UI_EN = {
UI_TheStar_EquippedItemOnly = "Show Condition of Equipped Item Only",
UI_TheStar_Icon = "Show Icon",
UI_TheStar_Icon_Tooltip = "Displays an icon in the hotbar and in the primary hand equipped item circle (top left corner of the screen).",
UI_TheStar_Icon_Type = "Icon Type",
UI_TheStar_Icon_Type_Star = "Star",
UI_TheStar_Icon_Type_Bubble = "Bubble",
UI_TheStar_EquippedItemIconPosition = "Icon Position in Equipped Item Circle",
UI_TheStar_EquippedItemIconPosition_TopLeft = "Top Left",
UI_TheStar_EquippedItemIconPosition_TopRight = "Top Right",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar = "Show Progress Bar",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Tooltip = "Displays weapon's condition using a progress bar as a background of an item's slot.",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Orientation = "Progress Bar Orientation",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Horizontal = "Horizontal",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Vertical = "Vertical",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Opacity = "Progress Bar Opacity (Hotbar)",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_OpacityEquipped = "Progress Bar Opacity (Equipped Item)",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Opacity_Tooltip = "How transparent the background is. Higher values are less transparent.",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Multicolor = "Multicolor Progress Bar",
UI_TheStar_ProgressBar_Multicolor_Tooltip = "Progress bar's color changes depending on an item's condition:
green - good,
yellow - medium,
red - bad.",
UI_TheStar_OverheadNotification = "Show Overhead Notification On Condition Drop",
UI_TheStar_OverheadNotification_Tooltip = "The notification will be shown every time the item's condition falls below the specified percentage.",
UI_TheStar_BlinkConditionPercent = "Blink On Condition Drop",
UI_TheStar_BlinkConditionPercent_Tooltip = "The background of the item slot will blink every time the item's condition falls below the specified percentage.",
UI_TheStar_Ammo = "Show Ammo Count",
UI_TheStar_AmmoInventory = "Show Ammo In Inventory Count",
UI_TheStar_AmmoInventory_Tooltip = "Shows total ammo in the inventory for equipped weapon. Includes bullets, ammo boxes and magazines, doesn't include loaded ammo in the equipped weapon.",
UI_TheStar_BatteryCharge = "Show Battery Charge",
UI_TheStar_OverheadNotificationItemFall = "Show Overhead Notification When Dropped Item",
UI_TheStar_OverheadNotificationItemFall_Tooltip = "The notification will be shown if your character drops the equipped item after falling on the ground (e.g. when jumping over a fence or running through a crowd of zeds).",
UI_TheStar_ItemTooltip = "Show Item Tooltip",
UI_TheStar_ItemTooltip_Tooltip = "Displays a tooltip (like in the inventory) when you hover mouse over the hotbar slot or equipped item icon.",
UI_TheStar_Dropdown_Always = "Always",
UI_TheStar_Dropdown_Off = "Off",
UI_TheStar_Dropdown_HotbarEquippedItem = "Hotbar + Equipped Item",
UI_TheStar_Dropdown_HotbarOnly = "Hotbar Only",
UI_TheStar_Dropdown_EquippedItemOnly = "Equipped Item Only",