UI_EN = { UI_mainscreen_MusicUpdate = "Lifestyle Music Update installed", UI_mainscreen_DiscoUpdate = "Lifestyle Disco Update installed", UI_DJBooth_Scratch = "Disc Scratch", UI_DJBooth_Rewind = "Rewind", UI_DJBooth_Woosh = "Woosh", UI_DJBooth_Impact = "Impact", UI_DJBooth_Crowd = "Crowd", UI_DJBooth_War = "War", UI_DJBooth_Synth = "Synth", UI_DJBooth_Airhorn = "Airhorn", UI_DJBooth_Sirens = "Sirens", UI_DJBooth_Volume = "Volume Control", UI_DJBooth_Need2 = "Need Music level 2 to use", UI_DJBooth_Need4 = "Need Music level 4 to use", UI_DJBooth_Need5 = "Need Music level 5 to use", UI_DJBooth_Need6 = "Need Music level 6 to use", UI_DJBooth_Need8 = "Need Music level 8 to use", UI_DJBooth_LoopMode1 = "Loop Mode 1", UI_DJBooth_LoopMode2 = "Loop Mode 2", UI_DJBooth_LoopMode3 = "Loop Mode 3", UI_DJBooth_LoopMode4 = "Loop Mode 4", UI_DJBooth_LoopRecord = "Record Loop", UI_DJBooth_CustomLoop = "Custom Loop", UI_DJBooth_StopLoop = "Stop Loop", UI_DJBooth_Loop1A = "Drumbeats A", UI_DJBooth_Loop1B = "Drumbeats B", UI_DJBooth_Loop1C = "Drumbeats C", UI_DJBooth_Loop2A = "Dreamscape A", UI_DJBooth_Loop2B = "Dreamscape B", UI_DJBooth_Loop2C = "Dreamscape C", UI_DJBooth_Loop2D = "Dreamscape D", UI_DJBooth_Loop3A = "Electrobeats A", UI_DJBooth_Loop3B = "Electrobeats B", UI_DJBooth_Loop3C = "Electrobeats C", UI_DJBooth_Loop3D = "Electrobeats D", UI_DJBooth_Loop4A = "Lofi A", UI_DJBooth_Loop4B = "Lofi B", UI_DJBooth_Loop4C = "Lofi C", UI_DJBooth_Loop4D = "Lofi D", UI_DJBooth_ElecKickdrum = "Electric Kick", UI_DJBooth_Kickdrum = "Kick", UI_DJBooth_SafariKick = "Safari Kick", UI_DJBooth_ElecSnareDrum = "Electric Snare", UI_DJBooth_Snare = "Snare", UI_DJBooth_Snap = "Snap", UI_DJBooth_Clap = "Clap", UI_DJBooth_OpenHat = "Open Hat", UI_DJBooth_Close = "Close", UI_trait_couchpotato = "Couch Potato", UI_trait_couchpotatodesc = "Couch Potatoes are not very active and prefer to relax and indulge in comfort. They require some encouragement to engage in physical activities.

Games, Radio and TV will reduce boredom more and skill shows will give more xp.
Being comfortable will grant a better bonus but will decay faster.
Can stay indoors much longer before getting bored, but staying outside for too long will stress them out.
They get tired faster and tend to sleep more than most people.
They detest most physical hobbies and will get bored/unhappy fast if forced to.
Conflicts with some physical traits and with Disciplined.", UI_trait_disciplined = "Disciplined", UI_trait_disciplineddesc = "Disciplined individuals are diligent and focused, constantly striving to improve themselves. They possess great willpower and determination, making them formidable in combat and other challenging situations.

They are the happiest when practicing Meditation and Martial Arts.
They don't care much about electronic entertainment and will get less xp from skill shows.
They can handle being uncomfortable better than most.
Conflicts with Out of Shape, Unfit, Obese, Overweight and Couch Potato.", UI_trait_virtuoso = "Virtuoso", UI_trait_virtuosodesc = "Virtuosos are musicians at heart, with a natural talent for playing and composing music. They possess an innate understanding of rhythm and melody, and can easily improvise or adapt to different musical styles. They are also very charismatic performers, captivating their audience with their music and showmanship.

They can learn music faster than anyone else and are the happiest when playing an instrument.
Conflicts with Tone Deaf, Bad Hearing and Deaf.", UI_trait_tonedeaf = "Tone Deaf", UI_trait_tonedeafdesc = "Tone Deaf individuals are not gifted with a good ear for music. They have difficulty distinguishing between notes and rhythms, and may have trouble carrying a tune. Suffice to say, it's not their first choice of entertainment.

They don't like to play instruments and will get unhappy if forced to.
They also learn slower and make mistakes much more frequently while playing.
Conflicts with Virtuoso and Deaf.", UI_trait_partyanimal = "Party Animal", UI_trait_partyanimaldesc = "The life of the party, always ready to hit the dance floor and keep the energy high.
Conflicts with Killjoy and Deaf.", UI_trait_killjoy = "Killjoy", UI_trait_killjoydesc = "Large crowds, loud music, and frenetic energy are not your cup of tea.
Conflicts with Party Animal and Deaf.", UI_trait_disco = "Likes Oldies Music", UI_trait_discodesc = "This person has a preference for oldies music.", UI_trait_discono = "Dislikes Oldies Music", UI_trait_disconodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but oldies music.", UI_trait_beach = "Likes Beach Music", UI_trait_beachdesc = "This person has a preference for beach music.", UI_trait_beachno = "Dislikes Beach Music", UI_trait_beachnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but beach music.", UI_trait_country = "Likes Country Music", UI_trait_countrydesc = "This person has a preference for country music.", UI_trait_countryno = "Dislikes Country Music", UI_trait_countrynodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but country music.", UI_trait_classical = "Likes Classical Music", UI_trait_classicaldesc = "This person has a preference for classical music.", UI_trait_classicalno = "Dislikes Classical Music", UI_trait_classicalnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but classical music.", UI_trait_holiday = "Likes Holiday Music", UI_trait_holidaydesc = "This person has a preference for holiday music.", UI_trait_holidayno = "Dislikes Holiday Music", UI_trait_holidaynodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but holiday music.", UI_trait_jazz = "Likes Jazz Music", UI_trait_jazzdesc = "This person has a preference for jazz music.", UI_trait_jazzno = "Dislikes Jazz Music", UI_trait_jazznodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but jazz music.", UI_trait_metal = "Likes Metal Music", UI_trait_metaldesc = "This person has a preference for metal music.", UI_trait_metalno = "Dislikes Metal Music", UI_trait_metalnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but metal music.", UI_trait_muzak = "Likes Muzak Music", UI_trait_muzakdesc = "This person has a preference for muzak music.", UI_trait_muzakno = "Dislikes Muzak Music", UI_trait_muzaknodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but muzak music.", UI_trait_pop = "Likes Pop Music", UI_trait_popdesc = "This person has a preference for pop music.", UI_trait_popno = "Dislikes Pop Music", UI_trait_popnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but pop music.", UI_trait_rap = "Likes Rap Music", UI_trait_rapdesc = "This person has a preference for rap music.", UI_trait_rapno = "Dislikes Rap Music", UI_trait_rapnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but rap music.", UI_trait_rock = "Likes Rock Music", UI_trait_rockdesc = "This person has a preference for rock music.", UI_trait_rockno = "Dislikes Rock Music", UI_trait_rocknodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but rock music.", UI_trait_reggae = "Likes Reggae Music", UI_trait_reggaedesc = "This person has a preference for reggae music.", UI_trait_reggaeno = "Dislikes Reggae Music", UI_trait_reggaenodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but reggae music.", UI_trait_salsa = "Likes Salsa Music", UI_trait_salsadesc = "This person has a preference for salsa music.", UI_trait_salsano = "Dislikes Salsa Music", UI_trait_salsanodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but salsa music.", UI_trait_world = "Likes World Music", UI_trait_worlddesc = "This person has a preference for world music.", UI_trait_worldno = "Dislikes World Music", UI_trait_worldnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but world music.", UI_trait_rbsoul = "Likes Rb&Soul Music", UI_trait_rbsouldesc = "This person has a preference for rb&soul music.", UI_trait_rbsoulno = "Dislikes Rb&Soul Music", UI_trait_rbsoulnodesc = "This person would prefer to hear anything but rb&soul music.", }