Sandbox_EN = { Sandbox_TrueCrawl = "True Crawl", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_ZombieRadius = "Zombie Radius", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_ZombieRadius_tooltip = "This value controls the zombie sight radius when player is crawling. It goes from 1(Extremely Small) to 20(Extremely Far). Default is 5 (Medium Radius). My recommendation is to keep between 5 - 10 to have a more immersive gameplay.", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_StealhModeEnable = "Stealth Mode", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_StealhModeEnable_tooltip = "Toggles the Stealth Mode ON or OFF. If OFF, only the vanilla Sneaking system will be used. [Default is True].", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_MoodleEnable = "Moodle Stealth Indicator", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_MoodleEnable_tooltip = "Toggles the Moodle Stealth Indicator. (Works ONLY if Stealth Mode is ON!) [Default is True]. ", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_CrawlUnderVehiclesEnable = "Crawl Under Vehicles", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_CrawlUnderVehiclesEnable_tooltip = "Toggles the ability to Crawl under Vehicles. (YOU MUST BE CRAWLING!) [Default is True, Default Key is Shift]. ", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_RealisticEndurance = "Realistic Endurance", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_RealisticEndurance_tooltip = "Toggles the Realistic Endurance mode. This mode improves the game immersion by limiting how much you can crawl. [Default is True]. ", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_CancelCrawlWhenSpotted = "Cancel Crawl When Spotted", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_CancelCrawlWhenSpotted_tooltip = "Auto disable the Crawling Pose when spotted by zombies. [Default is False]. ", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_StealhModeServer = "Enable Server Mode", Sandbox_TrueCrawl_StealhModeServer_tooltip = "Use this option only if you're hosting an Local or Dedicated server. (To avoid issues). [Default is False]. ", }