UI_EN = { UI_Item_EmptyBloodBag_Name = "Empty blood bag", UI_Item_EmptyBloodBag_Description = "Empty blood bag", UI_Item_FullBloodBag_Name = "Full blood bag", UI_Item_FullBloodBag_Description = "Full blood bag", UI_Item_PeripheralVenousCatheter_Name = "IV Catheter", UI_Item_PeripheralVenousCatheter_Description = "IV Catheter", UI_Item_Alkagin_Name = "Alkagin", UI_Item_Alkagin_Description = "Non-narcotic analgesic. It has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect, is a derivative of pyrazolone.", UI_Item_Alkagin_SideEffects = "Nausea, vomiting.", UI_Item_BismuthSubsalicylate_Name = "Bismuth subsalicylate", UI_Item_BismuthSubsalicylate_Description = "Anti-ulcer and antidiarrheal remedy. It has an astringent and antacid effect.", UI_Item_BismuthSubsalicylate_SideEffects = "Nausea, vomiting.", UI_Item_Morphine_Name = "Morphine", UI_Item_Morphine_Description = "Opioid analgesic, opioid receptor agonist. Has a pronounced analgesic effect.", UI_Item_Morphine_SideEffects = "Vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, sedative or excitatory effect, hallucinations, circulatory disorders of the brain, dizziness, fainting, drowsiness.", UI_Item_Butamirate_Name = "Butamirate", UI_Item_Butamirate_Description = "Antitussive agent of central action. Butamirate does not belong to the alkaloids of opium. It does not form addiction or addiction. Suppresses cough, having a direct effect on the cough center.", UI_Item_Butamirate_SideEffects = "Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.", UI_Item_Naloxon_Name = "Naloxone", UI_Item_Naloxon_Description = "Opioid receptor antagonist. Blocks opioid receptors, eliminates the central (including respiratory depression) and peripheral effects of opioids.", UI_Item_Naloxon_SideEffects = "Nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, increase or decrease in blood pressure, disappearance of analgesia.", UI_Item_HemoStop_Name = "HemoStop", UI_Item_HemoStop_Description = "Hemostatic powder.", UI_Item_HemoStop_SideEffects = "-", UI_Item_Umifenovir_Name = "Umifenovir", UI_Item_Umifenovir_Description = "Antiviral agent. Specifically suppresses influenza A and B viruses, coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome.", UI_Item_Umifenovir_SideEffects = "-", UI_Item_Nasivion_Name = "Nasivion", UI_Item_Nasivion_Description = "Nasal drops in the form of a clear solution, with a faint smell of lavender.", UI_Item_Nasivion_SideEffects = "-", UI_Item_Erythropoietin_Name = "Erythropoietin", UI_Item_Erythropoietin_Description = "One of the kidney hormones that controls the formation of red blood cells. According to its chemical structure, it is a glycoprotein. In sports, it is doping.", UI_Item_Erythropoietin_SideEffects = "Weakness, fatigue, headache, fainting, shortness of breath, hypertension.", UI_Item_NaloxonPack_Name = "Naloxone pack", UI_Item_NaloxonPack_Description = "Opioid receptor antagonist. Blocks opioid receptors, eliminates the central (including respiratory depression) and peripheral effects of opioids.", UI_Item_MorphinePack_Name = "Morphine pack", UI_Item_MorphinePack_Description = "Opioid analgesic, opioid receptor agonist. It has a pronounced analgesic effect.", UI_Item_BismuthSubsalicylatePack_Name = "Pack of tablets (Bismuth subsalicylate)", UI_Item_BismuthSubsalicylatePack_Description = "Anti-ulcer and antidiarrheal remedy. It has an astringent and antacid effect.", UI_Item_AlkaginPack_Name = "Alkagine pack", UI_Item_AlkaginPack_Description = "Non-narcotic analgesic. It has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect, is a derivative of pyrazolone.", UI_Item_ButamiratePack_Name = "Butamirate pack", UI_Item_ButamiratePack_Description = "Antitussive agent of central action. Butamirate does not belong to the alkaloids of opium. It does not form addiction or addiction. Suppresses cough, having a direct effect on the cough center.", UI_Item_HemoStopPack_Name = "HemoStop pack", UI_Item_HemoStopPack_Description = "Hemostatic powder.", UI_Item_UmifenovirPack_Name = "Umifenovir pack", UI_Item_UmifenovirPack_Description = "Antiviral agent. Specifically suppresses influenza A and B viruses, a coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome.", UI_Item_NasivionPack_Name = "Nasivion pack", UI_Item_NasivionPack_Description = "Nasal drops in the form of a clear solution, with a faint smell of lavender. Helps with a runny nose, reduces irritation of the mucous membrane.", UI_Item_ErythropoietinPack_Name = "Erythropoietin pack", UI_Item_ErythropoietinPack_Description = "One of the kidney hormones that controls the formation of red blood cells. According to its chemical structure, it is a glycoprotein. In sports, it is doping.", UI_Item_BloodVolumeIncreaser_Name = "System item", UI_Item_BloodVolumeIncreaser_Description = "System item", UI_Item_BloodVolumeReducer_Name = "System item", UI_Item_BloodVolumeReducer_Description = "System item", UI_Item_DrugApplier_Name = "System item", UI_Item_DrugApplier_Description = "System item", UI_Item_SyringePack_Name = "5 ml syringe pack", UI_Item_SyringePack_Description = "5 ml syringe pack", UI_Item_Syringe_Name = "5 ml syringe", UI_Item_Syringe_Description = "5 ml syringe", UI_Item_NeedlePack_Name = "Injection needle pack", UI_Item_NeedlePack_Description = "Injection needle pack", UI_Item_Needle_Name = "Injection needle", UI_Item_Needle_Description = "Injection needle", UI_Item_SyringeWithNeedle_Name = "Syringe for intravenous injection", UI_Item_SyringeWithNeedle_Description = "Syringe for intravenous injection", UI_Item_FullSyringeWithNeedle_Name = "Syringe with the drug", UI_Item_FullSyringeWithNeedle_Description = "Syringe with the drug", UI_Item_BloodTestingKit_Name = "Blood type Detection Kit", UI_BloodGroup_ABN_Name = "AB (IV) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_ABN_Description = "Blood type AB(IV) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_ABP_Name = "AB (IV) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_ABP_Description = "Blood type AB(IV) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_AN_Name = "A (II) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_AN_Description = "Blood type A(II) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_AP_Name = "A (II) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_AP_Description = "Blood type A(II) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_BN_Name = "B (III) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_BN_Description = "Blood type B(III) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_BP_Name = "B (III) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_BP_Description = "Blood type B(III) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_ON_Name = "O (I) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_ON_Description = "Blood type O(I) Rh-", UI_BloodGroup_OP_Name = "O (I) Rh+", UI_BloodGroup_OP_Description = "Blood type O(I) Rh+", UI_DosageForm_Oral_Liquid_Name = "Liquid for oral use", UI_DosageForm_Oral_Liquid_Action = "Drink the drug", UI_DosageForm_Oral_Pill_Name = "Tablet for oral use", UI_DosageForm_Oral_Pill_Action = "Take a pill", UI_DosageForm_Inhalation_Inhaler_Name = "Inhaler", UI_DosageForm_Inhalation_Inhaler_Action = "Apply inhaler", UI_DosageForm_Parenteral_Intramuscular_Name = "Intramuscular injection", UI_DosageForm_Parenteral_Intramuscular_Action = "Perform an intramuscular injection", UI_DosageForm_Parenteral_Intravenous_Name = "Intravenous injection", UI_DosageForm_Parenteral_Intravenous_Action = "Perform an intravenous injection", UI_DosageForm_Topical_Powder_Name = "Powder for external use", UI_DosageForm_Topical_Powder_Action = "Apply powder", UI_DosageForm_Intranasal_Drops_Name = "Nose Drops", UI_DosageForm_Intranasal_Drops_Action = "Apply drops", UI_ContextMenu_CheckPulse = "Check pulse", UI_ContextMenu_Ml = "ml.", UI_ContextMenu_Take = "Take", UI_ContextMenu_FillSyringe = "Fill the syringe", UI_ContextMenu_AttachNeedleToSyringe = "Attach needle", UI_ContextMenu_DonateBlood = "Become a donor", UI_ContextMenu_TransferBlood = "Perform blood transfusion", UI_ContextMenu_Syringe = "Syringe (%s)", UI_ContextMenu_ExamineDrug = "Study the drug", UI_ContextMenu_ExaminePack = "Examine the drug pack", UI_ContextMenu_TestBlood = "Determine blood type", UI_ContextMenu_Rename = "Rename", UI_ContextMenu_CheckPulse = "Check pulse", UI_ContextMenu_CheckBloodPressure = "Check blood pressure", UI_ContextMenu_CheckBloodVolume = "Check blood volume", UI_ContextMenu_RinseWoundTrimEdgesStitch = "Rinse, trim the edges and stitch", UI_Window_DrugTitle = "Drug name: %s", UI_Window_DrugDescription = "Drug Description: %s", UI_Window_SideEffectDescription = "Drug side effects: %s", UI_Window_DosageDescription = "Maximum dosage: %s (ml/pc)", UI_Window_PulseValue = "%s BPM", UI_Window_BloodVolumeValue = "~ %s ml", UI_Trait_Pharmacist_Name = "Pharmacist", UI_Trait_Pharmacist_Description = "Can identify drugs. Knows everything about the composition of medicines and indications for their use", UI_Trait_UniversalDonor_Name = "Universal donor", UI_Trait_UniversalDonor_Description = "Can become a donor for all other blood groups", UI_Trait_UniversalRecipient_Name = "Universal recipient", UI_Trait_UniversalRecipient_Description = "Can accept blood of all other blood groups", UI_Trait_HighPainThreshold_Name = "High pain threshold", UI_Trait_HighPainThreshold_Description = "Able to tolerate very severe pain", UI_Trait_LowPainThreshold_Name = "Low pain threshold", UI_Trait_LowPainThreshold_Description = "Very intolerant of pain", UI_Trait_OpioidAddiction_Name = "Opioid addiction", UI_Trait_OpioidAddiction_Description = "Susceptibility to opiates is reduced by 40%, the pain threshold is increased. You won't live a day without opiates", UI_SideEffect_Bradycardia_Name = "Bradycardia", UI_SideEffect_Bradycardia_Lvl_1_Description = "Weak pulse", UI_SideEffect_Bradycardia_Lvl_2_Description = "Pulse slowed down significantly", UI_SideEffect_Bradycardia_Lvl_3_Description = "Near-death state. Unless, of course, you are a whale", UI_SideEffect_OpioidAddiction_Name = "Opioid addiction", UI_SideEffect_OpioidAddiction_Lvl_1_Description = "It's getting alarming. The desire to get a dose", UI_SideEffect_OpioidAddiction_Lvl_2_Description = "You are sweating, your heartbeat has increased. Unfortunately, you are not in love", UI_SideEffect_OpioidAddiction_Lvl_3_Description = "You are feverish and nauseous. You need to find a dose urgently", UI_SideEffect_Tachycardia_Name = "Tachycardia", UI_SideEffect_Tachycardia_Lvl_1_Description = "Heartbeat increased", UI_SideEffect_Tachycardia_Lvl_2_Description = "Heartbeat significantly higher than normal", UI_SideEffect_Tachycardia_Lvl_3_Description = "The heart seems to jump out of the chest", UI_SideEffect_VisualImpairment_Name = "Vision impairment", UI_SideEffect_VisualImpairment_Lvl_1_Description = "It's kind of cloudy in my eyes", UI_SideEffect_Sweating_Name = "Sweating", }