChange = 5, HungerChange = -0.1, ThirstChange = 10, } /****************************** LITERATURE ******************************/ item SpoonMagazineHerbal { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Herbal Medicine, Icon = MagazineHerbalist, TeachedRecipes = Craft Herbal Vitamins;Craft Herbal Antibiotics Brew;Craft Herbal Painkillers Brew;Extract Antibiotics from Moldy Bread;Make Herbal Antibiotics;Make Vitamins;Make Natural Antidepressants;Make Natural Beta Blockers;Make Wild Garlic Poultice;Make Comfrey Poultice;Make Plantain Poultice;Prepare Herbal Tea, ReplaceOnUse = SpoonMagazineHerbal, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = MagazineMetal1Ground, } }