module Greenfire { imports { Base } item GFSuspect1 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, DisplayName = Suspicious Object, Icon = GFSuspect1, } recipe Investigate Object { GFSuspect1, Result:Cannabis, RemoveResultItem:true, OnCreate:RevealSuspectItem, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item GFGrinder { Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Weed Grinder, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = GFGrinder, WorldStaticModel = GFGrinder, } item HashPress { Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Hashish Press, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HashPress, WorldStaticModel = GFHashPress, } recipe Build Hashish Press { MetalPipe, MetalBar, SmallSheetMetal=1, BlowTorch=1, keep WeldingMask, Result:HashPress, OnGiveXP:Give25MWXP, Category:GreenFire, NeedToBeLearn:true, SkillRequired:MetalWelding=1, Time:250.0, } item CannaMag1 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = The Mary Journal: The Farming Issue, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaMag1, TeachedRecipes = Make Fly Cure;Make Fly Cure from Cigar Leaf;Trim Fresh Cannabis;Trim Dry Cannabis;Roll Cannabis Cigar;Roll Premium Cannabis Cigar;Roll Deluxe Cannabis Cigar;Roll Reserve Cannabis Cigar;Prepare Cannabis Curing Jar;Prepare Half Full Cannabis Curing Jar;Add Cannabis to Curing Jar;Prepare Nearly Full Cannabis Curing Jar;Add More Cannabis to Curing Jar;Add Two More Cannabis to Curing Jar;Prepare Full Cannabis Curing Jar;Fill Cannabis Curing Jar;Add Three More Cannabis to Curing Jar;Add Two Cannabis to Half Full Curing Jar, ReplaceOnUse = CannaMag1, WorldStaticModel = MJMag1, StaticModel = Magazine, } item CannaMag2 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = The Mary Journal: The Cooking Issue, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaMag2, TeachedRecipes = Make Nice Crispiez Mix;Make Nice Crispiez;Make Nice Crispiez from individual Marshmallows;Make Special Brownies;Make CannaButter;Make CannaButter with Shake;Make CannaButter with Kief;Make CannaButter with Hashish, ReplaceOnUse = CannaMag2, WorldStaticModel = MJMag2, StaticModel = Magazine, } item CannaMag3 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = The Mary Journal: The Hashish Issue, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = CannaMag3, TeachedRecipes = Sift Shake;Build Hashish Press, ReplaceOnUse = CannaMag3, WorldStaticModel = MJMag3, StaticModel = Magazine, } item AficMag1 { Weight = 0.1, Type = Literature, DisplayName = Aficionado Magazine, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = AficMag, TeachedRecipes = Roll Cigar;Roll Cannabis Cigar;Roll Premium Cannabis Cigar;Roll Deluxe Cannabis Cigar;Roll Reserve Cannabis Cigar;Make Blunt Wrap, ReplaceOnUse = AficMag1, WorldStaticModel = AficMag, StaticModel = Magazine, } item SilkScreen { Weight = 0.7, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Silkscreen, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Silkscreen, WorldStaticModel = GFSilkscreen, } recipe Build Silkscreen { Plank, RollNylon, Nails=8, keep Hammer/HammerStone, keep Saw, Sound:Hammering, Category:GreenFire, SkillRequired:Woodwork=1, OnGiveXP:NoXP_OnGiveXP, Result:SilkScreen, OnTest:Check_Build40, Time:120.0, } item RollNylon { Weight = 0.3, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Roll of Nylon Mesh, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = RollNylon, } item SmokingPipe { Weight = 0.1, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Smoking Pipe, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = SmokingPipe, } item RollingPapers { Weight = 0.1, Type = Drainable, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, UseDelta = 0.025, DisplayName = Rolling Papers, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = RollingPapers, cantBeConsolided = TRUE, WorldStaticModel = GFRollingPapers, } }