module SWeapons { imports { Base, } item ScrapPickaxe { MaxRange = 1.05, WeaponSprite = BigScrapPickaxe, MinAngle = 0.8, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2.5, HitFloorSound = LightBladeFloor1, ImpactSound = SWSpearHitSounds, HitSound = SWSpearHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.01, Categories = Axe, Weight = 1.8, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10, PushBackMod = 0.7, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 8, MaxHitCount = 2, DoorDamage = 12, SwingAnim = Bat, CriticalChance = 30, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, DisplayName = Scrap Pickaxe, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 4, HitAngleMod = -30, KnockdownMod = 0, Icon = ScrapPickaxe, RunAnim = Run_Weapon1, BreakSound = BreakingWeapon, TreeDamage = 2, CriticalChance = 8, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, MinDamage = 0.8, MaxDamage = 1.8, BaseSpeed = 0.8, WeaponLength = 0.3, DamageCategory = Slash, DamageMakeHole = TRUE, TwoHandWeapon = FALSE, WeaponLength = 0.7, AttachmentType = Knife, Tooltip = Tooltip_ScrapPickaxe, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Scrap Pickaxe { Require : ScrapPickaxe, Fixer : DuctTape=1, Fixer : Scotchtape=2, Fixer : Woodglue=1; Woodwork=1, Fixer : Glue=1, Fixer : Nails=1, } item BigScrapPickaxe { MaxRange = 1.5, WeaponSprite = BigScrapPickaxe, MinAngle = 0.8, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 3.5, HitFloorSound = LongBladeFloor1, ImpactSound = SWSpearHitSounds, HitSound = SWSpearHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.01, Categories = Axe, Weight = 3, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10, PushBackMod = 0.7, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 10, MaxHitCount = 2, DoorDamage = 18, SwingAnim = Bat, CriticalChance = 30, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, DisplayName = Big Scrap Pickaxe, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 4, HitAngleMod = -30, KnockdownMod = 0, Icon = BigScrapPickaxe, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, BreakSound = BreakingWeapon, TreeDamage = 3, CriticalChance = 7, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, MinDamage = 1.1, MaxDamage = 2.1, BaseSpeed = 0.7, WeaponLength = 0.3, DamageCategory = Slash, DamageMakeHole = TRUE, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, WeaponLength = 0.6, AttachmentType = BigWeapon, Tooltip = Tooltip_ScrapPickaxe, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Big Scrap Pickaxe { Require : BigScrapPickaxe, Fixer : DuctTape=2, Fixer : Scotchtape=2, Fixer : Woodglue=1; Woodwork=1, Fixer : Glue=2, Fixer : Nails=10, } item PipewithScissors { MaxRange = 1.1, WeaponSprite = PipewithScissors, MinAngle = 0.8, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2.0, HitFloorSound = Blunt3, ImpactSound = SWSmallBladeHitSounds, HitSound = SWSmallBladeHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.01, Categories = Axe, Weight = 1.5, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 7, PushBackMod = 0.7, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 16, MaxHitCount = 2, DoorDamage = 18, SwingAnim = Bat, CriticalChance = 30, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, DisplayName = Pipe with Scissors, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 3, HitAngleMod = -30, KnockdownMod = 0, Icon = PipewithScissors, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, BreakSound = BreakingMetalWeapon, TreeDamage = 3, CriticalChance = 7, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, MinDamage = 0.8, MaxDamage = 1.6, BaseSpeed = 0.9, WeaponLength = 0.3, DamageCategory = Slash, DamageMakeHole = TRUE, TwoHandWeapon = False, WeaponLength = 0.6, AttachmentType = BigWeapon, Tooltip = Tooltip_PipewithScissors, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Pipe with Scissors Welding { GlobalItem : BlowTorch=1, Require : PipewithScissors, Fixer : MetalPipe=1; MetalWelding=2, Fixer : ScrapMetal=2; MetalWelding=1, } fixing Fix Pipe with Scissors { Require : PipewithScissors, Fixer : DuctTape=2, Fixer : Scotchtape=2, Fixer : LeatherStrips=5, } item TireIronAxe { MaxRange = 1.2, WeaponSprite = TireIronAxe, MinAngle = 0.72, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2.5, HitFloorSound = LongBladeFloor1, ImpactSound = SWMediumBladeHitSounds, HitSound = SWMediumBladeHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.002, Categories = Axe, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 13, Weight = 2.8, SplatNumber = 3, PushBackMod = 0.3, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 10, MaxHitCount = 2, DoorDamage = 35, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, SwingAnim = Bat, DisplayName = Tire Iron Axe, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 3.0, HitAngleMod = -30, SplatSize = 5, KnockdownMod = 2, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = TRUE, Icon = TireIronAxe, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = False, BreakSound = BreakingMetalWeapon, TreeDamage = 35, MetalValue = 120, CriticalChance = 20, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, BaseSpeed = 1, MinDamage = 0.8, MaxDamage = 2, WeaponLength = 0.38, DamageCategory = Slash, DamageMakeHole = TRUE, AttachmentType = BigWeapon, Tooltip = Tooltip_ScrapAxe, Tags = ChopTree;CutPlant, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Tire Iron Axe Welding { GlobalItem : BlowTorch=1, Require : TireIronAxe, Fixer : ScrapMetal=4; MetalWelding=5, Fixer : ScrapMetal=4; MetalWelding=3, } fixing Fix Tire Iron Axe { Require : TireIronAxe, Fixer : DuctTape=2, Fixer : Scotchtape=2, Fixer : LeatherStrips=5, } item SalvagedPipeWrench { MaxRange = 1.2, WeaponSprite = SalvagedPipeWrench, MinAngle = 0.72, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2.5, HitFloorSound = LongBladeFloor1, ImpactSound = SWMediumBladeHitSounds, HitSound = SWMediumBladeHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.002, Categories = Axe, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 13, Weight = 2.8, SplatNumber = 3, PushBackMod = 0.3, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 10, MaxHitCount = 2, DoorDamage = 35, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, SwingAnim = Bat, DisplayName = Salvaged Pipe Wrench, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 3.0, HitAngleMod = -30, SplatSize = 5, KnockdownMod = 2, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = TRUE, Icon = SalvagedPipeWrench, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = FALSE, BreakSound = BreakingMetalWeapon, TreeDamage = 35, MetalValue = 120, CriticalChance = 20, CritDmgMultiplier = 5, BaseSpeed = 1, MinDamage = 0.8, MaxDamage = 2, WeaponLength = 0.38, DamageCategory = Slash, DamageMakeHole = TRUE, AttachmentType = Knife, Tooltip = Tooltip_ScrapAxe, Tags = ChopTree;CutPlant, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Salvaged Pipe Wrench Welding { GlobalItem : BlowTorch=1, Require : SalvagedPipeWrench, Fixer : ScrapMetal=4; MetalWelding=4, Fixer : ScrapMetal=4; MetalWelding=2, } fixing Fix Salvaged Pipe Wrench { Require : SalvagedPipeWrench, Fixer : DuctTape=2, Fixer : Scotchtape=2, Fixer : LeatherStrips=5, } item SalvagedClimbingAxe { MaxRange = 1.0, WeaponSprite = SalvagedClimbingAxe, MinAngle = 0.75, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2, HitFloorSound = Blunt3, ImpactSound = SWMediumBladeHitSounds, HitSound = SWMediumBladeHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02, Categories = Axe, Weight = 2, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 25, PushBackMod = 0.5, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 15, MaxHitCount = 1, DoorDamage = 60, SwingAnim = Bat, CriticalChance = 35, CritDmgMultiplier = 6, DisplayName = Salvaged Climbing Axe, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 2.2, DoorHitSound = PryDoor, HitAngleMod = -30, KnockdownMod = 0, Icon = SalvagedClimbingAxe, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, BreakSound = BreakingMetalWeapon, TreeDamage = 0, MetalValue = 150, CriticalChance = 30, CritDmgMultiplier = 2.5, MinDamage = 0.5, MaxDamage = 1.05, BaseSpeed = 1.2, TwoHandWeapon = FALSE, WeaponLength = 0.4, AttachmentType = Knife, Tooltip = Tooltip_SalvagedClimbingAxe, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Salvaged Climbing Axe Welding { GlobalItem : BlowTorch=1, Require : SalvagedClimbingAxe, Fixer : ScrapMetal=4; MetalWelding=6, Fixer : ScrapMetal=4; MetalWelding=4, } fixing Fix Salvaged Climbing Axe { Require : SalvagedClimbingAxe, Fixer : DuctTape=2, Fixer : Scotchtape=2, Fixer : LeatherStrips=5, } item SharpenedStopSign { MaxRange = 1.60, WeaponSprite = SharpenedStopSign, MinAngle = 0.8, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 0.5, HitFloorSound = HeavyFloor1, ImpactSound = SWHeavyBladeHitSounds, HitSound = SWHeavyBladeHitSounds, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.002, Categories = Axe, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 3, Weight = 4.5, SplatNumber = 20, PushBackMod = 0.3, EnduranceMod = 3, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 13, MaxHitCount = 2, DoorDamage = 30, CantAttackWithLowestEndurance = TRUE, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, SwingAnim = Heavy, DisplayName = Sharpened Stop Sign, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 0.5, HitAngleMod = -30, SplatSize = 10, KnockdownMod = 3, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = TRUE, Icon = SharpenedStopSign, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, BreakSound = BreakingMetalWeapon, TreeDamage = 35, MetalValue = 120, CriticalChance = 50, CritDmgMultiplier = 12, MinDamage = 4.6, MaxDamage = 6.6, BaseSpeed = 1, WeaponLength = 0.5, RequiresEquippedBothHands = TRUE, DamageCategory = Slash, DamageMakeHole = TRUE, AttachmentType = BigBlade, Tooltip = Tooltip_SharpenedStopSign, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Sharpened Stop Sign Welding { GlobalItem : BlowTorch=1, Require : SharpenedStopSign, Fixer : SheetMetal=1; MetalWelding=3, Fixer : MetalPipe=1; MetalWelding=1, } item HugeScrapPickaxe { MaxRange = 1.35, WeaponSprite = HugeScrapPickaxe, MinAngle = 0.8, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 4, HitFloorSound = HeavyFloor1, ImpactSound = SWHeavyBluntHitSounds, HitSound = SWHeavyBluntHitSounds, EnduranceMod = 4, KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.04, Categories = Axe, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10, Weight = 5, SplatNumber = 3, PushBackMod = 1, SubCategory = Swinging, ConditionMax = 10, MaxHitCount = 3, DoorDamage = 40, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, CantAttackWithLowestEndurance = TRUE, SwingAnim = Heavy, DisplayName = Huge Scrap Pickaxe, MinRange = 0.7, SwingTime = 2, DoorHitSound = SledgehammerHitDoor, KnockdownMod = 3, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE, Icon = HugeScrapPickaxe, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, BreakSound = BreakingMetalWeapon, TreeDamage = 10, MinDamage = 4, MaxDamage = 6, MetalValue = 120, AlwaysKnockdown = TRUE, CritDmgMultiplier = 2, BaseSpeed = 0.9, WeaponLength = 0.65, RequiresEquippedBothHands = TRUE, AttachmentType = BigWeapon, Tags = DigPlow, Tooltip = Tooltip_HugeScrapPickaxe, DisplayCategory = Weapon, } fixing Fix Huge Scrap Pickaxe Welding { Require : HugeScrapPickaxe, GlobalItem : BlowTorch=1, Fixer : MetalPipe=3;MetalWelding=4, Fixer : LargeBolt=2;MetalWelding=1, } }