module Base { imports { Base } item FireKlean { Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.5, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = FireKlean gun lube, Icon = fireklean, Weight = 0.2, WorldStaticModel = FireKlean, } item CleaningKit { Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.25, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Gun cleaning kit, Icon = cleaningkit, Weight = 0.6, WorldStaticModel = CleaningKit, } item 762Clip { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.2, Type = Normal, DisplayName = 7.62 Magazine, Icon = 762Clip, MaxAmmo = 30, AmmoType = 762Bullets, StaticModel = Magazine_AK47, GunType = AK47, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_AK47, } item 762Box { Weight = 0.8, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Box of 7.62 Rounds, DisplayCategory = Ammo, Icon = 762AmmoBox, MetalValue = 40, WorldStaticModel = 762Box, } item 762Bullets { Count = 5, Weight = 0.025, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = 7.62 Rounds, DisplayCategory = Ammo, Icon = 762Bullets, MetalValue = 1, WorldStaticModel = 762Bullets, } item 22Bullets { Count = 10, Weight = 0.005, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = .22 Rounds, DisplayCategory = Ammo, Icon = 22bullets, MetalValue = 1, WorldStaticModel = Bullets22lr, } item 22Box { Weight = 0.4, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Box of .22 Rounds, DisplayCategory = Ammo, Icon = 22box, MetalValue = 40, WorldStaticModel = BoxOfRounds22LR, } item 223Clip20 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.2, Type = Normal, DisplayName = .223 Magazine, Icon = 223Clip20, MaxAmmo = 20, AmmoType = 223Bullets, StaticModel = Magazine_MINI14, GunType = Mini14, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_MINI14, } item 22ClipRifle { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = 1022 Magazine, Icon = 1022Clip, MaxAmmo = 10, AmmoType = Base.22Bullets, StaticModel = Magazine_1022, GunType = Base.1022, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_1022, } item 22ClipPistol { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Mk2 Magazine, Icon = MK2Clip, MaxAmmo = 10, AmmoType = Base.22Bullets, StaticModel = Magazine_glock, GunType = Base.MK2, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_glock, } item 308Clip { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = .308 Magazine, Icon = BerettaClip, MaxAmmo = 3, AmmoType = Base.308Bullets, StaticModel = GunMagazine, GunType = Base.HuntingRifle, WorldStaticModel = Gun_Magazine_Ground, } item 45Clip12 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = MK23 Magazine, Icon = mk23clip, MaxAmmo = 12, AmmoType = Bullets45, GunType = MK23, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_glock, } item 45Clip32 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.16, Type = Normal, DisplayName = MAC-10 Magazine, Icon = MAC10mag, MaxAmmo = 32, AmmoType = Base.Bullets45, StaticModel = GunMagazine, GunType = Base.MAC10Unfolded, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_MAC10, } item 9mmClip20 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.15, Type = Normal, DisplayName = TEC-9 Magazine, Icon = tec9mag, MaxAmmo = 20, AmmoType = Base.Bullets9mm, StaticModel = GunMagazine, GunType = Base.Tec9, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_Tec9, } item 9mmClip13 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = P229 Magazine, Icon = p229clip, MaxAmmo = 13, AmmoType = Base.Bullets9mm, StaticModel = Magazine_glock, GunType = Base.P229, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_glock, } item 9mmClip16 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = CZ 75 Magazine, Icon = cz75clip, MaxAmmo = 16, AmmoType = Base.Bullets9mm, StaticModel = Magazine_glock, GunType = Base.CZ75, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_glock, } item 9mmClip17 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = G17 Magazine, Icon = GlockClip, MaxAmmo = 17, AmmoType = Base.Bullets9mm, StaticModel = Magazine_glock, GunType = Base.Glock, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_glock, } item 9mmClip30 { CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.15, Type = Normal, DisplayName = MP5 Magazine, Icon = mp5mag, MaxAmmo = 30, AmmoType = Base.Bullets9mm, StaticModel = Magazine_MP5, GunType = Base.MP5, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_MP5, } item FALClip { DisplayCategory = Ammo, CanStack = FALSE, Weight = 0.2, Type = Normal, DisplayName = FAL Magazine, Icon = FALClip, MaxAmmo = 20, AmmoType = Base.308Bullets, StaticModel = Magazine_M14, GunType = Base.FAL, WorldStaticModel = Magazine_M14, } item FakeItemSling { Weight = 20, Type = Normal, DisplayName = all long guns, DisplayCategory = Junk, Icon = IntentionallyInvalid, } item FakeItemSights { Weight = 20, Type = Normal, DisplayName = all guns, DisplayCategory = Junk, Icon = IntentionallyInvalid, } }