module Greenfire { imports { Base } item FreshUnCanna { Weight = 0.5, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Fresh Untrimmed Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = FreshUnCanna, } recipe Trim Fresh Cannabis { FreshUnCanna, keep Scissors, Result:FreshTCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:TrimFresh, Category:GreenFireFarming, Time:200.0, } item FreshTCanna { Weight = 0.3, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Fresh Trimmed Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = FreshTCanna, } item DryUnCanna { Weight = 0.4, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Dry Untrimmed Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = DryUnCanna, } recipe Trim Dry Cannabis { DryUnCanna, keep Scissors, Result:DryTCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, OnCreate:TrimDry, Category:GreenFireFarming, Time:200.0, } item DryTCanna { Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Dry Trimmed Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = DryTCanna, } item FreshCannabisFanLeaf { Weight = 0.02, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Fresh Cannabis Fan Leaf, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = FreshCannabisFanLeaf, } item DryCannabisFanLeaf { Weight = 0.01, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Dry Cannabis Fan Leaf, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = DryCannabisFanLeaf, } item FreshCannabisSugarLeaf { Weight = 0.02, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Fresh Cannabis Sugar Leaf, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = FreshCannabisSugarLeaf, } item DryCannabisSugarLeaf { Weight = 0.01, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Dry Cannabis Sugar Leaf, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = DryCannabisSugarLeaf, } recipe Crush Sugar Leaf { DryCannabisSugarLeaf=2, Result:CannabisShake, Category:GreenFireFarming, Time:30.0, } recipe Grind Sugar leaf { DryCannabisSugarLeaf=2, keep GFGrinder, Result:CannabisShake, OnCreate:Grind_Leaf, Category:GreenFireFarming, Time:10.0, } item UnCannaJar { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Prepare Cannabis Curing Jar { EmptyJar, JarLid, DryTCanna, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } item CannaJar { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Open Jar of Cannabis { CannaJar, Result:Cannabis=5, OnCreate:OpenCannaJar, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } item UnCannaJar2 { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Prepare Half Full Cannabis Curing Jar { EmptyJar, JarLid, DryTCanna=2, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar2, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } recipe Add Cannabis to Curing Jar { UnCannaJar, DryTCanna, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar2, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } item CannaJar2 { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Open Half Full Jar of Cannabis { CannaJar2, Result:Cannabis=10, OnCreate:OpenCannaJar, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } item UnCannaJar3 { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Prepare Nearly Full Cannabis Curing Jar { EmptyJar, JarLid, DryTCanna=3, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar3, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } recipe Add More Cannabis to Curing Jar { UnCannaJar2, DryTCanna, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar3, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } recipe Add Two More Cannabis to Curing Jar { UnCannaJar, DryTCanna=2, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar3, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } item CannaJar3 { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Open Nearly Full Jar of Cannabis { CannaJar3, Result:Cannabis=15, OnCreate:OpenCannaJar, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } item UnCannaJar4 { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Prepare Full Cannabis Curing Jar { EmptyJar, JarLid, DryTCanna=4, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar4, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } recipe Fill Cannabis Curing Jar { UnCannaJar3, DryTCanna, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar4, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } recipe Add Three More Cannabis to Curing Jar { UnCannaJar, DryTCanna=3, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar4, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } recipe Add Two Cannabis to Half Full Curing Jar { UnCannaJar2, DryTCanna=2, keep Scissors, Result:UnCannaJar4, OnCreate:JarCanna, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireCuring, Time:120.0, } item CannaJar4 { Weight = 0.6, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Jar of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaJar, WorldStaticModel = JarCannabis, } recipe Open Full Jar of Cannabis { CannaJar4, Result:Cannabis=20, OnCreate:OpenCannaJar, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } item Cannabis { HungerChange = 0, Count = 3, Weight = 0.001, Type = Food, DisplayName = Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannabisBase, WorldStaticModel = Cannabis, } recipe Pack Cannabis into Bag { Cannabis=27, Result:OzCannabis, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } recipe Unpack Cannabis { OzCannabis, Result:Cannabis=9, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } item OzCannabis { Weight = 0.027, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Bag of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = OzCannabis, WorldStaticModel = OzCannabis, } recipe Pack Bags of Cannabis into Kilo { OzCannabis=37, Result:KgCannabis, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } recipe Unpack Kilo of Cannabis { KgCannabis, Result:OzCannabis=37, Category:GreenFire, Time:15.0, } item KgCannabis { Weight = 1.0, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Kilo of Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = KgCannabis, WorldStaticModel = KgCannabis, } item CannabisShake { Weight = 0.0009, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Cannabis Shake, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannabisShake, WorldStaticModel = GFShake, } item Joint { BoredomChange = -5, UnhappyChange = -5, StressChange = -5, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Joint, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Joint, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Joint, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Joint_Ground, } item HalfJoint { BoredomChange = -5, UnhappyChange = -5, StressChange = -5, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Joint, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfJoint, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfJoint, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfJoint_Ground, } item KiefJoint { BoredomChange = -15, UnhappyChange = -15, StressChange = -15, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Kief Joint, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Joint, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Joint, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Joint_Ground, } item HalfKiefJoint { BoredomChange = -15, UnhappyChange = -15, StressChange = -15, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Kief Joint, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfJoint, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfJoint, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfJoint_Ground, } item HashJoint { BoredomChange = -25, UnhappyChange = -25, StressChange = -25, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Hashish Joint, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Joint, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Joint, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Joint_Ground, } item HalfHashJoint { BoredomChange = -25, UnhappyChange = -25, StressChange = -25, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Hashish Joint, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfJoint, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfJoint, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfJoint_Ground, } item WeedPipe { Weight = 0.1, Type = Food, DisplayName = Smoking Pipe filled with Cannabis, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = SmokingPipe, BoredomChange = -10, UnhappyChange = -10, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, StressChange = -10, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, ReplaceOnUse = SmokingPipe, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, } item ShakePipe { Weight = 0.1, Type = Food, DisplayName = Smoking Pipe filled with Cannabis Shake, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = SmokingPipe, BoredomChange = -10, UnhappyChange = -10, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, StressChange = -10, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, ReplaceOnUse = SmokingPipe, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, } item KiefPipe { Weight = 0.1, Type = Food, DisplayName = Smoking Pipe filled with Kief, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = SmokingPipe, BoredomChange = -20, UnhappyChange = -20, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, StressChange = -20, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, ReplaceOnUse = SmokingPipe, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, } item HashPipe { Weight = 0.1, Type = Food, DisplayName = Smoking Pipe filled with Hashish, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = SmokingPipe, BoredomChange = -40, UnhappyChange = -40, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, StressChange = -40, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Cannabis, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, ReplaceOnUse = SmokingPipe, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, } item Kief { Weight = 0.01, Type = Drainable, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, UseDelta = 0.05, DisplayName = Kief, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Kief, WorldStaticModel = GFKief, } recipe Sift Shake { CannabisShake=40, keep SilkScreen, Result:Kief, Sound:PutItemInBag, OnCreate:SiftShake, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item Hashish { Weight = 0.01, Type = Drainable, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, UseDelta = 0.1, DisplayName = Hashish, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Hashish, cantBeConsolided = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = GFHashish, } recipe Press Kief { Kief=20, keep HashPress, Sound:PutItemInBag, Result:Hashish, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item UncuredCannaCigar { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaCigar, Weight = 0.01, WorldStaticModel = GFUnCannaCigar_Ground, } item CannaCigar { BoredomChange = -30, UnhappyChange = -30, StressChange = -30, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFCannaCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFCannaCigar_Ground, } item HalfCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -30, UnhappyChange = -30, StressChange = -30, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFHalfCannaCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFHalfCannaCigar_Ground, } recipe Roll Cannabis Cigar { CannabisShake=4, FreshCannabisFanLeaf=2, FreshCannabisSugarLeaf=4, Result:UncuredCannaCigar, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireFarming, OnCreate:RollCigar, Time:100.0, } item UncuredPreCannaCigar { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Premium Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = PreCannaCigar, Weight = 0.01, WorldStaticModel = GFUnCannaCigar_Ground, } item PreCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -40, UnhappyChange = -40, StressChange = -40, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Premium Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = PreCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFPreCannaCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFPreCannaCigar_Ground, } item HalfPreCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -40, UnhappyChange = -40, StressChange = -40, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Premium Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfPreCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFHalfPreCCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFHalfPreCCigar_Ground, } recipe Roll Premium Cannabis Cigar { CannabisShake=4, Kief=1, FreshCannabisFanLeaf=2, FreshCannabisSugarLeaf=4, Result:UncuredPreCannaCigar, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireFarming, OnCreate:RollCigar, Time:100.0, } item UncuredDelCannaCigar { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Deluxe Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = DeluxCannaCigar, Weight = 0.01, WorldStaticModel = GFUnCannaCigar_Ground, } item DelCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -50, UnhappyChange = -50, StressChange = -50, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Deluxe Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = DeluxCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFDeCannaCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFDeCannaCigar_Ground, } item HalfDelCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -50, UnhappyChange = -50, StressChange = -50, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Deluxe Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfDeluxCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFHalfDeCCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFHalfDeCCigar_Ground, } recipe Roll Deluxe Cannabis Cigar { CannabisShake=4, Hashish=1, FreshCannabisFanLeaf=2, FreshCannabisSugarLeaf=4, Result:UncuredDelCannaCigar, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireFarming, OnCreate:RollCigar, Time:100.0, } item UncuredResCannaCigar { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Uncured Reserve Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = ResCannaCigar, Weight = 0.01, WorldStaticModel = GFUnCannaCigar_Ground, } item ResCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -60, UnhappyChange = -60, StressChange = -60, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Reserve Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = ResCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFResCannaCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFResCannaCigar_Ground, } item HalfResCannaCigar { BoredomChange = -60, UnhappyChange = -60, StressChange = -60, Weight = 0.01, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Reserve Cannabis Cigar, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfResCannaCigar, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_CannaCigar, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = GFHalfResCCigar, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = GFHalfResCCigar_Ground, } recipe Roll Reserve Cannabis Cigar { CannabisShake=4, Hashish=1, Kief=1, FreshCannabisFanLeaf=2, FreshCannabisSugarLeaf=4, Result:UncuredResCannaCigar, NeedToBeLearn:true, Category:GreenFireFarming, OnCreate:RollCigar, Time:100.0, } item CannabisSeed { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Cannabis Seeds, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = TZ_LRRadishSeeds, Weight = 0.0003, WorldStaticModel = Seeds_Ground, } item CannabisBagSeed { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Cannabis Seeds Packet, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = SeedpackCannabis, Tooltip = Tooltip_LearnSow, SurvivalGear = TRUE, Weight = 0.1, WorldStaticModel = CannaSeedBag, } recipe Tear Cannabis { Cannabis, Result:CannabisShake, OnCreate:MakeShake, Category:GreenFire, OnTest:Check_noHydrocraft, Time:120.0, } recipe Cut Cannabis { Cannabis, keep Scissors, Result:CannabisShake, OnTest:Check_noHydrocraft, Category:GreenFire, OnCreate:MakeShake, Time:60.0, } recipe Grind Cannabis { Cannabis, keep GFGrinder, Result:CannabisShake, OnTest:Check_noHydrocraft, OnCreate:Grind_Cannabis, Category:GreenFire, Time:30.0 } recipe Fill Smoking Pipe with Cannabis { SmokingPipe, Cannabis, Result:WeedPipe, Category:GreenFire, OnTest:Check_noHydrocraft, Time:60.0, } recipe Unload Cannabis from Smoking Pipe { destroy WeedPipe, Result:SmokingPipe, Category:GreenFire, Time:30.0, OnCreate:DumpW_OnCreate, } recipe Fill Smoking Pipe with Cannabis Shake { SmokingPipe, CannabisShake, Result:ShakePipe, Category:GreenFire, Time:60.0, } recipe Unload Cannabis Shake from Smoking Pipe { destroy ShakePipe, Result:CannabisShake, Category:GreenFire, Time:30.0, OnCreate:DumpPipe_OnCreate, } recipe Fill Smoking Pipe with Kief { SmokingPipe, Kief=1, Result:KiefPipe, Category:GreenFire, Time:60.0, } recipe Unload Kief from Smoking Pipe { destroy KiefPipe, Result:Kief, Category:GreenFire, Time:30.0, OnCreate:DumpPipe_OnCreate, } recipe Fill Smoking Pipe with Hashish { SmokingPipe, Hashish=1, Result:HashPipe, Category:GreenFire, Time:60.0, } recipe Unload Hashish from Smoking Pipe { destroy HashPipe, Result:Hashish, Category:GreenFire, Time:30.0, OnCreate:DumpPipe_OnCreate, } recipe Open Packet of Cannabis Seeds { CannabisBagSeed, Result:CannabisSeed=18, Category:GreenFire, Time:20.0, Category:GreenFireFarming, } recipe Put Cannabis Seeds in Packet { CannabisSeed=18, Result:CannabisBagSeed, Category:GreenFire, Time:10.0, Category:GreenFireFarming, } recipe Roll Joint { CannabisShake, RollingPapers=1, Result:Joint, Category:GreenFire, Time:60.0, } recipe Roll Kief Joint { CannabisShake, Kief=1, RollingPapers=1, Result:KiefJoint, Category:GreenFire, Time:60.0, } recipe Roll Hashish Joint { CannabisShake, Hashish=1, RollingPapers=1, Result:HashJoint, Category:GreenFire, Time:60.0, } recipe Break Joint { Joint, Result:CannabisShake=1, Category:GreenFire, Time:20.0, } }