Tooltip_EN = { Tooltip_Compact_Appliance = "Can be installed in some vehicles and trailers", Tooltip_item_tuning = "Part for tuning", Tooltip_item_ATATuningMagUniversal = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge. You will learn
to create universal protection for windows, study the drawings of different types of trunks
and understand how to make the car bumper more lethal.", /************ Aquatsar Yacht Club ************/ Tooltip_item_BoatMechanic = "Boat type", Tooltip_BoatDashboard_SpeedValueButton = "Change units of measurement", Tooltip_Boat_LowBattery = "Low battery level", Tooltip_item_BoatMag = "Instructive manual containing diagrams and common maintenance
tasks for popular boat models.", Tooltip_item_SwimMag = "Мagazine about the most effective swimming methods. Interview with the best swimmers in the country.
Reviews of swimming trunks, caps and goggles.", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bus ************/ Tooltip_item_AtTuningMagBus = "In this issue you will learn how to prepare your bus for the zombie apocalypse,
learn how to create protection for windows and wheels, understand how to make
an effective grill and how to make a roomy roof rack.", Tooltip_item_kengur = "You have come up with a new type of bullwhip.
All that's left to do is to study your drawings more closely.", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Jeep ************/ Tooltip_item_AtTuningMagJeep = "After reading this issue you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to create protection, bumpers, roof rails and additional trunks for Jaap Wrungel", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Mustang ************/ /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Samara ************/ Tooltip_item_ATATuningFordMustang = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection, a bullbar and a roof rack for Fjord Mustard", Tooltip_item_ATATuningChevalierSamara = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection, a bullbar and a roof rack for Chevalier Samara", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Dadge Steals RT ************/ Tooltip_item_ATADodgeTuningMag = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection, bullbars and racks for Dadge Steals RT", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Petyarbuilt ************/ Tooltip_item_ATAPetyarbuiltTuningMag = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection for Petyarbuilt 379", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - MolksAgen Luton Van ************/ Tooltip_item_ATATuningMagLuton = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection for MolksAgen Luton Van", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - MolksAgen DeRumba Van ************/ Tooltip_item_ATATuningMagDeRumba = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection for DeRumba Van", /************ True Music ************/ Tooltip_item_Boombox = "Foreign boombox. Doesn't get local radio,
but can play cassettes. Powered by batteries.", Tooltip_item_Vinyl = "It needs electricity and connected speakers to function.", Tooltip_item_Walkman = "The famous player from Sany.", /************ Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Bumer 36E ************/ Tooltip_item_ATABMWe36TuningMag = "After reading this issue, you will get basic tuning knowledge and learn how to
create protection, bullbars and racks for Bumer 36E", }