UI_EN = { UI_LazoloAddUpgrade = "Add Upgrade", UI_LazoloUpgradeBag = "Upgrade Bag", UI_LazoloRemoveUpgrade = "Remove Upgrade", UI_LazoloFixUpgrades = "Fix Upgrades", UI_LazoloExpectedStats = "(Capacity: %s, Weight Reduction: %s)" UI_LazoloFixManual = "Manual Fix", UI_LazoloFixManualDesc = "Update this bag's stats manually." UI_LazoloFixOnce = "Once", UI_LazoloFixOnceDesc = "Set this item's stats to the expected stats from Dynamic Backpack Upgrades", UI_LazoloFixAlways = "Always", UI_LazoloFixAlwaysDesc = "Flag this item to automatically update to Dynamic Backpack Upgrade values if it changes. <br> (Automatic updates only apply to items in a player inventory)", UI_LazoloFixNever = "Never", UI_LazoloFixNeverDesc = "Permanently hide this menu without doing anything. <br>Remove all upgrades to re-enable it.", UI_LazoloTooFullToRemove = "Bag is too full <br>Removal results in %s Capacity", UI_LazoloRequiresNeedleThread = "Requires: Needle & Thread" UI_LazoloRequiresScissors = "Requires: Scissors" UI_LazoloRequiresSharpItem = "Requires: Scissors or Sharp Knife" UI_LazoloUpgradeSlots = "Upgrade Slots", UI_LazoloCapacity = "Capacity", UI_LazoloWeightReduction = "WeightReduction", UI_UpgradeCapacity = "Increases Base Capacity by ", UI_UpgradeWeightReduction = "Increases Weight Efficiency by ", UI_UpgradeCapacityCloth = "Cloth Bag Upgrade", UI_UpgradeCapacityJean = "Denim Bag Upgrade", UI_UpgradeCapacityLeather = "Leather Bag Upgrade", UI_UpgradeCapacityMilitary = "Military Bag Upgrade", UI_UpgradeWeightReductionCloth = "Cloth Straps Upgrade", UI_UpgradeWeightReductionJean = "Denim Straps Upgrade", UI_UpgradeWeightReductionLeather = "Leather Straps Upgrade", UI_UpgradeWeightReductionMilitary = "Military Straps Upgrade", }