Recipe_ES = { Recipe_Sow_CannabisSeed = "Siembra de cannabis", Recipe_Cut Nice Crispiez = "Cortar bizcocho de arroz dulce", Recipe_Cut Special Brownies = "Cortar bizcocho especial", Recipe_Build Silkscreen = "Fabricar filtro de seda", Recipe_Trim Fresh Cannabis = "Desbrozar cannabis fresco", Recipe_Trim Dry Cannabis = "Desbrozar cannabis seco", Recipe_Crush Sugar Leaf = "Hoja de azúcar desbrozada", Recipe_Grind Sugar leaf = "Triturar hoja de azúcar", Recipe_Prepare Cannabis Curing Jar = "Preparar tarro para curar cannabis", Recipe_Open Jar of Cannabis = "Abrir tarro de cannabis", Recipe_Prepare Half Full Cannabis Curing Jar = "Preparar tarro de cannabis hasta la mitad para curar", Recipe_Add Cannabis to Curing Jar = "Agregar cannabis al tarro de curado", Recipe_Open Half Full Jar of Cannabis = "Abrir tarro medio lleno de cannabis", Recipe_Prepare Nearly Full Cannabis Curing Jar = "Preparar tarro casi lleno de cannabis para curar", Recipe_Add More Cannabis to Curing Jar = "Agregar más cannabis al tarro de curado", Recipe_Add Two More Cannabis to Curing Jar = "Agregar dos hojas más de cannabis al tarro de curado", Recipe_Open Nearly Full Jar of Cannabis = "Abrir tarro casi lleno de cannabis", Recipe_Prepare Full Cannabis Curing Jar = "Preparar tarro lleno de cannabis para curar", Recipe_Fill Cannabis Curing Jar = "Llenar el tarro de curar de cannabis", Recipe_Add Three More Cannabis to Curing Jar = "Agregar tres hojas más de cannabis al tarro de curado", Recipe_Add Two Cannabis to Half Full Curing Jar = "Agregar dos hojas más de cannabis al tarro de curado", Recipe_Open Full Jar of Cannabis = "Abrir tarro lleno de cannabis", Recipe_Pack Cannabis into Bag = "Envasar cannabis en una bolsa", Recipe_Unpack Cannabis = "Sacar cannabis", Recipe_Pack Bags of Cannabis into Kilo = "Colocar bolsas de cannabis en una caja", Recipe_Unpack Kilo of Cannabis = "Desempaquetar caja con bolsas de cannabis", = "", Recipe_Sift Shake = "Moler cannabis", Recipe_Press Kief = "Prensar polen", Recipe_Roll Cannabis Cigar = "Enrollar puro de cannabis", Recipe_Roll Premium Cannabis Cigar = "Enrollar puro de cannabis Premium", Recipe_Roll Deluxe Cannabis Cigar = "Enrollar puro de cannabis Deluxe", Recipe_Roll Reserve Cannabis Cigar = "Enrollar puro de Cannabis Reserve", Recipe_Tear Cannabis = "Desmenuzar cannabis", Recipe_Cut Cannabis = "Cortar cannabis", Recipe_Grind Cannabis = "Machacar cannabis", Recipe_Unload Cannabis from Bong = "Vaciar bong con cannabis", Recipe_Load Bong with Cannabis = "Llenar bong con cannabis", Recipe_Load Bong with Cannabis Shake = "Llenar bong con cannabis molido", Recipe_Unload Cannabis Shake from Bong = "Vaciar bong con cannabis molido", Recipe_Load Bong with Kief = "Llenar bong con polen", Recipe_Unload Kief from Bong = "Vaciar bong con polen", Recipe_Load Bong with Hashish = "Llenar bong con hachís", Recipe_Unload Hashish from Bong = "Vaciar bong con hachís", Recipe_Fill Smoking Pipe with Cannabis = "Llenar pipa de fumar con cannabis", Recipe_Unload Cannabis from Smoking Pipe = "Vacíar pipa de fumar con cannabis", Recipe_Fill Smoking Pipe with Cannabis Shake = "Llenar pipa de fumar con cannabis molido", Recipe_Unload Cannabis Shake from Smoking Pipe = "Vaciar pipa de fumar con cannabis molido", Recipe_Fill Smoking Pipe with Kief = "Llenar pipa de fumar con polen", Recipe_Unload Kief from Smoking Pipe = "Vaciar pipa de fumar con polen", Recipe_Fill Smoking Pipe with Hashish = "Llenar pipa de fumar con hachís", Recipe_Unload Hashish from Smoking Pipe = "Vaciar pipa de fumar con hachís", Recipe_Open Packet of Cannabis Seeds = "Desempaquetar semillas de cannabis", Recipe_Put Cannabis Seeds in Packet = "Colocar semillas de cannabis en un paquete", Recipe_Roll Joint = "Enrollar porro", Recipe_Roll Kief Joint = "Enrollar canuto de polen", Recipe_Roll Hashish Joint = "Enrollar porro de hachís", Recipe_Break Joint = "Deshacer porro", Recipe_Dump Brownies = "Tirar bizcocho", = "Tirar bizcocho", Recipe_Open Marshmallows = "Abrir malvaviscos", Recipe_Pack Bag of Marshmallows = "Colocar malvaviscos en una bolsa", Recipe_Dump Nice Crispiez = "Tirar bizcocho de arroz dulce", Recipe_Make CannaButter = "Hacer mantequilla con cannabis", Recipe_Make CannaButter with Shake = "Hacer mantequilla con cannabis molido", Recipe_Make CannaButter with Kief = "Hacer mantequilla con polen", Recipe_Make CannaButter with Hashish = "Hacer mantequilla con hachís", Recipe_Make Nice Crispiez = "Hacer arroz dulce", Recipe_Make Nice Crispiez from individual Marshmallows = "Hacer arroz dulce con malvaviscos", Recipe_Cut Nice Crispiez = "Cortar arroz dulce", Recipe_Cut Special Brownies = "Cortar bizcocho especial", Recipe_Make Special Brownies = "Hacer bizcocho especial", Recipe_Build Hashish Press = "Fabricar prensa para hachís", Recipe_Roll Blunt = "Enrollar blunt", Recipe_Break Blunt = "Deshacer blunt", Recipe_Open Blunt = "Abrir blunt", Recipe_Roll Mixed Blunt = "Enrollar blunt mixto", Recipe_Roll Kief Blunt = "Enrollar blunt de polen", Recipe_Roll Hashish Blunt = "Enrollar blunt de hachís", Recipe_Roll Space Blunt = "Enrollar blunt Space", Recipe_Roll Spliff = "Enrollar porro", Recipe_Cut Tobacco = "Cortar tabaco", Recipe_Open Blunt Cigar = "Abrir blunt con tabaco", Recipe_Open Pack of Cigarettes = "Abrir paquete de cigarrillos", Recipe_Place Cigarettes into Pack = "Colocar cigarrillos en un paquete", Recipe_Pack Bag of Tobacco = "Bolsa de tabaco", Recipe_Make Blunt Wrap = "Hacer papel blunt", Recipe_Crush Blunt Wrap = "Moler papel blunt", Recipe_Roll Blunt Cigar = "Enrollar blunt de tabaco", Recipe_UncuredCigar = "Puro sin curar", Recipe_CigarLeaf = "Hoja de puro", Recipe_GFCigar = "Puro", Recipe_Roll Cigar = "Enrollar puro", Recipe_HalfCigar = "Puro por la mitad", Recipe_GFCigaretteCase = "Caja de cigarrillos", Recipe_Open Cigarette Case = "Abrir caja de cigarrillos", Recipe_Place Cigarette Cartons into Case = "Colocar cartón de cigarrillos en una caja", Recipe_Open Used Cigarette Carton = "Abrir caja usada de cartón de cigarrillos", Recipe_Open Cigarette Carton = "Abrir cartón de cigarrillos", Recipe_Place Cigarette Packs into Carton = "Colocar paquete de cigarrillos en un cartón", Recipe_Unload Tobacco from Bong = "Vaciar bong con tabaco", Recipe_Unload Tobacco from Smoking Pipe = "Vaciar pipa de fumar con tabaco", Recipe_Load Bong with Tobacco = "Llenar bong con tabaco", Recipe_Fill Smoking Pipe with Tobacco = "Llenar pipa de fumar con tabaco", Recipe_Open Bag of Tobacco = "Abrir bolsa con tabaco", Recipe_Open Packet of Tobacco Seeds = "Desempaquetar semillas de tabaco", Recipe_Put Tobacco Seeds in Packet = "Colocar semillas de tabaco en un paquete", Recipe_Roll Cigarette = "Enrollar cigarrillo", Recipe_Break Cigarette = "Deshacer cigarrillo", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", Recipe_ = "", }