IG_UI_EN = { IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerWaterSmall = "M149 Water Trailer", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerWaterBig = "Water Trailer", IGUI_VehiclePartCatwatertank = "Water Tank", IGUI_VehiclePart1500WaterTank = "Cistern", IGUI_VehiclePart3000WaterTank = "Cistern", IGUI_VehiclePart5000WaterTank = "Cistern", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfo1500WaterTank = "Stores water. Low condition water tanks have less container capacity and may leak." IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfo3000WaterTank = "Stores water. Low condition water tanks have less container capacity and may leak." IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfo5000WaterTank = "Stores water. Low condition water tanks have less container capacity and may leak." IGUI_VehiclePartTrunkRight = "Trunk Right", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoTrunkRight = "Damaged and mishapen trunks have less storage capacity.", IGUI_VehiclePartTrunkDoorRight = "Trunk Right Lid", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoTrunkDoorRight = "A damaged trunk lid may result in objects falling from your vehicle.", IGUI_VehiclePartTrunkLeft = "Trunk Left", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoTrunkLeft = "Damaged and mishapen trunks have less storage capacity.", IGUI_VehiclePartTrunkDoorLeft = "Trunk Left Lid", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoTrunkDoorLeft = "A damaged trunk lid may result in objects falling from your vehicle.", IGUI_VehiclePartWaterTankLid = "Tank Lid", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoWaterTankLid = "An open or damaged tank lid may result in rain water falling into the tank.", IGUI_VehiclePartWaterTankPump = "Pump", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoWaterTankPump = "A damaged pump will decrease its effectiveness and result in longer filling times.", IGUI_VehiclePartWaterTankFilter = "Filter", IGUI_Vehicle_CondInfoWaterTankFilter = "Tapped water will run through the filter and become safe to drink.", }