UI_EN = { -- Positive traits UI_trait_sneaky = "Sneaky", UI_trait_sneakydesc = "", UI_trait_lightfooted = "Lightfooted", UI_trait_lightfooteddesc = "", UI_trait_nimble = "Agile", UI_trait_nimbledesc = "", UI_trait_marathonrunner = "Marathon Runner", UI_trait_marathonrunnerdesc = "Can run longer without getting tired.
(Does not affect sneak running.)", UI_trait_strongnimble = "Relentless", UI_trait_strongnimbledesc = "Can fight with melee weapons a little longer without getting tired.
(Has a chance to spend less endurance when swinging melee weapons.)", UI_trait_ninjaway = "Between the Shadows", UI_trait_ninjawaydesc = "While sneaking:
Running consumes less endurance.
Walking or standing still restores endurance.", UI_trait_mushroomer = "Mushroom Picker", UI_trait_mushroomerdesc = "Increased chance to find mushrooms in search mode.
Knows Herbalist recipe:
Can find medical herbs and craft medicines and poultices from them.
(Can identify poisonous food.)", UI_trait_amforager = "Forager", UI_trait_amforagerdesc = "", UI_trait_amtrapper = "Trapper", UI_trait_amtrapperdesc = "(Knows some recipes for traps.)", UI_trait_amcook = "Scullion", UI_trait_amcookdesc = "", UI_trait_amelectrician = "Electrical-technician", UI_trait_amelectriciandesc = "", UI_trait_ammechanic = "Auto Mechanic", UI_trait_ammechanicdesc = "", UI_trait_amcarpenter = "Carpenter", UI_trait_amcarpenterdesc = "", UI_trait_ammetalworker = "Metalwelder", UI_trait_ammetalworkerdesc = "", UI_trait_durabile = "Durability", UI_trait_durabiledesc = "", UI_trait_shortbladefan = "Piercer", UI_trait_shortbladefandesc = "", UI_trait_shortbluntfan = "Crusher", UI_trait_shortbluntfandesc = "", UI_trait_cutter = "Cutter", UI_trait_cutterdesc = "", UI_trait_spearman = "Lancer", UI_trait_spearmandesc = "", UI_trait_swordsman = "Swordsman", UI_trait_swordsmandesc = "", UI_trait_gunfan = "Shooter", UI_trait_gunfandesc = "", UI_trait_gunfan2 = "Sharpshooter", UI_trait_gunfan2desc = "", UI_trait_sharpshooter = "Sniper", UI_trait_sharpshooterdesc = "", UI_trait_taut = "Taut", UI_trait_tautdesc = "", UI_trait_genexp = "Generator Expert", UI_trait_genexpdesc = "Can operate and fix generators.", UI_trait_accmetabolism = "Accelerated Metabolism", UI_trait_accmetabolismdesc = "+25% XP for Strength and Fitness if not Hungry.", UI_trait_cruelty = "Cruel", UI_trait_crueltydesc = "More effective with weapons.
(+20% XP for all weapon skills, Maintenance skill and Aiming skill.)", -- Negative traits UI_trait_slack = "Slack", UI_trait_slackdesc = "", UI_trait_sensitivestomach = "Sensitive Digestion", UI_trait_sensitivestomachdesc = "Overeating cause stomach pain and nausea.", UI_trait_weathersensitive = "Weather Sensitive", UI_trait_weathersensitivedesc = "Head aches when the weather changes.
Also head may ache when it rains or snows.", UI_trait_sorelegstrait = "Sore Legs", UI_trait_sorelegstraitdesc = "Legs begin to hurt while walking, running, doing fitness and stomping.
When sprinting, the legs hurt much more and exhale much faster.", UI_trait_panicattacks = "Panic Attacks", UI_trait_panicattacksdesc = "Sometimes suffer from panic attacks.
Any panic passes more slowly.", UI_trait_MSTAllergic = "Allergic", UI_trait_MSTAllergicdesc = "Sneezes involuntary from time to time.", UI_trait_MSTAlcoholic = "Alcoholic", UI_trait_MSTAlcoholicdesc = "Easily tolerates strong drunkenness.
Overall condition will worsen if alcohol not been drunk for a long time:
Can affect unhappiness, stress, fatigue, thirst, hunger, headache and sickness.", UI_trait_snorer = "Snorer", UI_trait_snorerdesc = "Snoring loudly while sleeping.", UI_trait_fearofthedark = "Nyctophobic", UI_trait_fearofthedarkdesc = "Fear of the Dark. Gets panicked without light sources.
Being in the dark for a long time also increases stress.", -- Weight traits UI_trait_cangrabmore = "Strong Back", UI_trait_cangrabmoredesc = "Can carry more weight.
(bonus: plus 1-2 max weight depending on Strength,
more Strength, more bonus).", UI_trait_cangrabless = "Weak Back", UI_trait_cangrablessdesc = "Carries less weight.
(penalty: minus 1-3 max weight depending on Strength,
more Strength, more penalty).", -- Bleeding traits UI_trait_hbwounds = "Liquid Blood", UI_trait_hbwoundsdesc = "Wounds bleed more.
(+100% Bleeding damage).", UI_trait_wbwounds = "Thick Blood", UI_trait_wbwoundsdesc = "Wounds bleed less.
(-50% Bleeding damage).", -- Drowsiness traits UI_trait_owlperson = "Owl", UI_trait_owlpersondesc = "Prefers to stay awake in the evenings.
(Drowsiness accumulates more slowly in the late evening (06:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.),
but faster in the early morning (05:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.)).", UI_trait_larkperson = "Lark", UI_trait_larkpersondesc = "Prefers to be awake in the morning.
(Drowsiness accumulates more slowly in the early morning (05:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.),
but faster in the late evening (06:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.)).", -- Mood traits UI_trait_optimistmood = "Optimist", UI_trait_optimistmooddesc = "Bored less. Can't get Depressed for a long time.", UI_trait_depressivemood = "Depressive", UI_trait_depressivemooddesc = "Often sad. Sometimes get Depressed for no reason.", -- Sweating traits UI_trait_lesssweaty = "Low Sweating", UI_trait_lesssweatydesc = "Sweats less.", UI_trait_highsweaty = "Excessive Sweating", UI_trait_highsweatydesc = "Sweats profusely during various activities.", }