Recipe_EN = { Recipe_Open_Kosmotsars_Cereal = "Open Kosmotsars Cereal", Recipe_BobTA_African_Noodle = "Dance 'African Noodle'", Recipe_BobTA_African_Rainbow = "Dance 'African Rainbow'", Recipe_BobTA_Arms_Hip_Hop = "Dance 'Arms'", Recipe_BobTA_Arm_Push = "Dance 'Arm Push'", Recipe_BobTA_Arm_Wave_#1 = "Dance 'Arm Wave #1'", Recipe_BobTA_Arm_Wave_#2 = "Dance 'Arm Wave #2'", Recipe_BobTA_Around_The_World = "Dance 'Around The World'", Recipe_BobTA_Bboy_Hip_Hop_#1 = "Dance 'Hip Hop #1'", Recipe_BobTA_Bboy_Hip_Hop_#3 = "Dance 'Hip Hop #3'", Recipe_BobTA_Bboy_Hip_Hop_#2 = "Dance 'Hip Hop #2'", Recipe_BobTA_Body_Wave = "Dance 'Body Wave'", Recipe_BobTA_Booty_Step = "Dance 'Booty Step'", Recipe_BobTA_Breakdance_Brooklyn_Uprock = "Dance 'Breakdance - Brooklyn Uprock'", Recipe_BobTA_Cabbage_Patch = "Dance 'Cabbage Patch'", Recipe_BobTA_Can_Can = "Dance 'Can Can'", Recipe_BobTA_Chicken = "Dance 'Chicken'", Recipe_BobTA_Crazy_Legs = "Dance 'Crazy Legs'", Recipe_BobTA_Defile_De_Samba_Parade = "Dance 'Defile De Samba Parade'", Recipe_BobTA_Hokey_Pokey = "Dance 'Hokey Pokey'", Recipe_BobTA_Kick_Step = "Dance 'Kick Step'", Recipe_BobTA_Macarena = "Dance 'Macarena'", Recipe_BobTA_Maraschino = "Dance 'Maraschino'", Recipe_BobTA_MoonWalk_#1 = "Dance 'MoonWalk'", Recipe_BobTA_Northern_Soul_Spin = "Dance 'Northern Soul - Spin'", Recipe_BobTA_Northern_Soul_Spin_On_Floor = "Dance 'Northern Soul - Spin On Floor'", Recipe_BobTA_Raise_The_Roof = "Dance 'Raise The Roof'", Recipe_BobTA_Really_Twirl = "Dance 'Really Twirl'", Recipe_BobTA_Rib_Pops = "Dance 'Rib Pops'", Recipe_BobTA_Rockette_Kick = "Dance 'Rockette Kick'", Recipe_BobTA_Rumba_Dancing = "Dance 'Rumba Dancing'", Recipe_BobTA_Running_Man_#1 = "Dance 'Running Man #1'", Recipe_BobTA_Running_Man_#3 = "Dance 'Running Man #3'", Recipe_BobTA_Running_Man_#2 = "Dance 'Running Man #2'", Recipe_BobTA_Salsa = "Dance 'Salsa'", Recipe_BobTA_Salsa_Double_Twirl = "Dance 'Salsa - Double Twirl'", Recipe_BobTA_Salsa_Double_Twirl_and_Clap = "Dance 'Salsa - Double Twirl and Clap'", Recipe_BobTA_Salsa_Side_to_Side = "Dance 'Salsa - Side to Side'", Recipe_BobTA_Shimmy = "Dance 'Shimmy'", Recipe_BobTA_Shim_Sham = "Dance 'Shim Sham'", Recipe_BobTA_Shuffling = "Dance 'Shuffling'", Recipe_BobTA_Side_to_Side = "Dance 'Side to Side'", Recipe_BobTA_Twist_#1 = "Dance 'Twist #1'", Recipe_BobTA_Twist_#2 = "Dance 'Twist #2'", Recipe_BobTA_Uprock_Indian_Step = "Dance 'Uprock Indian Step'", Recipe_BobTA_Thriller_One = "Dance 'Thriller #1'", Recipe_BobTA_Thriller_Two = "Dance 'Thriller #2'", Recipe_BobTA_Thriller_Three = "Dance 'Thriller #3'", Recipe_BobTA_Thriller_Four = "Dance 'Thriller #4'", Recipe_BobTA_YMCA = "Dance 'YMCA'", }