IGUI_EN = { IGUI_ContainerTitle_BatteryBank = "Battery Bank", IGUI_ContainerTitle_SolarBox = "Solar Box", IGUI_ISAWindowsStatus_Title = "Battery Bank Status", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_InfoText = " Battery Bank Panel Summary Tab Displays a visual summary of the Battery Bank, Solar Panels and Battery Status. Details Tab Displays technical information about the Battery Bank and it's status. Debug Tab Adds buttons for troubleshooting the Battery Bank. ", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_TabTitle = "Summary", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_PanelsStatus = "Panels Status", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_BatteryLevel = "Battery Level", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_BatteryStatus = "Battery Status", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_NoEnoughPanels = "Not enough panels", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_NoEnoughSun = "Not enough sunlight", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_Working = "Working OK", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_FullyCharged = "Fully charged", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_FullyDischarged = "Fully discharged", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_ChargedIn = "Charged in:", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_DischargedIn = "Discharged in:", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_BatteryRemaining = "Battery Reserves:", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_NotCharging = "Not Charging", IGUI_ISAWindowsSumaryTab_NoBatteries = "No Batteries", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_TabTitle = "Details", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_MaxCapacity = "Maximum Capacity: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_ConnectedPanels = "Connected Panels: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_MaxPanelOutput = "Maximum Panel Output: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_ElectricalDevices = "Electrical Devices", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_conGenerator = "Backup Generator is connected: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_Failsafe = "Backup Generator has failsafe: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_GenInRange = "Generators in range: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_ValidAreaPlayer = "Player is in valid area: ", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_ElectricityExternal = "External Sources", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_CantSee = "Can not see the details", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugNoSquare = "No square", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugNoGenerator = "No generator on player's square", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugNotConnected = "This generator is not connected", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugPowerbank = "This generator is a Powerbank", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugNotBackup = "This square isn't set as backup", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugNoFailsafe = "This square has no failsafe", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugNoFuel = "This generator has no fuel", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugLowCondition = "This generator has low condition", IGUI_ISAWindow_Details_BackupDebugOK = "This square has a valid backup", IGUI_ISAWindow_Debug_ShowBackup = "Show Backup Area Details", IGUI_ISAWindow_Debug_HideBackup = "Hide Backup Area Details", IGUI_ISA_Update = "Update", IGUI_ISAContainerNotBattery = "This seems like a good place to store my %1", }