---------------------------------------------------------------- Singleplayer/Personal use? Follow step 1. Multiplayer/Creating an Addon? Follow steps 1 TO 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 1. Adding Your Music For Personal Use -------- ---1a. Setting things up:--- - Extract the folder YourMusicLifestyleAddon to a secure Backup location of your preference (NOT IN THE MODS FOLDER), in Singleplayer this will serve as your backup in case the mod updates and your file is overwritten, for multiplayer you can move it to the workshop folder; - RENAME "YourMusic" to whatever you want, we will call this your playlist name, for multiplayer this is also your addon name; *MAKE A UNIQUE NAME, generic names may conflict with other addons - Open the media folder, you'll see 3 folders (lua, scripts and sound); - Go to lua/client/TimesActions and then RENAME "MyMusic" to your playlist name, remember that everything is case sensitive; - Go to media/scripts and RENAME "MyMusic" to your playlist name; - Go to media/sound and delete replaceme_mymusic.ogg ---1b. Adding songs:--- - Now you're ready to add your songs, they should be in OGG format (use a program like Audacity to convert your music to .ogg); - Place your songs in media/sound (the same folder where you deleted replaceme_mymusic), rename each to songname_yourplaylistname - That's it! Now let's tell the mod to read your songs; ---1c. Inserting your songs into the mod:--- - Go to lua/client/TimesActions and open the .lua file, by now it should be named AddMoreTracks_yourplaylistname.lua (LUA files can be opened with Notepad++); - With the file now open you'll see a set of instructions in green, follow the instructions and DO NOT ADD OR REMOVE ANYTHING UNLESS SPECIFICALLY TOLD TO; - After you're done your music is ready to be inserted into the mod, follow step d to set definitions to your songs (required if multiplayer) or go to e; ---1d. Defining parameters to your songs (optional if singleplayer):--- - This is important if you ever plan to move your song from singleplayer to multiplayer, otherwise ignore it and delete the scripts folder; - Go to media/scripts, open the .txt file which should be named yourplaylistname_sounds_item.txt - It should contain this structure (distancemax is player range NOT zombie detection range, do not lower it): module Base { sound replaceme_mymusic { category = Item, loop = false, is3D = true, clip { file = media/sound/replaceme_mymusic.ogg, distanceMin = 10, distanceMax = 100, reverbFactor = 0.1, volume = 1.0, } } } - RENAME replaceme_mymusic with yoursongname_yourplaylistname - RENAME replaceme_mymusic.ogg with yoursongname_yourplaylistname.ogg - If you don't know what the values are then keep them as they are; - To add parameters for more songs copy everything STARTING from sound and ENDING at the second to last } and paste it one line above the last } - After adding a second song it should look like this: module Base { sound replaceme_mymusic { category = Item, loop = false, is3D = true, clip { file = media/sound/replaceme_mymusic.ogg, distanceMin = 10, distanceMax = 100, reverbFactor = 0.1, volume = 1.0, } } sound secondsong_mymusic { category = Item, loop = false, is3D = true, clip { file = media/sound/secondsong_mymusic.ogg, distanceMin = 10, distanceMax = 100, reverbFactor = 0.1, volume = 1.0, } } } ---1e. Singleplayer Final Step:--- - If it's just for Singleplayer then all you have to do now is save everything, copy the media folder and paste it in the Lifestyle mod folder: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2934886355\mods\Lifestyle - You're all set! Your songs will appear in the context menu of whatever instrument you added songs to if your character has the required skill level; - Whenever you want to add more songs just repeat steps 1b. to 1e., remember to save your own media folder in another location too as a backup; - Alternatively you can continue the steps below which will allow you to create your own addon (and then you don't need to copy/paste everytime there's an update); - It's not required to publish for it to work, so you can keep it as your own personal addon if you prefer; ------ 2. Setting up the addon -------- - Open mod.info with Notepad++ or another text editor, then: name = the name of your addon/mod; id = the id of your mod, this must be unique to your own addon; description = a brief description for your addon (this will show up in the in-game mods screen); poster = keep it as is; - You can change the poster image if you prefer, just replace the original in the same folder with your own (size must be 512x512 pixels); - IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PUBLISH IT: Copy YourMusicLifestyleAddon folder and paste to your \Users\YOURUSERNAME\Zomboid\mods located in your main drive Enter the game, enable your addon in the mods screen, you're done! ------ 3. Publishing the addon -------- - Go to \Users\YOURUSERNAME\Zomboid\Workshop - Create a folder with the same name as the YourMusicLifestyleAddon folder - Extract the workshop.txt and preview.png from LifestyleMusicAddon to your newly created folder; - You can change the image if you prefer, just replace the original in the same folder with your own (size must be 256x256 pixels); - Still inside the new YourMusicLifestyleAddon folder, create a folder called Contents, then inside the folder Contents create a folder called mods - Copy your old YourMusicLifestyleAddon folder (which contains your songs) and paste it inside the newly created mods folder; - Make sure to delete the WHERE AM I - Instructions.txt, this READ ME file AND make sure that your files are correctly renamed; - Finally, enter the game, select workshop and follow the steps there to add your addon to the workshop!