module Tsarcraft { sound VinylACDCHighwayToHell(1979) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/AC DC - Highway To Hell (1979).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylAirSupplyMakingLoveOutOfNothingAtAll(1983) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Air Supply - Making Love Out Of Nothing At All (1983).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylAlabamaChristmasInDixie(1985) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Alabama - Christmas In Dixie (1985).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylAliceCooperPoison(1989) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Alice Cooper - Poison (1989).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylAndyWilliamsItsTheMostWonderfulTimeOfTheYear(1963) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Andy Williams - Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (1963).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBeeGeesStayinAlive(1977) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bee Gees - Stayin Alive (1977).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBennyGoodmanThatsAPlenty(1931) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Benny Goodman - Thats A Plenty (1931).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBillHaleyRockAroundTheClock(1955) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock (1955).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBingCrosbyIWillBeHomeForChristmas(1943) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bing Crosby - I Will Be Home For Christmas (1943).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBingCrosbyWhiteChristmas(1942) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bing Crosby - White Christmas (1942).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBingCrosbyWinterWonderland(1945) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bing Crosby - Winter Wonderland (1945).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBlondieCallMe(1978) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Blondie - Call Me (1978).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBlondieHeartOfGlass(1976) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Blondie - Heart Of Glass (1976).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBobbyDarinBrandNewHouse(1958) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bobby Darin - Brand New House (1958).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBobbyDarinDreamLover(1987) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bobby Darin - Dream Lover (1987).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBobbyDarinHallelujahILoveHerSo(1956) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bobby Darin - Hallelujah I Love Her So (1956).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBobbyHelmsJingleBellRock(1957) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock (1957).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBoneyMRasputin(1978) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Boney M - Rasputin (1978).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBootsRandolphYaketySax(1963) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax (1963).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylBrendaLeeRockinAroundTheChristmasTree(1958) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Brenda Lee - Rockin Around The Christmas Tree (1958).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylDeanMartinWalkingInAWinterWonderland(1959) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Dean Martin - Walking In A Winter Wonderland (1959).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylEarthaKittSantaBaby(1953) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Eartha Kitt - Santa Baby (1953).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylElvisPresleyBlueChristmas(1957) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas (1957).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylElvisPresleyJailhouseRock(1958) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (1958).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylEnricoCarusoUnaFurtivaLagrima(1904) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Enrico Caruso - Una Furtiva Lagrima (1904).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylGeneAutryFrostyTheSnowMan(1951) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Gene Autry - Frosty The Snow Man (1951).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylGuyMitchellHeartacheByTheNumbers50s(1959) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Guy Mitchell - Heartache By The Numbers 50s (1959).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylHankWilliamsLovesickBlues(1949) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Hank Williams - Lovesick Blues (1949).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylJohnFaheySteelGuitarRag(1965) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/John Fahey - Steel Guitar Rag (1965).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylJohnnyHortonNorthToAlaska(1965) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Johnny Horton - North To Alaska (1965).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylJudyGarlandHaveYourselfAMerryLittleChristmas(1944) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Judy Garland - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (1944).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylKirstenFlagstadDieWalkure(1938) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Kirsten Flagstad - Die Walkure (1938).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylLightninHopkinsJackstropperBlues(1950) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Lightnin Hopkins - Jackstropper Blues (1950).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylMelCarterHoldMeThrillMeKissMe(1965) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Mel Carter - Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me (1965).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylNatKingColeTheChristmasSong(1961) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (1961).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylRickyNelsonTravellinMan(1961) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Ricky Nelson - Travellin Man (1961).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylRighteousBrothersUnchainedMelody(1965) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody (1965).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylRobertJohnsonWalkingBlues(1936) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Robert Johnson - Walking Blues (1936).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } sound VinylThurlRavenscroftYoureAMeanOneMrGrinch(1966) { category = True Music, master = Ambient, clip { file = media/yourMusic/TCVinylplayer/Thurl Ravenscroft - Youre A Mean One Mr Grinch (1966).ogg, distanceMax = 75, } } }