Sandbox_EN = { Sandbox_MinutesBetweenZombieCalls = "Storm Phase Update Frequency", Sandbox_MinutesBetweenZombieCalls_tooltip = "The amount of minutes in-between each storm phase update.", Sandbox_MinutesBetweenCalmPhaseUpdates = "Calm Phase Update Frequency", Sandbox_MinutesBetweenCalmPhaseUpdates_tooltip = "The amount of minutes in-between each calm phase update.", Sandbox_SoundEffects = "Enable Sound Effects", Sandbox_SoundEffects_tooltip = "Allows the sound effects to played at the start of the storm phase.", Sandbox_CalmBeforeTheStorm = "The Calm Before The Storm", Sandbox_HordeRadius = "Horde Radius", Sandbox_HordeRadius_tooltip = "Number of tiles from the horde positions zombies will be called to.", Sandbox_HordeDistance = "Horde Distance", Sandbox_HordeDistance_tooltip = "Number of tiles away from the player the hordes will form.", Sandbox_RandomDurationFlag = "Random Duration Values Override", Sandbox_RandomDurationFlag_tooltip = "If enabled, the different phases will be assigned a random value within the ranges below.", Sandbox_CooldownPhaseDuration = "Cooldown Phase Duration", Sandbox_CooldownPhaseDuration_tooltip = "Number of in-game hours before the calm phase starts.", Sandbox_CalmPhaseDuration = "Calm Phase Duration", Sandbox_CalmPhaseDuration_tooltip = "Number of in-game hours the zombies will spend forming hordes before the storm phase.", Sandbox_StormPhaseDuration = "Storm Phase Duration", Sandbox_StormPhaseDuration_tooltip = "Number of in-game hours the zombies will spend hunting survivors during the storm phase.", Sandbox_MinCooldownPhaseDuration = "Minimum Cooldown Phase Duration", Sandbox_MaxCooldownPhaseDuration = "Maximum Cooldown Phase Duration", Sandbox_MinCooldownPhaseDuration_tooltip = "The minimum number of in-game hours before the calm phase starts. (WARNING: This value will only register if "Random Duration Values" is ticked)", Sandbox_MaxCooldownPhaseDuration_tooltip = "The maximum number of in-game hours before the calm phase starts. (WARNING: This value will only register if "Random Duration Values" is ticked)", Sandbox_MinCalmPhaseDuration = "Minimum Calm Phase Duration", Sandbox_MaxCalmPhaseDuration = "Maximum Calm Phase Duration", Sandbox_MinCalmPhaseDuration_tooltip = "The minimum number of in-game hours the zombies will spend forming hordes before the storm phase. (WARNING: This value will only register if "Random Duration Values" is ticked)", Sandbox_MaxCalmPhaseDuration_tooltip = "The maximum number of in-game hours the zombies will spend forming hordes before the storm phase. (WARNING: This value will only register if "Random Duration Values" is ticked)", Sandbox_MinStormPhaseDuration = "Minimum Storm Phase Duration", Sandbox_MaxStormPhaseDuration = "Maximum Storm Phase Duration", Sandbox_MinStormPhaseDuration_tooltip = "The minimum number of in-game hours the zombies will spend hunting survivors during the storm phase. (WARNING: This value will only register if "Random Duration Values" is ticked)", Sandbox_MaxStormPhaseDuration_tooltip = "The maximum number of in-game hours the zombies will spend hunting survivors during the storm phase. (WARNING: This value will only register if "Random Duration Values" is ticked)", Sandbox_EnableLogging = "Enable Logging", Sandbox_EnableLogging_tooltip = "This allows the user to enable logging in the game chat with a variety of information about the current/future phase timers.", Sandbox_DebugMinutesToUpdateConsole = "Console Output Delay", Sandbox_DebugMinutesToUpdateConsole_tooltip = "Updates every specified in-game minutes. This is for server owners wanting to prevent clutter from flooding the console.", Sandbox_MaxNumChasingZombies = "Maximum Zombies Per Player", Sandbox_MaxNumChasingZombies_tooltip = "The minimum number of zombies that can chase you before the storm phase stops updating. If zero, this option is ignored.", Sandbox_PlayerPositionOffset = "Horde Scatter", Sandbox_PlayerPositionOffset_tooltip = "Offsets the target position relative to the player by a random value between zero and the specified value. This makes hordes look less clumped together and more uncoordinated.", Sandbox_MigrateToNorth = "Migrate To North", Sandbox_MigrateToNorth_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate north of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToEast = "Migrate To East", Sandbox_MigrateToEast_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate east of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToSouth = "Migrate To South", Sandbox_MigrateToSouth_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate south of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToWest = "Migrate To West", Sandbox_MigrateToWest_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate west of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToNorthEast = "Migrate To North-East", Sandbox_MigrateToNorthEast_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate north-east of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToSouthEast = "Migrate To South-East", Sandbox_MigrateToSouthEast_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate south-east of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToNorthWest = "Migrate To North-West", Sandbox_MigrateToNorthWest_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate north-west of the player.", Sandbox_MigrateToSouthWest = "Migrate To South-West", Sandbox_MigrateToSouthWest_tooltip = "Allows zombies to migrate south-west of the player.", Sandbox_SoundType = "Sounds", Sandbox_SoundType_option1 = "Disabled", Sandbox_SoundType_option2 = "Legacy", Sandbox_SoundType_option3 = "Default" }