module Greenfire { imports { Base } item Blunt { BoredomChange = -10, UnhappyChange = -10, StressChange = -13, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Blunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Blunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Blunt_Ground, } recipe Roll Blunt { CannabisShake=2, BluntWrap, Result:Blunt, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } recipe Break Blunt { Blunt, Result:CannabisShake=2, Category:GreenFire, OnCreate:BreakBlunt, Time:15.0, } recipe Open Blunt { Blunt, keep KitchenKnife/HuntingKnife/Scissors, Result:CannabisShake=2, Category:GreenFire, OnCreate:OpenBlunt, Time:20.0 } item HalfBlunt { BoredomChange = -10, UnhappyChange = -10, StressChange = -12, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfBlunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfBlunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfBlunt_Ground, } item MixedBlunt { BoredomChange = -5, UnhappyChange = -5, StressChange = -8, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Mixed Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = MixedBlunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Blunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Blunt_Ground, } recipe Roll Mixed Blunt { CannabisShake, Tobacco, BluntWrap, Result:MixedBlunt, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item HalfMixedBlunt { BoredomChange = -5, UnhappyChange = -5, StressChange = -7, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Mixed Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfBlunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfBlunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfBlunt_Ground, } item KiefBlunt { BoredomChange = -20, UnhappyChange = -20, StressChange = -23, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Kief Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Blunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Blunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Blunt_Ground, } recipe Roll Kief Blunt { CannabisShake=2, Kief=1, BluntWrap, Result:KiefBlunt, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item HalfKiefBlunt { BoredomChange = -20, UnhappyChange = -20, StressChange = -22, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Kief Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfBlunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfBlunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfBlunt_Ground, } item HashBlunt { BoredomChange = -30, UnhappyChange = -30, StressChange = -33, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Hashish Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Blunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Blunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Blunt_Ground, } recipe Roll Hashish Blunt { CannabisShake=2, Hashish=1, BluntWrap, Result:HashBlunt, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item HalfHashBlunt { BoredomChange = -30, UnhappyChange = -30, StressChange = -32, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Hashish Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfBlunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfBlunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfBlunt_Ground, } item SpaceBlunt { BoredomChange = -50, UnhappyChange = -50, StressChange = -53, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Space Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Blunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Blunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Blunt_Ground, } recipe Roll Space Blunt { CannabisShake=2, Hashish=1, Kief=1, BluntWrap, Result:SpaceBlunt, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } item HalfSpaceBlunt { BoredomChange = -50, UnhappyChange = -50, StressChange = -52, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Half of a Space Blunt, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = HalfBlunt, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnSmoke_Blunt, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = HalfBlunt, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = HalfBlunt_Ground, } item Spliff { BoredomChange = -5, UnhappyChange = -5, StressChange = -7, Weight = 0.001, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Spliff, DisplayCategory = GreenFireItem, Icon = Spliff, Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnEat_Spliff, CustomEatSound = GF_LightUp, StaticModel = Spliff, EatType = Cigarettes, WorldStaticModel = Spliff_Ground, } recipe Roll Spliff { CannabisShake, Tobacco, RollingPapers=2, Result:Spliff=2, Category:GreenFire, Time:120.0, } }