module LWBetterElectronics { item ManualANoisemakerV1 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Amplifiers and their use in Circuits, Icon = LWRecipe1, TeachedRecipes = Make Medium Range Noisemaker;Make Far Range Noisemaker;Craft Speaker, ReplaceOnUse = ManualANoisemakerV1, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag1_Ground, } item ManualANoisemakerV2 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Burgelar Alarm Setup and Wiring Diagram, Icon = LWRecipe2, TeachedRecipes = Make Portable House Alarm, ReplaceOnUse = ManualANoisemakerV2, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag2_Ground, } item ManualMotionSensor { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Motion Sensor - Manual with Wiring Diagram, Icon = LWRecipe3, TeachedRecipes = Med-R Noisemaker with Motion Sensor;Far-R Noisemaker with Motion Sensor; Portable Housealarm with Motion Sensor;Craft Motion Sensor, ReplaceOnUse = ManualMotionSensor, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag3_Ground, } item ManualRemote { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Remotes - Manual with Wiring Diagram, Icon = LWRecipe4, TeachedRecipes = Craft Low Range Remote Control;Craft Medium Range Remote Control;Craft Far Range Remote Control;Portable Housealarm w. Remote Receiver;Craft Motion Sensor;Improvise Remote; Craft Remote Door- Motor, ReplaceOnUse = ManualRemote, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag4_Ground, } item ManualTV { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = TV's- Manuals andh Wiring Diagrams, Icon = LWRecipe9, TeachedRecipes = Assemble an old Television;Upgrade to Standard Television;Upgrade to Premium Television, ReplaceOnUse = ManualTV, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag9_Ground, } item RadioUpgradeMag1 { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Radios - Instruction Manuals and Circuits, Icon = LWRecipe5, TeachedRecipes = Upgrade Radio, ReplaceOnUse = RadioUpgradeMag1, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag5_Ground, } item RadioUpgradeMag2 { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Walkie Talkies - Instruction Manuals and Circuits, Icon = LWRecipe6, TeachedRecipes = Upgrade Walkie Talkie, ReplaceOnUse = RadioUpgradeMag2, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag6_Ground, } item RadioUpgradeMag3 { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Ham Radios - Instruction Manuals and Circuits, Icon = LWRecipe7, TeachedRecipes = Upgrade Ham Radio, ReplaceOnUse = RadioUpgradeMag3, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag7_Ground, } item ElectronicsDismantleMagazine { DisplayCategory = SkillBook, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = How to Reverse Engineer Electrical Devices, Icon = LWRecipe8, TeachedRecipes = Dismantle and Study Radio;Dismantle and Study Walkie Talkie;Dismantle and Study Ham Radio;Dismantle and Study Remote;Dismantle and Study MotionSensor;Dismantle and Study Speaker, ReplaceOnUse = ElectronicsDismantleMagazine, StaticModel = Magazine, WorldStaticModel = LW3DMag8_Ground, } /*-------------------------------------------------------------Circuit-Diagrams-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ item CircuitDiagramRadio { DisplayCategory = Literature, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Radio Circuit Diagram, Icon = LWDiagram1, WorldStaticModel = LW3DCircuit1_Ground, } item CircuitDiagramWalkieTalkie { DisplayCategory = Literature, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Walkie Talkie Circuit Diagram, Icon = LWDiagram2, WorldStaticModel = LW3DCircuit2_Ground, } item CircuitDiagramHamRadio { DisplayCategory = Literature, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Ham Radio Circuit Diagram, Icon = LWDiagram3, WorldStaticModel = LW3DCircuit3_Ground, } item CircuitDiagramAmplifier { DisplayCategory = Literature, Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Amplifier Circuit Diagram, Icon = LWDiagram4, WorldStaticModel = LW3DCircuit4_Ground, } }