Sandbox_EN = { Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.StalkerChance = "Stalker spawn chance in percentage", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.StalkerChance_tooltip = "Its percentual, but it does share its chance with other outfits, so at 100 you will never get only zombies with this outfits", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.NomadChance = "Nomad spawn chance in percentage", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.NomadChance_tooltip = "Its percentual, but it does share its chance with other outfits, so at 100 you will never get only zombies with this outfits", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.PrepperChance = "Prepper spawn chance in percentage", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.PrepperChance = "Its percentual, but it does share its chance with other outfits, so at 100 you will never get only zombies with this outfits", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.HeadhunterChance = "Headhunter spawn chance in percentage", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.HeadhunterChance = "Its percentual, but it does share its chance with other outfits, so at 100 you will never get only zombies with this outfits", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.AmazonaChance = "Amazona spawn chance in percentage", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor.AmazonaChance = "Its percentual, but it does share its chance with other outfits, so at 100 you will never get only zombies with this outfits. If you want to have a equal spawnrate among all outfits you should make the percentage of the amazona twice as big as it only spawns on female zombies.", Sandbox_UndeadSurvivor = "Undead Survivor" }