UI_EN = {
UI_trait_AdrenalineJunkieDesc = "Moves faster when highly panicked.
(+0.2 or +0.25 base speed at Strong or Extreme Panic.)",
UI_trait_bravedesc = "Less prone to becoming panicked.
(-70% panic, except for night terrors and phobias.)",
UI_trait_NightVisionDesc = "Better vision at night. ( +20% )",
UI_trait_DexterousDesc = "Transfers inventory items quickly.
(-50% inventory tranferring time.)",
UI_trait_eagleeyeddesc = "Has a faster visibility fade and a higher visibility arc.
(Wider field of view.)",
UI_trait_FastHealerDesc = "Recovers faster from injury and illness.
(-20% severity of injuries. Does not apply to exercise fatigue.)",
UI_trait_FastLearnerDesc = "Increases XP gains.
(+30% xp for all skills, except Fitness and Strength)",
UI_trait_FastReaderDesc = "Takes less time to read books.
(+30% reading speed)",
UI_trait_gracefuldesc = "Makes less noise when moving.
(-40% footsteps sound radius.
-10% chance to trip while run/sprint vaulting a low fence or getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Reduced chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.)",
UI_trait_InconspicuousDesc = "Less likely to be spotted by zombies.
(-50% chance of being spotted by a zombie.)",
UI_trait_IronGutDesc = "Less chance to have food illness.
(-50% chance of food illness. Food illness lasts ~ 55% shorter on average.
Raw eggs never cause food illness.)",
UI_trait_keenhearingdesc = "Larger perception radius.
(+150% perception radius.
Zombies approaching from behind will be visible much earlier.)",
UI_trait_lighteaterdesc = "Needs to eat less regularly.
(-25% hunger)",
UI_trait_LowThirstDesc = "Needs to drink water less regularly.
(-50% thirst)",
UI_trait_luckydesc = "Sometimes things just go your way.
+10% chance of finding rare loot.
-5% chance of failing item repairs.",
UI_trait_PackmuleDesc = "Increased container inventory capacity.(+30%, including car seats)",
UI_trait_outdoorsmandesc = "Not affected by harsh weather conditions.
-90% chance of catching a cold.
-50% or -63% chance of getting scratched/lacerated while walking or running through trees.
Lights fires ~100% faster.
-33% chance of breaking fire kindling.",
UI_trait_resilientdesc = "Less prone to disease. Slower rate of zombification.
(-25% zombification speed, -55% chance of catching a cold,
-20% cold strength, and -50% cold progression speed.)",
UI_trait_SpeedDemonDesc = "The fast driver.
(+100% gear switching speed,
+15% top speed for all vehicles,
+200% engine loudness when reversing.)",
UI_trait_thickskinneddesc = "Less chance of scratches or bites breaking the skin.
(+30% chance of not being injured by zombies.
-54% chance of getting scratched/cut by trees.)",
UI_trait_LessSleepDesc = "Needs less sleep.
(-30% tiredness rate.
+25% tiredness recovery rate when sleeping.)",
UI_trait_FishingDesc = "(Knows how to craft and fix a fishing rod.)",
UI_trait_GardenerDesc = "(Knows how to make Mildew Spray and Flies Spray to cure plant diseases.)",
UI_trait_handydesc = "Faster and stronger constructions.
(+100 HP to all constructions except walls.
Increased building speed.
Slightly increased barricading speed.)",
UI_trait_HerbalistDesc = "Can find medicinal herbs and craft medicines and poultices from them.
Can also identify poisonous wild food.",
UI_trait_HikerDesc = "Knows how to make Stick Traps, Snare Traps, and Wooden Cage Traps.",
UI_trait_HunterDesc = "Knows all trap recipes.",
UI_trait_nutritionistdesc = "Can see the nutritional values of any food.
(Including non-packaged food and cooked food.)",
UI_trait_claustrodesc = "Gets panicked when indoors.
(But not in 70-tiles + sized rooms. The smaller the room, the faster the panic increase.)",
UI_trait_agoraphobicdesc = "Gets panicked outdoors.",
UI_trait_AllThumbsDesc = "Transfers inventory items slowly.
(+300% inventory transferring time.)",
UI_trait_AsthmaticDesc = "Faster endurance loss.
(+100% endurance loss when running or sprinting.
+30% endurance loss when swinging.)",
UI_trait_clumsydesc = "Makes more noise when moving.
(+20% footstep radius sound,
+10% chance to trip when run/sprint vaulting a low fence or getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Increased chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.)",
UI_trait_ConspicuousDesc = "More likely to be spotted by zombies.
(+100% chance of getting spotted by a zombie.)",
UI_trait_cowardlydesc = "Especially prone to becoming panicked.
(+100% panic, except for night terrors and phobias.)",
UI_trait_deafdesc = "Very small perception radius and hearing range.
(Can't hear sound. Radio chatter doesn't appear.
Still able to watch TV due to closed captions.)" ,
UI_trait_DisorganizedDesc = "Decreased container inventory capacity. (-30%)" ,
UI_trait_hardheardesc = "Smaller perception radius and hearing range.
(Some sound effects will be muffled.)" ,
UI_trait_heartyappetitedesc = "Needs to eat more regularly.
(+50% hunger.)" ,
UI_trait_HighThirstDesc = "Needs more water to survive.
(+100% thirst.)" ,
UI_trait_PacifistDesc = "Less effective with weapons.
(-25% XP for all weapon skills, Maintenance skill and Aiming skill.)",
UI_trait_pronetoillnessdesc = "More prone to disease. Faster rate of zombification.
(+25% zombification speed, +70% chance of catching a cold,
+20% cold strength, +50% cold progression speed.)",
UI_trait_InsomniacDesc = "Slow loss of tiredness while sleeping.
(Sleeps less hours, and 50% slower loss of tiredness when sleeping.)",
UI_trait_shortsighdesc = "Smaller (same) view distance. Slower visibility fade (50% slower)." ,
UI_trait_MoreSleepDesc = "Needs more sleep.
(+30% tiredness rate.
-18% tiredness recovery rate when sleeping.)",
UI_trait_SlowHealerDesc = "Recovers slowly from injuries and illness.
(+20% severity of injuries. Does not apply to exercise fatigue.)",
UI_trait_SlowLearnerDesc = "Decreased XP gains.
(-30% for all skills, except Fitness and Strength.)" ,
UI_trait_SlowReaderDesc = "Takes longer to read books.
(-30% reading speed.)",
UI_trait_SundayDriverDesc = "The very slow driver.
(-40% acceleration, -30% reverse acceleration, max speed of 30 MPH,
No change to engine loudness.)",
UI_trait_ThinSkinnedDesc = "Increased chance of scratches, lacerations, or bites breaking the skin.
(-23% chance of not being injured by zombies.
+100% chance of getting scratched/cut by trees.)" ,
UI_trait_unluckydesc = "What could go wrong for you, often does.
-10% chance to find rare loot.
+5% chance of failing item repairs." ,
UI_trait_WeakStomachDesc = "Higher chance to have food illness.(+100% chance)
(Food illness lasts shorter instead of longer (bug).)",
UI_trait_veryunderweightdesc = "Very low strength, very low endurance and prone to injury.
(Starting weight is 60.
Replaced by Emaciated if weight goes below 50.
Replaced by Underweight if weight goes above 65.
-40% melee damage.
+20% chance to trip while run/sprint vaulting a low fence or getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Increased chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.
Greatly increased chance to fail a tall fence climb.
-30% endurance regeneration.
+20% fall damage and slightly increased chance of fracture/deep wound from falling.
Cannot gain Fitness XP above level 6.)",
UI_trait_underweightdesc = "Low strength, low endurance and prone to injury.
(Starting weight is 70.
Replaced by Very Underweight if weight goes below 65.
Lost if weight goes above 75.
-20% melee damage.
+10% chance to trip while run/sprint vaulting a low fence or getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Slightly increased chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.
Increased chance to fail a tall fence climb.
Cannot gain Fitness XP towards level 10.)",
UI_trait_obesedesc = "Reduced running speed, very low endurance and prone to injury.
(Starting weight is 105.
Replaced by Overweight if weight goes below 100.
+20% chance to trip while run/sprint vaulting a low fence.
-10% chance to trip from getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Increased chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.
Greatly increased chance to fail a tall fence climb.
-60% endurance regeneration.
+40% fall damage, and increased chance of fracture/deep wound from falling.
Cannot gain Fitness XP above level 6.)",
UI_trait_overweightdesc = "Reduced running speed, very low endurance and prone to injury.
(Starting weight is 95.
Replaced by Obese if weight goes above 100.
Lost if weight goes below 85.
+10% chance to trip while run/sprint vaulting a low fence.
-5% chance to trip from getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Slightly increased chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.
Increased chance to fail a tall fence climb.
-30% endurance regeneration.
+20% fall damage. and slightly increased chance of fracture/deep wound from falling.)
-1% running/sprinting speed.
Cannot gain Fitness XP towards level 10." ,
UI_trait_emaciateddesc = "Low strength, low endurance and prone to injury.
(Lost if weight goes above 50.
-60% melee damage.
+20% chance to trip while run/sprint vaulting a low fence.
-10% chance to trip from getting attacked by lunging zombies.
Increased chance of falling when bumping into a zombie or survivor.
Greatly increased chance to fail a tall fence climb.
-70% endurance regeneration.
+40% fall damage, and increased chance of fracture/deep wound from falling.
Cannot gain Fitness XP.)",
UI_trait_unfitdesc = "Very low endurance, very low endurance regeneration.
(Can become Out of Shape by training Fitness to level 3.
Gained if Fitness is below level 3.)" ,
UI_trait_outofshapedesc = "Low endurance, low endurance regeneration.
(Can be lost by training Fitness to level 5.
Trait becomes Unfit is Fitness goes below level 3.
Gained if Fitness goes below level 5.)",
UI_trait_feebledesc = "Less knockback from melee weapons. Decreased carrying weight.
(Can be lost by training Stength to level 5.
Trait will be gained if Strength is below level 5.)" ,
UI_trait_weakdesc = "Less knockback from melee weapons. Decreased carrying weight.
(-40% melee damage.
Can become Feeble by training Strength to level 2.
Gained if Strength goes below level 2.)",
UI_trait_athleticdesc = "Faster running speed.
Can run for longer without tiring.
(-60% endurance loss when running or sprinting.
Can be gained by training Fitness to level 9.
Lost if Fitness is below 9.)",
UI_trait_fitdesc= "Fit.
(Can be gained by training Fitness to level 6.
Replaced by Athletic when reaching level 9 Fitness.
Lost if Fitness is below level 6.)",
UI_trait_stoutdesc = "Extra knockback from melee weapons and increased carry weight.
(Can be gained by training Strength to level 6.
Replaced by Strong when reaching level 9 Strength.
Lost if Strength is below 6.)",
UI_trait_strongdesc = "Extra knockback from melee weapons and increased carry weight.
(+40% melee damage.
Can be gained by training Strength to level 9.
Lost if Strength is below level 9.)",
UI_trait_DesensitizedDesc = "Does not reach states of panic.
(Except for night terrors.)",
UI_trait_axemandesc = "Better at chopping trees.
Faster axe swing.
(25% faster against trees, 5% faster against zombies.)",
UI_trait_nightowldesc = "Requires little sleep.
Stays extra alert when sleeping.
(+40% tiredness recovery rate when sleeping. BUT does not affect sleep time, so the character will stay asleep after reaching 0 tiredness.
Needs to set an alarm every night to take full advantage of the trait.)",
UI_profdesc_parkranger = "Allows much faster movement through forests and woodland.
(+30% move speed in trees)
Knows all trap recipes.",
UI_profdesc_chef = "Knows how to make Cake Batter, Pie Dough and Bread Dough.",
UI_profdesc_farmer = "Knows how to make Mildew Spray and Flies Spray to cure plant diseases.",
UI_profdesc_fisherman = "Knows how to make and fix a fishing rod, how to get the wire back, and how to make a fishing net.",
UI_profdesc_electrician = "Can operate generators.
Knows how to make remote controllers, remote triggers and timers.
Knows how to make makeshift radios, HAM Radios and Walkie Talkies.",
UI_profdesc_engineer = "Can make trap and explosives.
Knows how to make Aerosol bombs, Flame bombs, Pipe bombs, Smoke bombs, and noise generators.",
UI_profdesc_metalworker = "Can weld foraged metals to create items and barricades.
Knows all metalworking recipes.",
UI_profdesc_lumberjack = "Allows slightly faster movement through forests and woodland.
(+15% move speed in trees)"
UI_ShortSighted_Condition = "The malus can be canceled by wearing glasses"