IGUI_EN = { /************ Tuning 2.0 ************/ IGUI_InfoPanel_Tuning = " Vehicle modification panel Or tuning panel. Here you see a list of available recipes for modifying your vehicle. Normally, all available recipes are always shown in this panel, but there are also recipes that do not appear here unless you fulfil some conditions. Conditions can be: you have a skill, a certain item is available, you have reached the required character level. Resources in your inventory are used to create items. In addition, the character takes resources from nearby containers - including from the floor. At this point, parts installed through the tuning menu cannot be repaired without removal, and most parts will be disassembled into parts when removed.", IGUI_TuningCategory_General = "General", IGUI_TuningCategory_Installed = "Installed", IGUI_TuningCategory_ProtectionWindow = "Window Protection", IGUI_TuningCategory_Bullbars = "Bullbars", IGUI_TuningCategory_Bags = "Bags", IGUI_TuningCategory_Another = "Another", IGUI_TuningCategory_Trunks = "Trunks", IGUI_TuningCategory_Protection = "Protection", IGUI_TuningCategory_Storage = "Storage", IGUI_TuningCategory_Bumpers = "Bumpers", IGUI_TuningCategory_Visual = "Decor", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar = "Bullbar", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar_Police = "Police Bullbar", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar_Handmade = "Handmade Bullbar", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar_Plow = "Bullbar With Plow", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar_Lethal = "Lethal Bullbar", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar_Enhanced = "Improved Bullbar", IGUI_ATA2_Bullbar_Spiked_Plough = "Spiked Plough", IGUI_ATA2_Bumper = "Bumper", IGUI_ATA2_Bumper_Classic = "Classic Bumper", IGUI_ATA2_Bumper_Rear_Classic = "Classic Rear Bumper", IGUI_ATA2_Bumper_Rear_Handmade = "Handmade Rear Bumper", IGUI_ATA2_Bumper_Winch = "Winch Bumper", IGUI_ATA2_Bumper_Lethal = "Lethal Bumper", IGUI_ATA2_Spoiler = "Spoiler", IGUI_ATA2_Spoiler_Low = "Low Spoiler", IGUI_ATA2_Spoiler_Middle = "Middle Spoiler", IGUI_ATA2_Spoiler_High = "High Spoiler", IGUI_ATA2_Caption_People_Inside = "Hood Protection 'People Inside'", IGUI_TuningUI_Title = "Vehicle modifications", IGUI_TuningUI_NeedBeEmpty = "Must be empty", IGUI_TuningUI_Install = "Install", IGUI_TuningUI_Uninstall = "Uninstall", IGUI_TuningUI_AlreadyInstall = "Similar item has already been installed", IGUI_TuningUI_NotInstall = "Not installed. I think someone cheated", IGUI_TuningUI_RequiredItems = "Items used:", IGUI_TuningUI_RequiredTools = "Tools required:", IGUI_TuningUI_Result = "Result:", IGUI_TuningUI_RequiredInstalled = "Must be installed:", IGUI_TuningUI_RequiredUninstalled = "Must be removed:", IGUI_TuningUI_ProtectionFor = "Protection:", IGUI_TuningUI_Condition = "Condition:", IGUI_TuningUI_NotLearn = "Don't know the recipe", IGUI_PlayerText_ATA_Engine = "I can't get to the engine.
I need to remove the bullbar first", IGUI_CraftCategory_Tuning = "Tuning", IGUI_VehiclePartCattuning = "Tuning", IGUI_VehiclePartCatprotection = "Protection", IGUI_ExitVehicleTent = "Exit Tent", /* template_ata_6wheels.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartTireMiddleRight = "Rear Right Tire", IGUI_VehiclePartTireMiddleLeft = "Rear Left Tire", IGUI_VehiclePartSuspensionMiddleLeft = "Rear Left Suspension", IGUI_VehiclePartSuspensionMiddleRight = "Rear Right Suspension", IGUI_VehiclePartBrakeMiddleLeft = "Rear Left Brake", IGUI_VehiclePartBrakeMiddleRight = "Rear Right Brake", /* template_ata_bags.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATABagOnProtectionWindowFrontLeft = "Bag on protection (left)", IGUI_VehiclePartATABagOnProtectionWindowFrontRight = "Bag on protection (right)", IGUI_VehiclePartATABagMotoLeft = "Moto Bag Left", IGUI_VehiclePartATABagMotoRight = "Moto Bag Right", IGUI_VehiclePartATABagMotoHolsterLeft = "Moto Holster Left", IGUI_VehiclePartATABagMotoHolsterRight = "Moto Holster Right", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2BagOnProtectionWindowFrontLeft = "Bag on protection (left)", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2BagOnProtectionWindowFrontRight = "Bag on protection (right)", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2BagMotoLeft = "Moto Bag Left", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2BagMotoRight = "Moto Bag Right", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2BagMotoHolsterLeft = "Moto Holster Left", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2BagMotoHolsterRight = "Moto Holster Right", /* template_ata_bampers.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATABumper = "Bumper", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2Bumper = "Bumper", /* template_ata_bullbars.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATA2Bullbar = "Bullbar", IGUI_VehiclePartATABullbar = "Bullbar", /* template_ata_headlights.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATA2HeadlightsPopUP = "Headlights Pop-Up", IGUI_VehiclePartATAHeadlightsPopUP = "Headlights Pop-Up", /* template_ata_interactive_trunk.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofBase = "Roof rails", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2InteractiveTrunkRoofRack = "Roof rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2InteractiveTrunkWheelRack = "Spare wheel rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2InteractiveTrunkWindowRearRack = "Rear window rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2InteractiveTrunkFront = "Front Trunk", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2InteractiveTrunkRear = "Rear Trunk", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofBase = "Roof Rails", IGUI_VehiclePartATAInteractiveTrunkRoofRack = "Roof Rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATAInteractiveTrunkWheelRack = "Spare Wheel Rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATAInteractiveTrunkWindowRearRack = "Rear Window Rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATAInteractiveTrunkFront = "Front Trunk", IGUI_VehiclePartATAInteractiveTrunkRear = "Rear Trunk", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofRackToolbox = "Roof Toolbox", /* template_ata_lightbar.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATA2LightBar = "Lightbar", IGUI_VehiclePartATALightBar = "Lightbar", /* template_ata_moto_fake_wheels.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATAMotoTireFrontWheel = "Front Wheel", IGUI_VehiclePartATAMotoTireRearWheel = "Rear Wheel", /* template_ata_protection.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWheels = "Wheels Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWheelsFront = "Front Wheels Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWheelsRear = "Rear Wheels Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionFrontWheels = "Front Wheels Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionRearWheels = "Rear Wheels Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionFrontLeftWheel = "Front Left Wheel Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionFrontRightWheel = "Front Right Wheel Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionRearLeftWheel = "Rear Left Wheel Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionRearRightWheel = "Rear Right Wheel Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorFrontLeft = "Front left door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorFrontRight = "Front right door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorMiddleLeft = "Middle left door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorMiddleRight = "Middle right door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorRearLeft = "Rear left door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorRearRight = "Rear right door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionDoorsRear = "Rear door protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindshield = "Windshield Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindshieldRear = "Rear Windshield Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowsLeft = "Left window protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowsRight = "Right window protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowRear = "Rear window Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowFrontLeft = "Window Front Left Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowFrontRight = "Window Front Right Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowMiddleLeft = "Window Middle Left Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowMiddleRight = "Window Middle Right Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowRearLeft = "Window Rear Left Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionWindowRearRight = "Window Rear Right Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionSideLeft = "Left Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionSideRight = "Right Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionSideFront = "Front Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionSideTop = "Top Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionSleeper = "Sleeper Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionGasTank = "Gastank Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionHood = "Hood Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2ProtectionTrunk = "Trunk Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWheels = "Protection for wheels", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWheelsFront = "Protection for front wheels", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWheelsRear = "Protection for rear wheels", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionFrontWheels = "Protection for front wheels", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionRearWheels = "Protection for rear wheels", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowFront = "Protection for windshield", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowRear = "Protection for rear window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowFrontLeft = "Protection for front left window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowFrontRight = "Protection for front right window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowMiddleLeft = "Protection for middle left window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowMiddleRight = "Protection for middle right window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowRearLeft = "Protection for rear left window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionWindowRearRight = "Protection for rear right window", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionSideLeft = "Left Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionSideRight = "Right Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionSideFront = "Front Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionSideRoof = "Top Protection", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionSleeper = "Protection for sleeper", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionGasTank = "Protection for gastank", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionHood = "Protection for hood", IGUI_VehiclePartATAProtectionTrunk = "Protection for trunk", /* template_ata_roof_lights.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLightFront = "Roof lights (front)", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLightLeft = "Roof lights (left)", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLightRight = "Roof lights (right)", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLightRear = "Roof lights (rear)", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLampFront = "Bulb for Front roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLampLeft = "Bulb for Left roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLampRight = "Bulb for Right roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofLampRear = "Bulb for Rear roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLightFront = "Roof lights (front)", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLightLeft = "Roof lights (left)", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLightRight = "Roof lights (right)", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLightRear = "Roof lights (rear)", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLampFront = "Bulb for Front roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLampLeft = "Bulb for Left roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLampRight = "Bulb for Right roof lights", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofLampRear = "Bulb for Rear roof lights", /* template_ata_roof_tent.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofTent = "Roof tent", IGUI_PlayerText_ATA_TentDontOpen = "Tent must be empty", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2RoofTent = "Roof tent", /* template_ata_spare_wheel.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATASpareWheel = "Spare Wheel", /* template_ata_visual.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartATA2VisualLadder = "Ladder", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2VisualSpoilerFront = "Spoiler Lip", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2VisualSpoilerRear = "Spoiler", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2VisualSkirtsSide = "Side Skirts", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2VisualFendersWide = "Wide Fenders", IGUI_VehiclePartATA2VisualSnorkel = "Snorkel", IGUI_VehiclePartATAVisualLadder = "Ladder", IGUI_VehiclePartATAVisualSpoilerFront = "Spoiler Lip", IGUI_VehiclePartATAVisualSpoilerRear = "Spoiler", IGUI_VehiclePartATAVisualSkirtsSide = "Side Skirts", IGUI_VehiclePartATAVisualFendersWide = "Wide Fenders", IGUI_VehiclePartATAVisualSnorkel = "Snorkel", /* template_freeplace.txt */ IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace1FrontLeft = "Free space (FL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace2FrontLeft = "Free space (FL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace3FrontLeft = "Free space (FL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace1FrontRight = "Free space (FR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace2FrontRight = "Free space (FR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace3FrontRight = "Free space (FR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace1MiddleLeft = "Free space (ML)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace2MiddleLeft = "Free space (ML)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace3MiddleLeft = "Free space (ML)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace1MiddleRight = "Free space (MR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace2MiddleRight = "Free space (MR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace3MiddleRight = "Free space (MR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace1RearLeft = "Free space (RL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace2RearLeft = "Free space (RL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace3RearLeft = "Free space (RL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace1RearRight = "Free space (RR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace2RearRight = "Free space (RR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreeplace3RearRight = "Free space (RR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreestorageFrontLeft = "Free space (FL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreestorageFrontRight = "Free space (FR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreestorageMiddleLeft = "Free space (ML)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreestorageMiddleRight = "Free space (MR)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreestorageRearLeft = "Free space (RL)", IGUI_VehiclePartFreestorageRearRight = "Free space (RR)", IGUI_VehiclePartfloor = "Free space", /* ATA */ IGUI_CloseHeadlightsPopUP = "Down Headlights", IGUI_OpenHeadlightsPopUP = "Up Headlights", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_cant_vehicle_smash_window = "I can't break a window as long as it's protected.", IGUI_ItemCat_Tuning = "Tuning", /************ Aquatsar Yacht Club ************/ IGUI_VehicleNameBoatSailingYacht = "Sailing yacht", IGUI_VehicleNameBoatSailingYacht_Ground = "Sailing yacht", IGUI_VehicleNameBoatMotor = "Powerboat", IGUI_VehicleNameBoatMotor_Ground = "Powerboat", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerWithBoatSailingYacht = "Autotsar BT-13M", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerWithBoatMotor = "Autotsar BT-13M", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerForBoat = "Autotsar BT-13M", IGUI_VehiclePartPropeller = "Boat propeller", IGUI_VehiclePartCatHouseholdSystem = "Household System", IGUI_VehiclePartCatMechanicalSystem = "Mechanical System", IGUI_VehiclePartCatElecticalSystem = "Electical System", IGUI_VehiclePartCatBoatBody = "Boat Body", IGUI_VehiclePartLightFloodlightLeft = "Spotlights left", IGUI_VehiclePartLightFloodlightRight = "Spotlights right", IGUI_VehiclePartLightCabin = "Cockpit light", IGUI_VehiclePartManualStarter = "Recoil starter", IGUI_VehiclePartSails = "Sails", IGUI_VehiclePartBoatName = "Boat name", IGUI_RenameBoat = "Rename boat", IGUI_ExitBoat = "Get off the boat", IGUI_EnterBoat = "Board the boat", IGUI_SailLeft = "Sail to the left", IGUI_SailRight = "Sail to the right", IGUI_PlayerText_CanNotSwim = "I can't swim", IGUI_PlayerText_CabinlightDoNotWork = "It looks like the light isn't working", IGUI_PlayerText_FloodlightsDoNotWork = "Spotlights don't work", IGUI_PlayerText_PontoonNeeded = "Pontoon is needed here", IGUI_PlayerText_CanNotSleepInMovingBoat = "I need to slow down the boat", IGUI_PlayerText_NoPower = "There is no power.", IGUI_PlayerText_CabinIsLocked = "Cabin door is locked", IGUI_PlayerText_BoatSeatBlock = "Can't get inside", IGUI_SwitchPlace = "Go to..", IGUI_BoatSeat_Self = "You are already here", IGUI_BoatSeat_Person = "There is a man standing here", IGUI_BoatSeat_Items = "There are objects in the aisle", IGUI_BoatSeat_MoveItems = "Items from aisle will be
moved to another location", IGUI_BoatSeat_ExitToSwitch = "Have to get out of the boat", IGUI_BoatSeat_Uninstalled = "Passage blocked", IGUI_BoatSeatFrontRight = "Sit next to the helmsman", IGUI_BoatSeatFrontLeft = "Sit in the helmsman's seat", IGUI_BoatSeatRearRight = "Go here", IGUI_BoatSeatRearLeft = "Go here", IGUI_BoatSeatMiddleRight = "Go here", IGUI_BoatSeatMiddleLeft = "Go here", IGUI_chance = "Chance", IGUI_EAST = "Восток", IGUI_SOUTH = "East", IGUI_WEST = "West", IGUI_NORTH = "North", IGUI_SwimUI_Title = "Float away", IGUI_playerCanSwim = "You can swim.", IGUI_playerCantSwim = "You can't swim.", IGUI_DropToWater = "Throw in water", IGUI_SwimToPoint = "Swim", IGUI_SwimTo = "Swim to %1", IGUI_SwimToLand = "Swim to the shore", IGUI_Exit_Boat = "Free swimming", IGUI_JumpInWater = "Jump into water", IGUI_SwimWord_Endurance1 = "I'm tired, I need rest", IGUI_SwimWord_Endurance2 = "Nice to take a break", IGUI_SwimWord_Endurance3 = "Better to swim towards the shore", IGUI_SwimWord_Endurance4 = "I will save my strength by swimming more slowly", IGUI_SwimWord_Endurance5 = "...", IGUI_SwimWord_Damage1 = "I'm starting to drown. I need to rest.", IGUI_SwimWord_Damage2 = "Cramp in the leg, I need to go to the shore!", IGUI_SwimWord_Damage3 = "Cramp in the hand, I urgently need to go to the shore!", IGUI_SwimWord_Damage4 = "Stop, man! Give me a break.", IGUI_SwimWord_Damage5 = "Help!!!", IGUI_SwimWord_LostItems1 = "Ah, I lost my things", IGUI_SwimWord_LostItems2 = "I had to get rid of excess cargo", IGUI_SwimWord_LostItems3 = "Some things have gone to the bottom", IGUI_sayWindInfo = "Detect wind direction", IGUI_needBeOutside_tosayWindInfo = "Indoor wind cannot be detected", IGUI_Wind = "The wind is", IGUI_Wind_in = "in the", IGUI_Wind_direction = "direction.", IGUI_Wind_NoWind = "Absolutely calm.", IGUI_Wind_VeryLight = "very light", IGUI_Wind_Light = "light", IGUI_Wind_Medium = "medium", IGUI_Wind_Strong = "strong", IGUI_Wind_VeryStrong = "very strong", IGUI_Wind_Storm = "stormy", IGUI_Wind_N = "north", IGUI_Wind_NW = "northwest", IGUI_Wind_W = "west",dwds IGUI_Wind_SW = "southwest", IGUI_Wind_S = "south", IGUI_Wind_SE = "southeast", IGUI_Wind_E = "east", IGUI_Wind_NE = "northeast", IGUI_RepairSail = "Sew up the sail", IGUI_CantRepairSails = "Fabric, needle, thread and Tailoring level IV required for sailing repair.", /* Common Library */ IGUI_VehiclePartshelves = "Shelves", IGUI_VehiclePartstove = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartOven = "Oven", IGUI_VehiclePartfridge = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartFridge = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartcounter = "Counter", IGUI_VehiclePartCounter = "Counter", IGUI_VehiclePartportablemicrowave = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartmicrowave = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartfreezer = "Freezer", IGUI_VehiclePartwardrobe = "Cupboard", IGUI_VehiclePartmedicine = "Locker", IGUI_VehiclePartsidetable = "Drawer", IGUI_VehiclePartseatboxwooden = "Seat box", IGUI_UseStove = "Use stove", IGUI_UseMicrowave = "Use microwave", IGUI_Turn_Fridge_On = "Turn on fridge", IGUI_Turn_Fridge_Off = "Turn off fridge", IGUI_Turn_Freezer_On = "Turn on freezer", IGUI_Turn_Freezer_Off = "Turn off freezer", IGUI_VehiclePartFridgeFrontLeft = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartFridgeFrontRight = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartFridgeMiddleLeft = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartFridgeMiddleRight = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartFridgeRearLeft = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartFridgeRearRight = "Fridge", IGUI_VehiclePartOvenFrontLeft = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartOvenFrontRight = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartOvenMiddleLeft = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartOvenMiddleRight = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartOvenRearLeft = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartOvenRearRight = "Stove", IGUI_VehiclePartMicrowaveFrontLeft = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartMicrowaveFrontRight = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartMicrowaveMiddleLeft = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartMicrowaveMiddleRight = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartMicrowaveRearLeft = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartMicrowaveRearRight = "Microwave", IGUI_VehiclePartMattressFrontLeft = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartMattressFrontLeft = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartMattressMiddleLeft = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartMattressMiddleRight = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartMattressRearLeft = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartMattressRearRight = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartBatteryHeater = "Heater", IGUI_VehiclePartRoofrack = "Roof Rack", IGUI_VehiclePartTV = "Television", IGUI_VehiclePartMattress = "Mattress", IGUI_VehiclePartGunRack = "Gun Rack", IGUI_VehiclePart500FuelTank = "Fuel Tank", IGUI_VehiclePart1000FuelTank = "Fuel Tank", IGUI_PlayerText_CanNotSleepInMovingCar_Mattress = "Stop the car first
to sleep in the mattress.", IGUI_Sleep_NotTiredEnough_Mattress = "Not tired enough to sleep
in the mattress yet.", IGUI_Turn_Oven_On = "Turn Oven On", IGUI_Turn_Oven_Off = "Turn Oven Off", IGUI_VehiclePartCatBatteryCharger = "Battery Charger", IGUI_VehiclePartBatteryChargerA = "Battery place", IGUI_VehiclePartBatteryChargerB = "Battery place", IGUI_VehiclePartBatteryChargerC = "Battery place", /************ Autotsar Motorclub ************/ IGUI_VehicleNameAMC_bmw_classic = "BWM R80/7 Classic", IGUI_VehicleNameAMC_bmw_custom = "BWM R80/7 Custom", IGUI_VehicleNameAMC_harley = "Xarley-Davitsan Sportstep '86", IGUI_VehicleNameAMC_quad = "Suvzuki Quadruiner", IGUI_VehicleNameAMC_Waverunner = "Yamama Waveruiner 650TL", IGUI_VehicleNameAMC_Waverunner_Ground = "Yamama Waveruiner 650TL", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerAMC = "Autotsar Mototrailer-2M", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerAMCWaverunner = "Autotsar Watertrailer-3M", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerAMCWaverunnerWithBody = "Yamama Waveruiner 650TL", /************ Autotsar Trailers ************/ IGUI_VehiclePartCatGenerator = "Generator", IGUI_VehiclePartEarthingOn = "Earthing", IGUI_VehiclePartEarthingOff = "disconnected power cable", /************ True Actions ************/ IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_cant_lie = "It's dangerous to lie down now.", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_cant_sit = "It's dangerous to sit now.", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_need_come_closer = "Need to come closer.", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_bed_away_wall = "It is necessary to clear the passage to the bed.", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_OccupiedPhrases_Sit_1 = "Are you on a coffee break?", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_OccupiedPhrases_Lie_1 = "Why are you lying like this?", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_OccupiedPhrases_2 = "Have a rest? Now it's my turn.", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_OccupiedPhrases_3 = "Give me the place, please.", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_dont_push_1 = "Why are you pushing?", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_dont_push_2 = "Don't push!", IGUI_PlayerText_TRUEA_dont_push_3 = "Let me rest!", /************ True Music ************/ IGUI_media_dragCassette = "Insert cassette", IGUI_media_dragVinyl = "Insert vinyl", IGUI_TC_connect_speaker = "Connect speaker", IGUI_TC_connect_headphones = "Need headphones", IGUI_PlayerText_TC_need_speaker = "The speaker should be next to the turntable.", IGUI_MusicOptionsCar = "Cassette player", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus ************/ IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofRack = "Roof rack", IGUI_VehiclePartATARoofRackToolbox = "Roof toolbox", IGUI_VehiclePartDoorProtection = "Protection for door", IGUI_VehiclePartDoorRearProtection = "Protection for rear door", IGUI_VehiclePartWheelsProtection = "Protection for wheel", IGUI_VehiclePartWindowsFrontProtection = "Protection for windshield", IGUI_VehiclePartWindowsLeftLiteProtection = "Protection for left window", IGUI_VehiclePartWindowsLeftFullProtection = "Protection for left windows", IGUI_VehiclePartWindowsRightProtection = "Protection for right windows", /************ Autotsar Vehicle Names ************/ IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerFirst = "Autotsar GNV 250", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerSecond = "Autotsar GNV 500", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerHome = "Autotsar iLYA-1990", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerHomeHartman = "Autotsar iLYA-1990 «Hartman»", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerHomeExplorer = "Autotsar iLYA-1990 «Explorer»", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerKbac = "Autotsar KBAC", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerGenerator = "Autotsar GENA-220", IGUI_VehicleNameATAArmyBus = "Bear Bus - Army Edition", IGUI_VehicleNameATASchoolBus = "Bear Bus - School Edition", IGUI_VehicleNameATAPrisonBus = "Bear Bus - Prison Edition", IGUI_VehicleNameATABMWe36 = "Bumer 36E", IGUI_VehicleNameATABMWe36M3 = "Bumer 36E M3", IGUI_VehicleNameATAJeepClassic = "Jaap Wrungel Classic", IGUI_VehicleNameATAJeepRubicon = "Jaap Wrungel Rubicon", IGUI_VehicleNameATAJeepArcher = "Jaap Wrungel Archer", IGUI_VehicleNameATADodge = "Dadge Steals RT Twin Turbo", IGUI_VehicleNameATADodgePpg = "Dadge Steals RT Twin Turbo PPG", IGUI_VehicleNameATAPetyarbuilt = "Petyarbuilt 379", IGUI_VehicleNameATAPetyarbuiltSleeper = "Petyarbuilt 379", IGUI_VehicleNameATAPetyarbuiltSleeperLong = "Petyarbuilt 379", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerTSMega = "Autotsar - Mega Trailer", IGUI_VehicleNameATAMustangClassic = "Fjord Mustard", IGUI_VehicleNameATAMustangPolice = "Fjord Mustard", IGUI_VehicleNameATASamaraClassic = "Chevalier Samara", IGUI_VehicleNameATASamaraPolice = "Chevalier Samara", IGUI_VehicleNameATADeLorean = "DMG DoLorean", IGUI_VehicleNameATADatsun240z = "Dadsun 240z", IGUI_VehicleNameATAMustang66 = "Fjord Mustard '66", IGUI_VehicleNameATAMustang66Custom = "Fjord Mustard '66", IGUI_VehicleNameTrailerAHauler = "Autotsar Hauler Trailer", }