module ImmersiveHunting { imports { Base } /****************************** INVESTIGATING ******************************/ recipe Investigate the animal traces { destroy SIHTrackSmall, Result:Twigs, Time:500, OnCreate:SIHTrackSpawnSmall_OnCreate, AnimNode:VehicleWorkOnTire, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Investigate the animal traces { destroy SIHTrackBig, Result:Twigs, Time:500, OnCreate:SIHTrackSpawnBig_OnCreate, AnimNode:VehicleWorkOnTire, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } /****************************** BUTCHERING ******************************/ recipe Butcher a Deer { keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/MeatCleaver/Machete, SIHDeerCorpse, Result:Steak=5, Sound:SliceMeat, Time:800.0, Category:Cooking, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.Cooking10, OnCreate: SIHButcherDeer_OnCreate, CanBeDoneFromFloor : TRUE, } recipe Butcher a Wild Pig { keep [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife]/MeatCleaver/Machete, SIHPigCorpse, Result:Steak=5, Sound:SliceMeat, Time:800.0, Category:Cooking, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.Cooking10, OnCreate: SIHButcherPig_OnCreate, CanBeDoneFromFloor : TRUE, } /****************************** HUNTING WITH VARMINT RIFLE ******************************/ recipe Hunt Rabbit with Varmint Rifle { keep VarmintRifle, 223Bullets=1, SIHTrackRabbit, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnRabbit_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :varmintShot, Prop1 :VarmintRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Birds with Varmint Rifle { keep VarmintRifle, 223Bullets=1, SIHTrackBird, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnBird_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :varmintShot, Prop1 :VarmintRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Deer with Varmint Rifle { keep VarmintRifle, 223Bullets=1, SIHTrackDeer, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnDeer_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :varmintShot, Prop1 :VarmintRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Pig with Varmint Rifle { keep VarmintRifle, 223Bullets=1, SIHTrackPig, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnPig_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :varmintShot, Prop1 :VarmintRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } /****************************** HUNTING WITH HUNTING RIFLE ******************************/ recipe Hunt Rabbit with Hunting Rifle { keep HuntingRifle, 308Bullets=1, SIHTrackRabbit, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnRabbit_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :hunterShot, Prop1 :HuntingRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Birds with Hunting Rifle { keep HuntingRifle, 308Bullets=1, SIHTrackBird, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnBird_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :hunterShot, Prop1 :HuntingRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Deer with Hunting Rifle { keep HuntingRifle, 308Bullets=1, SIHTrackDeer, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnDeer_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :hunterShot, Prop1 :HuntingRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Pig with Hunting Rifle { keep HuntingRifle, 308Bullets=1, SIHTrackPig, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnPig_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :hunterShot, Prop1 :HuntingRifle, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } /****************************** HUNTING WITH SHOTGUN ******************************/ recipe Hunt Rabbit with Shotgun { keep Shotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackRabbit, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnRabbitShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :Shotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Birds with Shotgun { keep Shotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackBird, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnBirdShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :Shotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Deer with Shotgun { keep Shotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackDeer, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnDeerShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :Shotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Pig with Shotgun { keep Shotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackPig, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnPigShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :Shotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } /****************************** HUNTING WITH SHOTGUN x2 ******************************/ recipe Hunt Rabbit with Shotgun { keep DoubleBarrelShotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackRabbit, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnRabbitShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :DoubleBarrelShotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Birds with Shotgun { keep DoubleBarrelShotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackBird, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnBirdShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingSmall, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :DoubleBarrelShotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Deer with Shotgun { keep DoubleBarrelShotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackDeer, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnDeerShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :DoubleBarrelShotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Pig with Shotgun { keep DoubleBarrelShotgun, ShotgunShells=1, SIHTrackPig, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :50.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnPigShotty_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.HuntingBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Sound :shotgun2, Prop1 :DoubleBarrelShotgun, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } /****************************** HUNTING WITH SPEAR ******************************/ recipe Hunt Deer with Spear { keep WoodenLance/SpearHuntingKnife/SpearMachete/SpearCrafted/SpearKnife, SIHTrackDeer, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :500.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnDeerSpear_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.SpearBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Prop1 :Spear, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } recipe Hunt Pig with Spear { keep WoodenLance/SpearHuntingKnife/SpearMachete/SpearCrafted/SpearKnife, SIHTrackPig, Result :Twigs, Category :Hunting, Time :500.0, OnCreate :SIHSpawnPigSpear_OnCreate, OnGiveXP :Recipe.OnGiveXP.SpearBig, AnimNode :BlowTorch, Prop1 :Spear, CanBeDoneFromFloor :TRUE, } }