UI_EN = { UI_found_bong = "Is this... a bong?", UI_Joint = " a... joint", UI_HalfJoint = "... half of a joint", UI_Spliff = " a... spliff", UI_Blunt = " a... blunt", UI_HalfBlunt = "... half of a blunt", UI_found_ill = "Is this", UI_trait_stoner = "Stoner", UI_trait_stonerdesc = "Does not get sleepy or hungry from smoking pot, but needs more for the same effect.", UI_trait_alcoholic = "Alcoholic", UI_trait_alcoholicdesc = "Gets stressed out from lack of drinking. Higher tolerance to alcohol.", UI_speech_kief = "Looks like there's some kief under this screen...", UI_speech_seed1 = "Do I see a seed in this bud?", UI_speech_seed2 = "I found a seed!", UI_speech_cough0 = "*cough* *cough*", UI_speech_cough1 = "I can't finish smoking this.", UI_speech_cough2 = "If I keep smoking, I might die...", UI_speech_cough3 = "This is too much for me, I'm done smoking.", UI_speech_cough4 = "I think I'll finish smoking this later.", UI_speech_cough5 = "I can't keep smoking this thing.", UI_speech_cough6 = "I need to take a break from smoking.", UI_gain_smoker = "I'm really craving a cigarette right about now...", UI_regain_smoker = "I feel like having a cigarette...", UI_lost_stoner = "Been a while since I last smoked some weed...", UI_Loading_Texturepack = "Loading textures...", }