This mod adds modifiers to weapons and bags, and displays their effects on the item's tooltip. While it may not be very realistic, it does provide a lot of variance on the loot and quality of weapons. [h1]Modifier effects :[/b] [list] [*][b][u]Damage :[/u][/b] Affects minimum and maximum damage (all weapons), as well as tree damage and door damage (melee weapons) [*][b][u]Minimum range[/u][/b] (all weapons) [*][b][u]Maximum range[/u][/b] (all weapons) [*][b][u]Critical chance[/u][/b] (all weapons) [*][b][u]Durability :[/u][/b] (all weapons) Affects the max condition, current condition and chance to lose condition [*][b][u]Attack speed :[/u][/b] (melee weapons only) [*][b][u]Endurance cost[/u][/b] (melee weapons only) [*][b][u]Accuracy :[/u][/b] Affects the hit chance. (ranged weapons only) [*][b][u]Recoil :[/u][/b] Affects the recoil delay (ranged weapons only) [*][b][u]Aim time :[/u][/b] Affects the aim time (ranged weapons only) [*][b][u]Reload time :[/u][/b] Affects the reload time (ranged weapons only) [*][b][u]Sound radius :[/u][/b] Affects sound radius, sound volume and sound gain (ranged weapons only) [*][b][u]Weight Reduction :[/u][/b] (bags only) [*][b][u]Capacity :[/u][/b] (bags only) [/list] [h1]Tooltip stats :[/h1] Inspired and tweaked from the mod "Show weapon stats". On the tooltips, the item stats are shown in yellow. The stats of the modifier (if the item has one) are ALREADY applied to those stats. The stats in parenthesis are the bonuses from the players' traits and skills, NOT from the modifiers. [h1]Modifiers :[/h1] Each item has 75% chance to get a modifier. Each modifier can have 1 of 6 colors, each representing its quality: [list] [*] dark red: shitty [*] grey: bad [*] white: common [*] green: good [*] blue: great [*] purple : epic [*] light red: insane [*] orange: legendary [/list] Many modify only one stat. Others modify multiple stats. There may be both bonuses and maluses on a modifier.