GameSound_RU = { GameSound_CassetteACDCHighwayToHell(1979) = "AC DC - Highway To Hell (1979) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteAirSupplyMakingLoveOutOfNothingAtAll(1983) = "Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All (1983) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteAlabamaChristmasInDixie(1985) = "Alabama - Christmas In Dixie (1985) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteAliceCooperPoison(1989) = "Alice Cooper - Poison (1989) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBeeGeesStayinAlive(1977) = "Bee Gees - Stayin Alive (1977) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBlondieCallMe(1978) = "Blondie - Call Me (1978) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBlondieHeartOfGlass(1976) = "Blondie - Heart Of Glass (1976) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBobbyDarinDreamLover(1987) = "Bobby Darin - Dream Lover (1987) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBonJoviLivinOnAPrayer(1986) = "Bon Jovi - Livin On A Prayer (1986) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBonJoviYouGiveLoveABadName(1986) = "Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name (1986) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBoneyMRasputin(1978) = "Boney M - Rasputin (1978) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBonnieTylerHoldingOutForAHero(1984) = "Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero (1984) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBonnieTylerTotalEclipseOfTheHeart(1983) = "Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (1983) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteBryanAdamsIDoItForYou(1991) = "Bryan Adams - I Do It For You (1991) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteCharleyPrideKissAnAngelGoodMorning(1971) = "Charley Pride - Kiss An Angel Good Morning (1971) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteCyndiLauperTimeAfterTime(1983) = "Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time (1983) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteDeadOrAliveYouSpinMeRound(1984) = "Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (1984) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteDepecheModePersonalJesus(1989) = "Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (1989) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteDollyPartonHardCandyChristmas(1982) = "Dolly Parton - Hard Candy Christmas (1982) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteFlattAndScruggsFoggyMountainBreakdown(1968) = "Flatt And Scruggs - Foggy Mountain Breakdown (1968) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteForeignerIWantToKnowWhatLoveIs(1984) = "Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is (1984) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteGeorgeBensonNothingsGonnaChange(1985) = "George Benson - Nothings Gonna Change (1985) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteIsraelKamakawiwooleOverTheRainbow(1990) = "Israel Kamakawiwoole - Over The Rainbow (1990) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteJohnDenverTakeMeHomeCountryRoads(1971) = "John Denver - Take Me Home Country Roads (1971) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteJonaLewieStopTheCavalry(1978) = "Jona Lewie - Stop The Cavalry (1978) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteJoseFelicianoFelizNavidad(1970) = "Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad (1970) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteJourneyDontStopBelievin(1981) = "Journey - Dont Stop Believin (1981) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteKennyLogginsDangerZone(1986) = "Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone (1986) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteKissIWasMadeForLovinYou(1979) = "Kiss - I Was Made For Lovin You (1979) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteLindaRonstadtAndAaronNevilleDontKnowMuch(1989) = "Linda Ronstadt And Aaron Neville - Dont Know Much (1989) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteMetallicaNothingElseMatters(1991) = "Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (1991) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteMetallicaTheUnforgiven(1991) = "Metallica - The Unforgiven (1991) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteMichaelJacksonBillieJean(1982) = "Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (1982) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteNirvanaSmellsLikeTeenSpirit(1991) = "Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991) (кассета)", GameSound_CassettePaulEngemannPushItToTheLimit(1983) = "Paul Engemann - Push It To The Limit (1983) (кассета)", GameSound_CassettePaulaAbdulStraightUp(1988) = "Paula Abdul - Straight Up (1988) (кассета)", GameSound_CassettePepeShadilay(1986) = "Pepe - Shadilay (1986) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteQueen39(1975) = "Queen - 39 (1975) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteQueenWeAreTheChampions(1977) = "Queen - We Are The Champions (1977) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteQueenWeWillRockYou(1977) = "Queen - We Will Rock You (1977) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteREMLosingMyReligion(1991) = "R E M - Losing My Religion (1991) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteRandyTravisDeeperThanTheHoller(1988) = "Randy Travis - Deeper Than The Holler (1988) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteRandyTravisOldTimeChristmas(1989) = "Randy Travis - Old Time Christmas (1989) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteScottMcKenzieSanFrancisco(1967) = "Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (1967) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteSnapRhythmIsADancer(1992) = "Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer (1992) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteSurvivorEyeOfTheTiger(1982) = "Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger (1982) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTheB52sLoveShack(1989) = "The B-52s - Love Shack (1989) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTheBeatlesComeTogether(1969) = "The Beatles - Come Together (1969) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTheBeatlesEleanorRigby(1966) = "The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (1966) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteThePoguesFairytaleOfNewYork(1987) = "The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York (1987) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTheTemptationsPapaWasARollingStone(1972) = "The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone (1972) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTheWeatherGirlsItsRainingMen(1983) = "The Weather Girls - Its Raining Men (1983) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTotoAfrica(1982) = "Toto - Africa (1982) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteTotoHoldTheLine(1978) = "Toto - Hold The Line (1978) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteWhamLastChristmas(1984) = "Wham - Last Christmas (1984) (кассета)", GameSound_CassetteWhitneyHoustonIWillAlwaysLoveYou(1992) = "Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You (1992) (кассета)", GameSound_VinylACDCHighwayToHell(1979) = "AC DC - Highway To Hell (1979) (винил)", GameSound_VinylAirSupplyMakingLoveOutOfNothingAtAll(1983) = "Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All (1983) (винил)", GameSound_VinylAlabamaChristmasInDixie(1985) = "Alabama - Christmas In Dixie (1985) (винил)", GameSound_VinylAliceCooperPoison(1989) = "Alice Cooper - Poison (1989) (винил)", GameSound_VinylAndyWilliamsItsTheMostWonderfulTimeOfTheYear(1963) = "Andy Williams - Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (1963) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBeeGeesStayinAlive(1977) = "Bee Gees - Stayin Alive (1977) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBennyGoodmanThatsAPlenty(1931) = "Benny Goodman - Thats A Plenty (1931) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBillHaleyRockAroundTheClock(1955) = "Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock (1955) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBingCrosbyIWillBeHomeForChristmas(1943) = "Bing Crosby - I Will Be Home For Christmas (1943) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBingCrosbyWhiteChristmas(1942) = "Bing Crosby - White Christmas (1942) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBingCrosbyWinterWonderland(1945) = "Bing Crosby - Winter Wonderland (1945) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBlondieCallMe(1978) = "Blondie - Call Me (1978) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBlondieHeartOfGlass(1976) = "Blondie - Heart Of Glass (1976) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBobbyDarinBrandNewHouse(1958) = "Bobby Darin - Brand New House (1958) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBobbyDarinDreamLover(1987) = "Bobby Darin - Dream Lover (1987) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBobbyDarinHallelujahILoveHerSo(1956) = "Bobby Darin - Hallelujah I Love Her So (1956) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBobbyHelmsJingleBellRock(1957) = "Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock (1957) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBoneyMRasputin(1978) = "Boney M - Rasputin (1978) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBootsRandolphYaketySax(1963) = "Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax (1963) (винил)", GameSound_VinylBrendaLeeRockinAroundTheChristmasTree(1958) = "Brenda Lee - Rockin Around The Christmas Tree (1958) (винил)", GameSound_VinylDeanMartinWalkingInAWinterWonderland(1959) = "Dean Martin - Walking In A Winter Wonderland (1959) (винил)", GameSound_VinylEarthaKittSantaBaby(1953) = "Eartha Kitt - Santa Baby (1953) (винил)", GameSound_VinylElvisPresleyBlueChristmas(1957) = "Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas (1957) (винил)", GameSound_VinylElvisPresleyJailhouseRock(1958) = "Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (1958) (винил)", GameSound_VinylEnricoCarusoUnaFurtivaLagrima(1904) = "Enrico Caruso - Una Furtiva Lagrima (1904) (винил)", GameSound_VinylGeneAutryFrostyTheSnowMan(1951) = "Gene Autry - Frosty The Snow Man (1951) (винил)", GameSound_VinylGuyMitchellHeartacheByTheNumbers50s(1959) = "Guy Mitchell - Heartache By The Numbers 50s (1959) (винил)", GameSound_VinylHankWilliamsLovesickBlues(1949) = "Hank Williams - Lovesick Blues (1949) (винил)", GameSound_VinylJohnFaheySteelGuitarRag(1965) = "John Fahey - Steel Guitar Rag (1965) (винил)", GameSound_VinylJohnnyHortonNorthToAlaska(1965) = "Johnny Horton - North To Alaska (1965) (винил)", GameSound_VinylJudyGarlandHaveYourselfAMerryLittleChristmas(1944) = "Judy Garland - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (1944) (винил)", GameSound_VinylKirstenFlagstadDieWalkure(1938) = "Kirsten Flagstad - Die Walkure (1938) (винил)", GameSound_VinylLightninHopkinsJackstropperBlues(1950) = "Lightnin Hopkins - Jackstropper Blues (1950) (винил)", GameSound_VinylMelCarterHoldMeThrillMeKissMe(1965) = "Mel Carter - Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me (1965) (винил)", GameSound_VinylNatKingColeTheChristmasSong(1961) = "Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (1961) (винил)", GameSound_VinylRickyNelsonTravellinMan(1961) = "Ricky Nelson - Travellin Man (1961) (винил)", GameSound_VinylRighteousBrothersUnchainedMelody(1965) = "Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody (1965) (винил)", GameSound_VinylRobertJohnsonWalkingBlues(1936) = "Robert Johnson - Walking Blues (1936) (винил)", GameSound_VinylThurlRavenscroftYoureAMeanOneMrGrinch(1966) = "Thurl Ravenscroft - Youre A Mean One Mr Grinch (1966) (винил)", }